President Trump Signs Declaration Opposing Abortion, Supporting the “Preservation of Human Life”

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President Trump Signs Declaration Opposing Abortion, Supporting the “Preservation of Human Life”​

President Donald Trump’s administration continued to push back against global abortion advocacy this week with a declaration proclaiming that “the preservation of human life and the strengthening of family” are foundational to society.

The Independent reports United States leaders joined five other countries in signing the Geneva Consensus document Thursday.

The action sent a statement to the United Nations that the killing of unborn babies in abortions is not a “human right,” as the UN Declaration of Human Rights Claims, according to the report.
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Last minute pre-election efforts. We will see more of these efforts everyday. He is desperate.
Last minute pre-election efforts
No. This will probably cost him more votes than it could possibly gain him. Prolife people are already for Trump and have been for a long time. Those who, like Obama, don’t want to someday face their daughter being “burdened by a baby” and might want her to kill their grandchild, are not going to favor this act by trump.
The signatories of this document are Brazil, Egypt, Hungary, Indonesia, Uganda, United States. These are the six nations of the Geneva Consensus. I am trying to find a copy of the document, just to make sure it does not also commit the United States to a time share.
Early voting is not looking good for Biden, especially in states that “leaned dem” in polls.

Because I looked at one source and it showed my state showing 86% early voting.
the turnout for Democrats is greater
National: 13 point delta
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Battlegrounds 1-1 not at all 7.3 point delta
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Trump is indeed getting hilariously desperate, now today even bringing up Obama and Hillary again.
You have a lot of what ifs there.

Let us look at the real numbers

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Assume all the democrat vote go toward Biden.
Assume all the Republican votes go toward Trump.

Even if all if the unaffiliated went toward Trump, the Democrat votes still carry 1 million more.

Now looking at Battleground numbers
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Republicans would win those by 1 million if they picked up all of the unaffiliated.

If you want to boil away all the fat and grizzle?
The early voting stats mean absolutely nothing.
Just like the polling results of 2016 meant absolutely nothing.
The only thing that matters is when the very last electoral college vote is rendered. Yes or Yes?
For arguments sake let’s look at Registered Voters
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Dems 10 M
Reps 5 M
Unaff 19 M

it is a 2:1 ratio Dem:Rep

I would still say it is meaningless.

Finally ratified Electoral Count is all that matters.
The guy I didn’t even think WAS “really pro-life” shames me again.

THREE prolife SCOTUS appointments was not enough … Trump adds this!

Yer a better pro-life man than I am sir. 🤯😃!

While we’re on Executive Order overdrive … hows about’cha strike down anyone’s attempts to use the Dred Scott decision (never precisely reversed by the Supreme Courts since) … to try to own anyone these days 😠 … and make it applicable to all aspects of human trafficking today as well. :facepunch:💥 < not the communist fist.
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He needs to go further if he wants to be believed, and become prolife with no exceptions. Right now if a woman says she was raped, whether she was or not, she can get an abortion. There are too many loop holes.
Signing declarations and talk is useless unless that walk is walked.
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I think the real reason President Trump signed this declaration has less to do about the vote or desperation and more to do with the fact that October is “Respect Life” month and annually those organizations like the National Right to Life organizations work to get a presidential declaration.
One of the most disturbing bits of data that I’ve seen is that only about 60% of Catholics who attend Mass more than once per week plan on voting for President Trump. Why isn’t the number 80% to 90%?

If we don’t back perhaps the most actively pro-life and religion-friendly President in American history (given the powers he’s up against), I don’t think we’ll see another actively pro-life President in our lifetimes. Other politicians will figure that it’s not worth all the vicious and dishonest attacks directed at them, especially when the support isn’t there from pro-lifers.
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