President to Light Menorah Honoring ´Settler´ at White House

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Guest A unique Chanukah candelabra is to be lit this evening at the White House
in Washington, DC at the request of US President George Bush.

The menorah was built by a Florida congregation in memory of Noam Apter, a 23-year-old student at the Otniel Yeshiva in the Hevron Hills region who was murdered by terrorists. Apter saved the lives of tens of his fellow students when, after two Islamic Jihad terrorists dressed as IDF soldiers infiltrated his school building, he locked himself inside the kitchen together with the Arab terrorists and hid the key - preventing the terrorists from entering the dining room where 70 yeshiva students were eating their Sabbath meal.

An administrator at the Otniel Yeshiva told IsraelNN’s Ezra HaLevi that the Florida congregation had taken a tour given by Noam shortly before he was murdered. Wanting to do something to commemorate the actions of the heroic “settler,” the synagogue constructed a huge menorah with a picture of Noam beside it, in his memory. US President Bush heard about the menorah and about Apter’s heroics and requested that the Chanukah menorah be lit at the White
House this year.

The menorah is scheduled to be lit Tuesday evening, the first day of Chanukah.
Okay, so where is the Advent wreath, or the nativity scene? How many Christians have to be slaughtered around the world before we get equal time at the White House? Did anyone else watch the program on HGTV tonight, White House Christmas 2004? There was not one mention of a nativity, or any other decoration highlighting the true meaning of Christmas, and there was not one word about the menorah. I honestly don’t have any objection to having a menorah there, as long as our Lord’s birth gets equal time.

Linda H.
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