Pres. Bush and Prayer for the Dead

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From Pres. Bush’s D-Day Speech:
“We pray in the peace of this cemetery that they have reached the far shore of God’s mercy.”
President Bush often prays for the dead. (I’ve heard him do so many times. Anyone have other examples handy?)

In this respect he seems to be closer to the Catholic understanding than that of most Protestant theologies.
From Pres. Bush’s D-Day Speech:

President Bush often prays for the dead. (I’ve heard him do so many times. Anyone have other examples handy?)

In this respect he seems to be closer to the Catholic understanding than that of most Protestant theologies.
In todays paper he’s quoted praying,“May God bless Ronald Reagan”. This sounds a lot like St. Paul’s prayer for whom appears to be a deceased Onesiphorous in 2 Timothy.
Maybe we will someday welcome George Bush into the catholic church. Isn’t his brother Jeb Bush a catholic?
I always knew I liked Jeb. I just dont knwo if i would vote for a guy President Jeb lol.
I have heard somewhere that Pres. Bush’s administration is dedicated to Our Lady of Guadilupe. He also prayed for the dead after 9-11. Perhaps one of his speachwriters is Catholic and Bush likes the way it sounds.
After the last Presidential election, while a battle raged over whether to recount the votes in certain districts in Florida, Governor Jeb Bush and his wife, both Catholics, decided to take a quick trip.

They knew that if Al Gore was determined to be the next President, it would mean the murder of millions of innocent babies through relaxed or repealed anti-abortion laws. So they scheduled their vacation for Mexico City, and they went to pray before Our Lady of Guadalupe, one of the patron saints of the unborn, and the patroness of North and South America.

On December 12, the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the US Supreme Court reversed the Florida Supreme Court, and determined that George W. Bush was the duly elected President. As a result, abortion laws have been strengthened, rather than weakened, and millions of lives have been saved.

Jeb relayed this story to his brother, and asked him to dedicate his Presidency to Our Lady of Guadalupe. Reportedly, he complied.
hhhhmmm… maybe bush is really catholic in heart and will convert after his presidency is over? Can you imagine the scandal if the president converted to Catholicism during his presidency! OH the hell he’d catch!
Paul W:
After the last Presidential election, while a battle raged over whether to recount the votes in certain districts in Florida, Governor Jeb Bush and his wife, both Catholics, decided to take a quick trip.

They knew that if Al Gore was determined to be the next President, it would mean the murder of millions of innocent babies through relaxed or repealed anti-abortion laws. So they scheduled their vacation for Mexico City, and they went to pray before Our Lady of Guadalupe, one of the patron saints of the unborn, and the patroness of North and South America.

On December 12, the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the US Supreme Court reversed the Florida Supreme Court, and determined that George W. Bush was the duly elected President. As a result, abortion laws have been strengthened, rather than weakened, and millions of lives have been saved.

Jeb relayed this story to his brother, and asked him to dedicate his Presidency to Our Lady of Guadalupe. Reportedly, he complied.
Very interesting story! I just wanted to say thank you for posting it. I’ve never heard that before …
I don’t have any specific examples but I have noticed that several times. There’s probably a lot of Protestants that have noticed also! I sure would like to get the chance to vote for Jeb. “Jeb”'s gotta be short for something!:hmmm:
Paul W:
Jeb relayed this story to his brother, and asked him to dedicate his Presidency to Our Lady of Guadalupe. Reportedly, he complied.
What is your source for this? I’ve seen it in a few places, but it’s hard to tell whether it is true.

It does seem to be the case that a devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe is part of the spirituality of the household of Jeb and Columba Bush.
I recall Fr. John Corapi telling this story in one of his radio missions, but I don’t recall which particular talk it was.
I would love for President Bush to come into the fullness of the faith.
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