Pres. Bush's 20/20 Interview

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President and Mrs. Bush are being interviewed on 20/20 on ABC this evening, on the east coast it is on right now. The first real question Barbra Walters asked him was on his faith, and yes he re-affirmed his earlier statement as to his beliefs.
Linda H.
Pres.Bush justed asked if he wants Roe-v-Wade over turned, and he waffled it, he wouldn’t answer the question. He said it would be a litmus test, she did ask if there would be a litmus test for judicial canidates before she pressed him on the Roe question. I do wish he would have spoke out clearly on it, aren’t leaders supposed to stand up and lead? Will he stay in town this year for the march, or will he slip out of town at the last minute again?

Linda H.
Linda H.:
Pres.Bush justed asked if he wants Roe-v-Wade over turned, and he waffled it, he wouldn’t answer the question. He said it would be a litmus test, she did ask if there would be a litmus test for judicial canidates before she pressed him on the Roe question. I do wish he would have spoke out clearly on it, aren’t leaders supposed to stand up and lead?

Linda H.
The President will need to walk on eggs for a while on this one. He will probably be nominating an new Chief Justice very, very soon.
The President will need to walk on eggs for a while on this one. He will probably be nominating an new Chief Justice very, very soon.
Yes, he most likely will be nominating a new Chief Justice very soon, but did we not send him back to continue the job with a clear mandate, didn’t we( pro-life ) turn out to support him when he needed us? We will do the same for a quailfied canidate for the Chief Justice, we will support his choice with as much vigor. If he truely believes in the right to life then he need to stand up for it, on tv, in all kinds of press interviews!
Linda H.
Linda H.:
If he truely believes in the right to life then he need to stand up for it, on tv, in all kinds of press interviews!
Linda H.
But then the opposition will be inflamed–low key is the right way if the goal is to be realized. Then when there is support in the court–bring it on! (I like it when he talks like that…I’ll miss it…😉 )
But then the opposition will be inflamed–low key is the right way if the goal is to be realized. Then when there is support in the court–bring it on! (I like it when he talks like that…I’ll miss it…😉 )
What do you consider as being low key, and when will it really be o.k. for him to take strong pro-life stand publicly once again? Will it be enough to have a pro-life Chief Justice, with as long as it normally takes for a case to reach the Supreme Court, President Bush could well be out of office before they agree to hear another challenge to Roe-v-Wade.
Linda H.
Linda H.:
What do you consider as being low key, and when will it really be o.k. for him to take strong pro-life stand publicly once again? Will it be enough to have a pro-life Chief Justice, with as long as it normally takes for a case to reach the Supreme Court, President Bush could well be out of office before they agree to hear another challenge to Roe-v-Wade.
Linda H.
You’re right–I am probably optimistic thinking Bush will ever come out with tough talk on the abortion issue–but I don’t think it’s unrealistic to believe he is capable of getting the ball rolling in the right direction. Thus, it is good that he does not add fuel to the fire of the radical (and not so radical) pro-abortion crowd.

What’s more important–hearing a few words now that will satisfy our desire for validation, or actual progress toward the end of the killing?

What we need to do is work toward ending abortion in every way we can and pray–hard. There have been many positive developments, but only prayer can continue the trend.
The President will need to walk on eggs for a while on this one. He will probably be nominating an new Chief Justice very, very soon.
Perhaps, but then again, he reaffirmed that there will be no litmus test for such a nominee (pro-life, or whatever). If he’s unwilling to state his personal beliefs in the interview, then why should anyone trust that he will be especially concerned in nominating a pro-life candidate for the Supreme Court? Just take a look at his choice for Attorrney General – Alberto Gonzales, who has pretty much confirmed that he is not in favor of overturning Roe v. Wade.

So far Bush has done nothing to change my belief that he is more interested in getting the Republicans elected in 2008 than doing the right thing concerning abortion. I hope that at some point he will change my mind.
Perhaps, but then again, he reaffirmed that there will be no litmus test for such a nominee (pro-life, or whatever). If he’s unwilling to state his personal beliefs in the interview, then why should anyone trust that he will be especially concerned in nominating a pro-life candidate for the Supreme Court? Just take a look at his choice for Attorrney General – Alberto Gonzales, who has pretty much confirmed that he is not in favor of overturning Roe v. Wade.

So far Bush has done nothing to change my belief that he is more interested in getting the Republicans elected in 2008 than doing the right thing concerning abortion. I hope that at some point he will change my mind.
Linda and MTR:

We can speculate on the future and it will remain uncertain. Only when it is past do we have any hope of knowing the outcome, and only then if we are not so blinded by our biases and prepossessions that we fail to see the outcome as it is and not colored by our tightly held beliefs.

Mtr, I am probably wrong and you are a “born again Republican”, but forgive me if I err in assuming from your writing that yours is a case of sour grapes attempting to jump into the “fray” of this issue to make mischief.

Linda, it is clear to all that ANY potential candidate who speaks out in ANY way on Roe v Wade would automatically be attacked from one side or the other. The voters who placed their trust in President Bush believe him to be a man who prays to God and maintains his relationship with the Lord in all of his life happenings and not only when “not speaking as President.” Would you condemn him before announcement of his choices to the SC, before the new government is even in session? You would have ample time then if you so desired to make your views and opinions known to him, even to fight his choices if that is your wont.

Linda, you might be interested in the following if you are truly interested in the President’s depth of commitment.

Bless you and may the Lord give all of us Patience to accept His Way

Linda and MTR:

Mtr, I am probably wrong and you are a “born again Republican”, but forgive me if I err in assuming from your writing that yours is a case of sour grapes attempting to jump into the “fray” of this issue to make mischief.

Bless you and may the Lord give all of us Patience to accept His Way

With all due charity, your assessment of my position is incorrect. For what it’s worth, I have no affiliation with any political party anymore. My concern politically is to promote the Catholic position and not any partisan platform. I spent alot (probably too much) time on these forums suggesting that Bush’s commitment to pro-life issues was less than primary on his agenda, and that it was stressed in order to obtain votes (especially from conservative Christians).

As I mentioned in my previous post, nothing the president has done so far (from his choice of Gonzales as Attorney General to his comments on the interview) has changed my perception of his motives. Also, as I stated previously, I hope at some point he will in fact change my perception. However, I won’t be holding my breath.
With all due charity, your assessment of my position is incorrect. For what it’s worth, I have no affiliation with any political party anymore. My concern politically is to promote the Catholic position and not any partisan platform. I spent alot (probably too much) time on these forums suggesting that Bush’s commitment to pro-life issues was less than primary on his agenda, and that it was stressed in order to obtain votes (especially from conservative Christians).

As I mentioned in my previous post, nothing the president has done so far (from his choice of Gonzales as Attorney General to his comments on the interview) has changed my perception of his motives. Also, as I stated previously, I hope at some point he will in fact change my perception. However, I won’t be holding my breath.
FWIW the inauguration speech and some of the prayers sounded quite pro-life…one reference to ‘the least and the lost’ and President Bush’s comment on the value of all life.

I suspect he would not want to show his cards on 20/20. For one that network has done him dirty many times. For another anything he said pro life would immediately become a flashpoint for the proaborts. We don’t need to give Barbara Boxer any more to whine about!

I am not so concerned about what he SAYS on a TV show as when he DOES when Rehnquist retires. We can pray for a prolife justice or as President Bush stated a CONSTITUTIONALIST who doesn’t find mysterious and unseen rights between the lines.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
FWIW the inauguration speech and some of the prayers sounded quite pro-life…one reference to ‘the least and the lost’ and President Bush’s comment on the value of all life.

I suspect he would not want to show his cards on 20/20. For one that network has done him dirty many times. For another anything he said pro life would immediately become a flashpoint for the proaborts. We don’t need to give Barbara Boxer any more to whine about!

I am not so concerned about what he SAYS on a TV show as when he DOES when Rehnquist retires. We can pray for a prolife justice or as President Bush stated a CONSTITUTIONALIST who doesn’t find mysterious and unseen rights between the lines.

Lisa N
Amen, sister!!
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