Former seminarian here.
Saint Meinrad’s is great! One of my best friends goes there.
My advice is to really be close with your parish priest. Ask him lots of questions. Ask if you can shadow him a bit even. And once in seminary, whichever priests you get to know during summer assignments and things like that, be authentic with them. Be yourself at all times. And be open to the formation process. I wish I wouldn’t have resisted some elements of it. At times, I struggled with my discernment, having lack of peace, but to be honest, I just needed to chill out at times, be still and let God be God in my life (Ps. 46:10 and that whole shebang). Every time things would get foggy I’d freak out. But God did have His hand in everything. God will guide you. Just walk one step at a time. Let Him shephard you. Let our Lady hold your hand. Everything will be well. Proud of you for taking the step forward!

My advice is to really be close with your parish priest. Ask him lots of questions. Ask if you can shadow him a bit even. And once in seminary, whichever priests you get to know during summer assignments and things like that, be authentic with them. Be yourself at all times. And be open to the formation process. I wish I wouldn’t have resisted some elements of it. At times, I struggled with my discernment, having lack of peace, but to be honest, I just needed to chill out at times, be still and let God be God in my life (Ps. 46:10 and that whole shebang). Every time things would get foggy I’d freak out. But God did have His hand in everything. God will guide you. Just walk one step at a time. Let Him shephard you. Let our Lady hold your hand. Everything will be well. Proud of you for taking the step forward!