So you are so sure about this? Tell me, what is the punishment then for violating these existing infanticide laws?This was already the law. Pro-life theatre.
… Currently, 19 states do not have laws requiring medical care for babies born alive after botched abortions, according to research by Americans United for Life.
A number of states are considering the legislation this spring to require medical care for such infants and to punish doctors who fail to provide it, but abortion activists are fighting back.
… (Sen. Washington State) Murray claimed the bill is unnecessary because there are already laws against infanticide in the U.S. All month, abortion-rights supporters have argued that Democrats must oppose the bill because it’s a redundant show vote to criminalize something that is already illegal and that never happens.
There is no existing federal law enacting an explicit requirement that newborns delivered in the context of abortion be afforded “the same degree” of care that “any other child born alive at the same gestational age” would receive, as this bill would. Only 33 states currently offer some kind of protection for infants born after attempted abortions, and those laws can be repealed; New York’s Reproductive Health Act last month did just that.
Since you made the assertion, is it not incumbent on you? . . .I am willing to admit I was wrong if given proof. Thus far, no one has been able to do so.