Preemies as BED BLOCKERS in UK

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There is very few hospitals that do not put the pressure on for birth control after a birth… and the seeds of contraception and abortion are sewn in many hospitals… unlike home births.
I’m sorry, Granny, but this is just way over the line. **You’re claiming that anyone who chooses to deliver in the hospital is, in some fashion, contributing to the culture of death. **

Cut it out.

It is fine to have your own opinions and preferences about the right way to birth babies, feed them, educate them, etc. I’m a very opinionated person myself. 🙂

But trying to somehow attach moral or religious weight to your opinions is wrong. We’re not supposed to lay additional burdens on other people. And frankly, if this is how you approach people in the real world, I could see you really scaring off other people who might otherwise have had some interest in Christ and His church.

I’m sorry if this sounds harsh, but I have met people like you in the real world, and I know they have scared real people off.


Granny D:
There is no need for anyone to apologize for doing the best they could… and if circumstances require that you go to a hospital for goodness sakes…goooooooo

That doesn’t take away from the original way of birthing… which isn’t a negative… just like breastfeeding… natural childbirth has been given a bad rap… Eyeballs roll… at the suggestion of having a child at home…“but my baby could die…” they say…well babies can and do die at hospitals…during and after birth… and more frequently…or at a higher percentage than those who are born at home with a certified midwife.

The fact that we have turned ourselves and our bodies over to the State… means that they get to do “intervention”… There has never been a weapon made that has not been used…and so to with medical tools… They NEED to use them…and they will. From forceps… to PLUNGERS… to MONITORS…that they can interpret anyway they want… and then there is the highest gift of all… c-section… and once a c-section always…a c-section…and they usually only allow you to have THREE… So the die is cast
There is very few hospitals that do not put the pressure on for birth control after a birth… and the seeds of contraception and abortion are sewn in many hospitals… unlike home births.

Again… no apologies for decisions made… but food for thought about future decisions and even how we encourage others to make decisions…

Yours for "LIFE’ Granny D
Here’s my food for thought…I’m 12 weeks pregnant and have every intention, without regret or second thought, to head to the hospital when it’s time and get many “interventions”… EPIDURAL. 😃
There is nothing wrong in choosing… I just think it is good to know what it is your choosing… epidurals carry risk… but this is a choice… it is not a sin… so anyone who thinks I am accusing those who want to take everything that modern medicine has to offer as committing sin… is wrong… I just see that the slippery slope that brought about so many premature births… was a lot of legal and acceptable medical offerings… and now we have come to the point where little preemies don’t get the “benefit” of the same medical community… in the U.K… and things being as they are it will probably happen over here…if it isn’t already happening under cover. There is more to being prolife than being against abortion… This has nothing to do with sin… it does have a lot to do with history repeating itself.

Being opinionated isn’t such a bad thing…we should have opinions and feel free to share them… and I just think that we are made so incredibly… if it ain’t broke…don’t fix it…is my thought

Yours for “LIFE” Rose Mary
Granny D:
There is no need for anyone to apologize for doing the best they could… and if circumstances require that you go to a hospital for goodness sakes…goooooooo
Again… no apologies for decisions made… but food for thought about future decisions and even how we encourage others to make decisions…
Yours for "LIFE’ Granny D
You missed the point. I never made an apology. There isn’t one to be made from me.

On the other hand, you have claimed that anyone that uses a hospital or bottle is somehow is contributing to the culture of death.
For an example of what the OP is talking about re: the UK’s Medical system, look here:

(Start at the bottom and scroll up. You may have to follow some of the archived entries in the sidebars…)
You are correct… no apology is needed… and I NEVER said EVERY ONE who uses a hospital or a baby bottle is part of the culture of death… or spreading the culture of death… To not look at what is happening in hospitals… in the Western World…(since we hold them in high esteem) could leave one unaware of the advancing culture of death… and how it has infiltrated our hospitals… even our labor and delivery… and our NICU … as well as our HOSPICE system etc. Nothing happened over night…and there have been steps along the way… that while they could be legitimate for those in need… could also be a way of desentizing those who found them more convienient… like the frog in the water… it just gets warmer and warmer… until it is too late. I personally think it is very sad that most women do not deliver naturally… as I think it reflects on God’s design… which is always for our best… a natural limb is always better than an artificial limb… but if you are in an accident or have a disease that requires you lose a limb in order to save your life…then it is better that you have an artificial limb… This is how I look at hospital deliveries and baby bottles… I have had a child in NICU
I was fortunate to live close enough to the hospital that I could walk there three times a day for breast feedings…but he still got some bottles inbetween…If I could not make it…or if I had HIV I would not have been able to feed him and he would have had only baby bottles…so it is not the baby bottle …or the hospital that is the problem…it is how they are being used to slowly but surely break the bond between mother and child… when they are used without a need…

Yours for “LIFE” Granny D
Thank you so much for the web site for little Charlotte… I had read about her…but now she is secure in my favorites…and I will try to send something to these courageous parents…who are tackling a system that has turned on them in their need.

Yours for “LIFE” Granny D
hi granny d,
in defence of the nhs, you only get the service you pay for, if the working people are voting for low taxation parties then something has to give, so a bit of a false economy to vote for one then weep when the docs turn off a loved ones life support, in the uk’s and the us health care system there are good points and bad points, also the senior midwife in charge was on hand when our fourth was born when the birth never went well, also they encourage mothers to breastfeed now,
You have brought up some good points… 1. We get what we ask for… 2. There are some good aspects in both the U.K and the U.S Health Systems…

Point one… It is no small thing to cast a vote… The ramifications of voting carelessly… are huge and long term… the same is true for INFORMED VOTING.

Point two. I had a family member give birth to her second child and another give birth to her fourth child… in both cases the care they recieved under the N.H.S in the U.K was fantastic… They both wanted to birth naturally… and had a midwife assigned to them… and the midwives are really bringing back the “art of midwifery”… They both had lots of support in breast feeding…
So it seems there is a movement in the U.K… to return to natural I would think that is primarily because it is COST EFFECTIVE and there is only so much money to go around… Babies are for the most part, healthier if breast fed… and there is less complications if a birth is natural… even afterwards…so it is in the best interest of the N.H.S to support these trends… I don’t think there is such a push in the U.S. although I am happy to see Insurance paying for Home Births… and the midwives involved are definately promoting breast feeding… and many are even promoting NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING…even those who are NOT Catholic. While Europe is beginning to feel the pinch for have less than 2.1 children per family… the U.S. is starting to really promote NEGATIVE POPULATION GROWTH. which is even advertised on our CONSERVATIVE TALK SHOWS.

Good to hear good birthing stories…

Yours for “LIFE” Granny D
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