PRESIDENT born Alive Executive Order

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No doubt the followers of Molech must be very angry.
Posted here yesterday:
Trump orders abortion survivors be given medical care World News
I am aware of Gov. Northam’s comments. But, I am unable to find any law he voted for concerning this. Please provide a link.
Northam didn’t vote for a law, but it was the existing law. Until Trump’s order.
Cloistered, " This was already the law. Pro-life theatre"

Where do you get 'just Pro-Life Theatre" Cloistered? It’s MUCH more than that.

Yes, in 2002, Congress approved the Born Alive Infant Protection Act (BAIPA)
which President George W. Bush then signed into law. That act directs:
“In determining the meaning of any Act of Congress, or of any ruling, regulation, or interpretation of the various administrative bureaus and agencies of the United States, the words “person,” “human being,” “child” and “individual,” shall include every infant member of the species homo sapiens who is born alive at any stage of development”. Apparently, because the bill did not explicitly specify penalties for murdering such newborn infants, it has had little or no effect. A Heritage Foundation report explains:

“While current law recognizes that all infants born alive are “persons,” babies who survive an abortion attempt are left vulnerable because the law provides for no requirements that health care practitioners treat those infants with the same degree of care afforded to any other newborn. The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act would remedy this problem by requiring that proper medical care be given to infants who survive an abortion and establishing criminal consequences for practitioners who fail to do so.”

Born Alive Infant Protection Act and Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.
No Pro -Life Theatre, it’s two different things.
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This Executive Order protects ALL babies born alive. There is no age limit…not 20, 30 or 40 week…ALL babies born.
The very least this Executive Order will provide is more thorough documentation of babies born alive.
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Great move, President Bush! And I am proud of our current President for catching up on the law.
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This was already the law. Pro-life theatre.
So you are so sure about this? Tell me, what is the punishment then for violating these existing infanticide laws?

What it is everyone, is those laws may exist but they do not punish violators in some states so it’s like there is NO punishment.
… Currently, 19 states do not have laws requiring medical care for babies born alive after botched abortions, according to research by Americans United for Life.

A number of states are considering the legislation this spring to require medical care for such infants and to punish doctors who fail to provide it, but abortion activists are fighting back.

So, from my understanding, laws exist but if there are no penalties, they are of no use.
… (Sen. Washington State) Murray claimed the bill is unnecessary because there are already laws against infanticide in the U.S. All month, abortion-rights supporters have argued that Democrats must oppose the bill because it’s a redundant show vote to criminalize something that is already illegal and that never happens.

There is no existing federal law enacting an explicit requirement that newborns delivered in the context of abortion be afforded “the same degree” of care that “any other child born alive at the same gestational age” would receive, as this bill would. Only 33 states currently offer some kind of protection for infants born after attempted abortions, and those laws can be repealed; New York’s Reproductive Health Act last month did just that.
The devil it clever and tricky, thus his agents within the Democratic Party play with words. What they push is rationalized genocide, and blinded people are Blinded enough to be led by the blind
“So you are so sure about this? Tell me, what is the punishment then for violating these existing infanticide laws?”

I am willing to admit I was wrong if given proof. Thus far, no one has been able to do so.
I have tried. But, I cannot find anything. If I didn’t believe it to be true, I wouldn’t have posted it. If I found proof of it not being true, I would have posted it.
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