Preemies as BED BLOCKERS in UK

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I am from Scotland and have a deep interest in the National Health System over there…and the Health System here…and where they are both headed. The news that PREEMIE BABIES are now called BED BLOCKERS should be a “wake up call” to all of us on both sides of the pond. The “Culture of Death” is not just in the Abortion Arena…or in the Euthanasia Agenda…it is everywhere…in the health “care” industry. It is especially prevelant in the “Delivery System” in our hospitals. We have so easily handed over our BIRTH RITES (RIGHTS)…to Medical Interventionists. Most Western Women today would balk at delivering a baby at home… as if God who made the Heavens and the Earth and each one of us…didn’t know what He was doing when he designed the BIRTH PROCESS. Well it has come full circle. We turn our bodies and those of our children over to those who would REMAKE us in Society’s Image and Likeness. They first got women to give up BREAST FEEDING…and substitute a BOTTLE…which caused the ecological breastfeeding effects of spaced births to be lost…requiring exhausted women to use artificial birth control…e.g.condoms or withdrawal. Then came the war…and women had to work outside of the home…and they got used to it… and then came crisis pregnancies and the need for “improved” methods of birth control. Next came the Birth Control League… Hitler read up on Margaret Sanger’s efforts at eugenics… a “Master Race” was not just the idea of one man.
Then came “The Pill” followed by “Choice” and the emotional and physical scars it left on those who believed the lie. STDs, BCPs and Abortions all contribute to premature births in subsequent pregnancies… and now the UK Government has declared these little survivors to be BED BLOCKERS…With Infant Euthanasia an accepted practice in Europe the writing is on the wall. Death begets Death… and they have it more abundantly. Contraception, abortion, euthanasia coupled with homosexual acts are satan’s reaction to the Lord of Life who told us “I lay before you LIFE and DEATH… CHOOSE YE THEREFORE LIFE…THAT YOU AND YOUR DESCENDENTS MAY LIVE… I came that they might have LIFE AND HAVE IT MORE ABUNDANTLY”


Yours for “LIFE” Granny D.
By and large you are preaching to the choir on this forum. I understand the rant and the need to stand in the gap. We truly do need to do what we can to stop the tide of despair, negativity, and death that is encircling our world.

Bed Blocker means that they are taking up space that could be used by others. U.K has a National Health Care System… which is a socialized method of care. It means that everyone who is a citizen and even those who are not… are given Health Care…
Non citizens have to pay back anything that is not emergency care… but there is a limited amount that the Government has to spend on Health Care… and so they have closed some hospitals and there is no incentive for more people to become health care workers…nurses and doctors…as they get a standardized pay. Here in the U.S since it is privatized medicine…doctors can make as much as they set out to make. This shortage of medical professionals and hospitals … has made each bed a valuable commodity. Therefore the Government has decided on this form of “rationing” … deciding who should get to have a hospital bed and the care required… and who should not. These life and death decisions are now based on quality of life… and since a preemie baby might have some disabilities as a result of being born premature…(though this is not the case for most preemies)
it has been decided that their quality of life isn’t high enough to warrent giving them a bed or life saving health care. This is very much like the “useless eater” arguement… someone who takes up space…and food…but doesn’t contribute much in return. It reminds me of Nazi Prison Camps…that had a sign saying …
“Work means Freedom” of course it never did… so now we have
to be in a catagory that is considered valuable in order to be valued. Much like immigrants that have to have skills that are needed, such as technical etc. not just manual labor.

Yours for “LIFE” Granny D
I wish I could remember where I read this, but I do remember reading a few years ago (during the debate over Hillary Clinton’s proposed national health insurance program in this country) that in Great Britain there is already a sort of euthanasia in effect as far as determining who gets medical treatment. Apparently there are guidelines for certain treatments/surgeries/etc where people over a certain age (I think even as low as the 50s) are simply not allowed the opportunity to receive them because they want to save them for younger people. It all comes down to finances–the government can only afford to pay for so much health care, and eventually rationing has to go into effect, and those whose lives are considered more expendable (e.g., the eldery) don’t get the treatment they need. Pretty scary
OK, someone explain to me why Home Births are holy? Shouldnt we put the baby first by maybe perhaps possibly going to an actual hospital and maybe perhaps if you are lucky giving birth there, you know, with professional doctors, and people that know more about these things than yourself?

Id ask you not to be a victim to the ‘good old days syndrome’ 🙂
OK, someone explain to me why Home Births are holy? Shouldnt we put the baby first by maybe perhaps possibly going to an actual hospital and maybe perhaps if you are lucky giving birth there, you know, with professional doctors, and people that know more about these things than yourself?

Id ask you not to be a victim to the ‘good old days syndrome’ 🙂
Sharky -
I guess this is somewhat off topic, but actually the research has shown that for low-risk pregnancies, midwife attended homebirths are as safe as, or even safer than, hospital births. Why would they be safer? Some reasons are that complications can be caused by unneccessary interventions in hospitals, and because of a greater risk of infection in hospitals. I had all three of my children at home, and a major factor in my decision was safety. Trust me, if I had been thinking of myself, I would have gone to a hospital and gotten an epidural!
Some links:
Home Births… is not the same as “just leave me alone…let me do this by myself”… MIDWIVES… are PROFESSIONALS… unlike the Midwives who work only at hospitals…and have to acquiese to DOCTORS and their demands… Homebirthing Midwives are completely INTUNE WITH THE MOTHER AND CHILD…and the MIRACULOUS PROCESS OF BIRTH. If a serious complication were to arise… they have oxygen…and other medical equipment and training to do what they have to do. . and usually there is a hospital…or an ambulance available if it is required. Homebirthing Midwives don’t take on patients that require a c-section…or have a history or medical problems that might require hospitalization… but even in the best situation… things can happen and so they are trained for just such possibilities. The ratio of complications and infant deaths from Homebirths with Midwives… to those of hospital births… shows that the Midwives are safer … much safer. I remind you that the BLESSED VIRGIN MARY WAS A MIDWIFE TO ST.ELIZABETH and OUR LADY was only 15 or 16 years old at that time… so if it was good enough for John the Baptist… I think more people should look into it.

Yours for “LIFE” Granny D
I had a friend go into hospital for a simple…if there is such a thing heart procedure… She did wonderful… was on the phone talking to me… but did mention some problem with the skin on her hand… as it turned out she had gotten one of those “hospital bugs” … from the IV… and she died…from the HOSPITAL INFECTION… A newborn baby is so vulnerable… God has given this child a very safe, sterile environment…(unless the mother smokes…etc)… and now it will be introduced into an environment that is not just like HOME… BUT LIKE THE WORST POSSIBLE SCENARIO… it is a place where EVERY KIND OF SICKNESS is present…where people with communicable diseases come…and stay… and doctors and nurses go from one to the other…and the hospital bugs… don’t stop at labor and delivery because …there are defenseless babies being born in there…so they can’t slip under the door… Plus…the first thing they do at the hospital…is the TAKE THE BABY FROM ITS MOTHER… just when the child needs to be nestled next to her skin…sucking on her breast… hearing her heart beat… smelling her smell…hearing her voice…gazing at her face… which is what would happen if she had given birth at home… no …no…now the little child is put on a scale… washed… cleaned… and usually put under HEAT LIGHTS… to get the temperature up to normal… If the child was allowed next to the mother’s skin…the temperature would work its way to normal… but in a hospital they are treated like fast food… and put under heat lights… then of course there are other interventions… some good…I am all for testing for as many diseases as possible… but that can be done to a homebirthed child… just not right at birth…or shortly thereafter…
MIDWIFERY is a call… like the Priesthood… it is gender specific Yes we are equal…but we are different… and it is a woman’s BIRTH RIGHT… to ASSIST at a birth…and to be ASSISTED at birth… just look at scripture… it all works out. until sin enters in…that is.

Yours for “LIFE” Granny D
i can… write like this… too!.. I choose not… to because I … have passed grade 4… english
Sharkey… you’re telling on yourself…again.

Yours for “LIFE” Granny D
Granny D:
I am from Scotland and have a deep interest in the National Health System over there…and the Health System here…and where they are both headed. The news that PREEMIE BABIES are now called BED BLOCKERS should be a “wake up call” to all of us on both sides of the pond. The “Culture of Death” is not just in the Abortion Arena…or in the Euthanasia Agenda…it is everywhere…in the health “care” industry. It is especially prevelant in the “Delivery System” in our hospitals. We have so easily handed over our BIRTH RITES (RIGHTS)…to Medical Interventionists. Most Western Women today would balk at delivering a baby at home… as if God who made the Heavens and the Earth and each one of us…didn’t know what He was doing when he designed the BIRTH PROCESS. Well it has come full circle. We turn our bodies and those of our children over to those who would REMAKE us in Society’s Image and Likeness. They first got women to give up BREAST FEEDING…and substitute a BOTTLE…which caused the ecological breastfeeding effects of spaced births to be lost…requiring exhausted women to use artificial birth control…e.g.condoms or withdrawal. Then came the war…and women had to work outside of the home…and they got used to it… and then came crisis pregnancies and the need for “improved” methods of birth control. Next came the Birth Control League… Hitler read up on Margaret Sanger’s efforts at eugenics… a “Master Race” was not just the idea of one man.
Then came “The Pill” followed by “Choice” and the emotional and physical scars it left on those who believed the lie. STDs, BCPs and Abortions all contribute to premature births in subsequent pregnancies… and now the UK Government has declared these little survivors to be BED BLOCKERS…With Infant Euthanasia an accepted practice in Europe the writing is on the wall. Death begets Death… and they have it more abundantly. Contraception, abortion, euthanasia coupled with homosexual acts are satan’s reaction to the Lord of Life who told us “I lay before you LIFE and DEATH… CHOOSE YE THEREFORE LIFE…THAT YOU AND YOUR DESCENDENTS MAY LIVE… I came that they might have LIFE AND HAVE IT MORE ABUNDANTLY”


Yours for “LIFE” Granny D.
Yes, back in the '20’s it was (at least here in the States) or maybe '30’s - women were somehow convinced that formula feeding was better than breast feeding, so the first barrier was erected between mothers and children. And the formulas of those days were not even as nutritious or comprehensive as the ones today-. Byt the time I came along in the 1950’s -no one practically was breastfeeding(here in the states) my mother was considered a little strange because she breastfed me for 2 months and finally gave up because of sore breasts- but she had no encouragement fromanyone to continue.* So breastfeed if you can!!
  • I know there are circumstances where breastfeeding is not possible-so I’m not faulting those situations. My Mom (born 1926) was never breastfed because of extreme illness of her own mother right after her birth(blood clots or stroke, I believe)
    and some women can not breastfeed even in normal circumstances.
It is true that there are some circumstances where women cannot breast feed…but even then… we knew back then…that BREAST MILK…not …COW’S MILK was what was best for baby… and so we had WET NURSES… That way…the baby got IMMUNITY and the correct balance of proteins and fatty acids etc. that would enable a small frame…or body to grow… including a LARGE BRAIN… and the baby would benefit from all the other tactil endorphines… that come from suckling… FORMULA…even with the added nutrients…is still basically COW’S MILK…and it is designed for a LARGE BODY…containing a SMALL BRAIN… so our “advances” aren’t always the best … if they have not taken God’s design into account.

I still have a hard time encouraging Breast Feeding…even when the hospitals SAY they are pro-breastfeeding… I find that they have given the babies…BOTTLES (causes nipple confusion and feeding problems)… and even bring in BOTTLES WITH WATER TO THE NEW MOTHER…and of course we are a society that is so into NOT GETTING DEHYDRATED…AND EVERYONE IS DRINKING WATER…so these new mothers…think that they are helping their babies…that they are attempting to breast feed…by giving them bottles of water between breast feedings… ugh!

The “Playboy” mentality is really behind all of this…which goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden. Eve was “tricked” and abandoned by Adam… so she had little defense against the LIE that would bring about DEATH. So today… women think it is IMMODEST to BREAST FEED… but they don’t see any problem with showing CLEAVAGE… or allowing porn via Playboy…or other magazines…or TV shows or videos into their home… They have bought the LIE that women are OBJECTS for MEN’S PLEASURE much like TOYS… while MOTHERING…is something to be put up with if it is PLANNED… and doesn’t ruin their figures or make their husbands embarrased by their need to breast feed their infant while shopping…or eating out… or socializing…it is all backwards… and the end result is DEATH…because it BREAKS THE MOTHER CHILD BOND… and so contraception…and abortion and then euthanasia follows suit…

The State of Florida only recently… some years back
…LEGALIZED …BREAST FEEDING IN PUBLIC… Can you imagine the Holy Family … fleeing into Egypt…as Immigrants… and then being arrested not only for being immigrants…but for Mary daring to breast feed baby Jesus. Satan went after the woman in the garden…and he is still going after women today.
If women crumble… then men resort to being spoiled little boys who want toys toys and more toys… and wars…wars…and more wars…

Yours for “LIFE” Rose Mary
One thing that strikes me as ‘odd’ about the term ‘bed-blocker’ is: their bed are tiny, specialist units meant for preemies…you’re hardly going to fit me in there, are you 😃 But…yeah…very sad!

Anna x
Logic is not an issue with the Culture of Death… sadly…
Money, however, is. So it goes that Maternity Hospitals are shutting down… and “merging” …as they anticipate having LESS infants to deliver…thanks to abortion…and also Neo Natal Wings or clinics…etc… as they will have less need for the Intensive Care Units that these previously tiny British Subjects used to occupy on their way to health…

The root of all evil… is the LOVE of money…

Yours for “LIFE” Granny D
Granny, with all due respect, I think we need to be careful about lumping our own personal preferences and lifestyle choices under the heading of “all the truths that our one, holy, catholic and apostolic church teaches.”

While I’m sure it’s not what you really meant, a less-formed person could could read your statement as saying that non-home-schooling, non-home-birthing, non-breast-feeding mothers are being bad or unfaithful Catholics.


PS And yes, I find the terminology “Bed Blockers” to be just appalling. Something has gone terribly wrong when the weakest and sickest among us provoke such cold calculation, when they really deserve our deepest compassion and love.
I just noticed that I forgot to answer Joan’s question about “selective treatment” in the U.K. I have not lived there for decades…but I can tell you what happened to my mother. She worked for the Ozanam Society…and was in charge of gettting the vegetables for the Soup Kitchen… as well as visiting the House Bound and taking the elderly to their doctor visits… even though she was elderly herself… She also accompanied a group of handicapped children to LOURDES every year… and was a sort of Mother Teresa in my eyes. Anyway, she noted that the elderly that had minor problems would be encouraged to check themselves into hospital for a “check-up”… and they never came home… Within a short period of time…they would be dead…usually pneumonia… Well, when she slipped on the icy steps leading to her home… she cracked her head…and the ambulance was called…She had bags of vegetables in each hand so she wasn’t able to break her fall. They stitched her up but then they wanted to keep her for a few days for a “check up” She refused to stay…and promptly got a ride home. Unfortunately, she didn’t have anyone living with her…and my brother is deaf and his adult children had jobs and children etc…so even though they filled in as best they could…she felt she was being a burdon. So she acquiesed to the request by her G.P that she check herself in… for a few days…for a “check-up”… She was chirpy…I spoke to her on the phone…and she laughed and joked with me…saying that if anything happened…she had all her papers in order… and she even told my niece who drove her to the hospital…that she knew she was “going home” to meet her Mum and Dad and my Dad… She happily unpacked her few items in her bedside cabinet in her hospital room…and with a big smile…cooperated with the nurse as an IV was inserted… In less than 24hours she was dead. PNEUMONIA… Now if anyone knows anything about pneumonia… you know that you can make someone have it… who is in the hospital… so I won’t go into that… just say that a friend of mine who attends 12 Step Meetings over there…said that some of the nurses they have had… have cried because of what they have had to do… and the results… so is it happening?
Is it happening here in the U.S.A? Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcuta said…“If a mother can kill her infant…in the womb…what is to stop you from killing me…”?

Yours for “LIFE” Granny D
Hi Margaret… (good Scottish name)… I agree that some of the issues I’ve mentioned are not to be taken as DOGMA…or even a reflection on what makes a person a good Catholic. However, the issue of Natural Family Planning… for spacing children is a matter of Catholic Teaching…and must be adhered to… along with defense of Life via not in anyway cooperating with abortion or euthanasia… Breastfeeding is not a requirement, but I think that if there is no good reason … not to breastfeed…then you are denying your child the special DESIGNER MADE nutrients that God himself designed when He made us in His Image and Likeness… so I think there is a bit of a conscience call there.
There is also research out…showing that Day Care and Preschool can damage children’s brains… but I think again…it should be taken into consideration… that there are such things as “formative years” and bonding is so very important… Most people in therapy today… had problems with lack of love or lack of bonding in their childhood. Again… Public Schools are not teaching our children the 3 Rs… but exposing them to many things that Christian Parents would find objectionable. Plus the success of Home Schooling shows that it helps children not just accademically, but socially and spiritually…and since parents are the FIRST TEACHERS even before the Church… of their children there is a conscience call there also… Again…circumstances are different for everyone…and so no one can say what anothers choice should be… but everyone should seriously consider these alternatives…

We will never regret having spent too much time with our children or in having given them the best…BREAST milk… available.

Yours for “LIFE” Granny D
Plus…the first thing they do at the hospital…is the TAKE THE BABY FROM ITS MOTHER… just when the child needs to be nestled next to her skin…sucking on her breast… hearing her heart beat… smelling her smell…hearing her voice…gazing at her face… which is what would happen if she had given birth at home… no …no…now the little child is put on a scale… washed… cleaned… and usually put under HEAT LIGHTS… to get the temperature up to normal…
Oh dear, I birthed at a hospital. And my little one was taken from me. Thank God he was taken from me. He was blue and not breathing. Since I was at a hospital, my son did not have a rush drive to the hospital. My son was born at 31 weeks. He was under that heat lamp or something like it for 15 days.
Breastfeeding is not a requirement, but I think that if there is no good reason … not to breastfeed…then you are denying your child the special DESIGNER MADE nutrients that God himself designed when He made us in His Image and Likeness… so I think there is a bit of a conscience call there.
And guess what? I used a bottle. It is very common with NICU moms. We tend to not get milk. Bottles were better then starving.

I guess I have made up for it all since I home school.

As far as I know, I am not living with mortal sin on my soul. I did the best that I could for my baby.

I have just one question for you, are you a midwife?
There is no need for anyone to apologize for doing the best they could… and if circumstances require that you go to a hospital for goodness sakes…goooooooo

That doesn’t take away from the original way of birthing… which isn’t a negative… just like breastfeeding… natural childbirth has been given a bad rap… Eyeballs roll… at the suggestion of having a child at home…“but my baby could die…” they say…well babies can and do die at hospitals…during and after birth… and more frequently…or at a higher percentage than those who are born at home with a certified midwife.

The fact that we have turned ourselves and our bodies over to the State… means that they get to do “intervention”… There has never been a weapon made that has not been used…and so to with medical tools… They NEED to use them…and they will. From forceps… to PLUNGERS… to MONITORS…that they can interpret anyway they want… and then there is the highest gift of all… c-section… and once a c-section always…a c-section…and they usually only allow you to have THREE… So the die is cast
There is very few hospitals that do not put the pressure on for birth control after a birth… and the seeds of contraception and abortion are sewn in many hospitals… unlike home births.

Again… no apologies for decisions made… but food for thought about future decisions and even how we encourage others to make decisions…

Yours for "LIFE’ Granny D
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