President Trump - placing "back to business" over people's lives?

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God gave me a brain, he gave humans a brain, he created those brain for them to think. I trust that God will allow me to make decisions that within my control will have a positive outcome.

I also read what he said and I take it as hoping all is better by easter. Not come hell or high water by easter we are going back to business as usual.
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But a certain Lt. Governor of Texas is saying just that. The elderly must be sacrificed to get the economy making more money.
Well, those of us in Texas, who’ve been familiar with him for years, are used to ignoring him.
God gave me a brain, he gave humans a brain, he created those brain for them to think. I trust that God will allow me to make decisions that within my control will have a positive outcome.

I also read what he said and I take it as hoping all is better by easter. Not come hell or high water by easter we are going back to business as usual.
If people want to get out here and take that chance, that is up to them, but I’ll have no part of it. My family and I are staying home until we discern that the curve has flattened and that the risk is minimal. I care for my elderly parents and my son, and I am basically the only one who drives or goes anywhere — my father drives a little (85) but he really doesn’t go anyplace. We did both go to Walmart this morning for needed medicine (his) and groceries — my online grocer’s system collapsed yesterday, and though they didn’t admit it, the news indicated their “gig” workers are threatening to go on strike. I wore an N95 respirator and he wore an N95 mask (I offered him the respirator and he didn’t want it). We are all retired and have incomes. My son is homeschooled and is a homebody on general principles. I only go out when necessary to pick up drive-through food, to get gasoline, and I tend my garden. I’ve never been “bored” in my life — I don’t do “bored”.

I know it’s easy for me to sit back and say what I’d do — my circumstances don’t require getting out in the world on a daily basis — I’m just saying what our plan is.
NBC News has just reported that President Trump is calling for social distancing through April 30.

I couldn’t agree more. Deo gratias.

(But I do hope our economy finds some way to get through this. And even though it is well-nigh impossible to have group day schooling with social distancing, I hope our country’s students will be OK. For various reasons, not all parents are in a position to oversee homeschooling.)
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and it will become May 31st and then the end of june or july. This virus right now has a mortality rate of 1.74%. I have tried to find how per 100 how many test positive?
A bit of a negative outlook I see. Stay indoors unless you need food or healthcare, or are providing food or healthcare. Pray every day. We’ll get through this.
We’re all walking a very thin tightrope, and Mr. Trump is trying to keep us from falling off.
A bit of a negative outlook I see. Stay indoors unless you need food or healthcare, or are providing food or healthcare. Pray every day. We’ll get through this.
Unless the virus floats for long distances through the fresh open air — and my father fears this — getting outside, away from other people, for exercise, walking or running, gardening, fishing, bicycling, or sunning oneself, shouldn’t be dangerous. Similarly, a car ride — assuming you don’t get out of the car, and into close quarters with other people — all by itself shouldn’t be dangerous either.
The initial deadline was never going to work. We’re in siege-mode until end of April at least.
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The initial deadline was never going to work. We’re in siege-mode until end of April at least.

Fleeing New Yorkers will probably up that into May.
I didn’t see it ever working. When he said “by Easter”, I just got this picture of people flocking into churches out of sheer, pent-up devotion, and possibly terrible things happening in terms of transmission.

I know there is a school of thought “out there” that says, basically (a) we shouldn’t fear divine worship, because God will protect us, but (b) even if we do get sick, it will be God’s Will, and it will have been for a good cause. I can’t go there. I’m a big, robust guy and I take very good care of myself — heavier than I should be, but I still live very healthfully — I would probably survive coronavirus, my son probably would, but my parents (for whom I provide in-home care), it could go either way. I have to stay well.
A bit of a negative outlook I see. Stay indoors unless you need food or healthcare, or are providing food or healthcare. Pray every day. We’ll get through this.
Unless the virus floats for long distances through the fresh open air — and my father fears this — getting outside, away from other people, for exercise, walking or running, gardening, fishing, bicycling, or sunning oneself, shouldn’t be dangerous. Similarly, a car ride — assuming you don’t get out of the car, and into close quarters with other people — all by itself shouldn’t be dangerous either.
Some more common sense.

If you’re already isolated in a rural area, and you pretty much stay there, you’re going to be safe.

Now, inviting people into your home is a different matter. Unless you know for certain they’ve tested negative, that’s not a good idea.

We rarely have guests. I plan on working in my garden just as soon as it warms up enough and the soil becomes workable. I’m still feeding birds and communing with my cats. I don’t plan on stopping my life because of this.

Common sense precautions should get most of us through this unscathed.
Unless you know for certain they’ve tested negative, that’s not a good idea.
All that tells you is they were negative at the time of the test. If they’ve been out and about, it’s possible to have picked it up afterwards.
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