Pretending to be Catholic?

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Why do bigoted, anti-Catholic bashers register here and on other Catholic boards and pretend to be Catholic for while then start spewing all the ususal cliches? I mean, really, what is the point of lying like that? Who is going to accept the Gospel of a liar?

And, really, the fundapologist vocabulary and phraseology just isn’t Catholic. Liars, you smell a mile away.

Why worry Justin? I think it makes these discussions more fun!
Why do bigoted, anti-Catholic bashers register here and on other Catholic boards and pretend to be Catholic for while then start spewing all the ususal cliches? I mean, really, what is the point of lying like that? Who is going to accept the Gospel of a liar?

And, really, the fundapologist vocabulary and phraseology just isn’t Catholic. Liars, you smell a mile away.


For much the same reasons as Catholics go onto Protestant boards - to criticise (or evangelise ?) those who don’t have “the Truth” ? 🙂

We can answer many questions about others, by asking those questions about ourselves 🙂 ##
Gottle of Geer said:
## For much the same reasons as Catholics go onto Protestant boards - to criticise (or evangelise ?) those who don’t have “the Truth” ? 🙂

We can answer many questions about others, by asking those questions about ourselves 🙂 ##

When I register on protestant boards, I make no secret of the fact that I am Catholic, either in my profile or in my initial posts. Big difference.

When I register on protestant boards, I make no secret of the fact that I am Catholic, either in my profile or in my initial posts. Big difference.


We can still answer many questions about others, by asking those questions about ourselves 🙂 though.​

Yo, Justin, take your meds, say a hail Mary, and read the letter of James, then come back to the boards.
Yo, Justin, take your meds, say a hail Mary, and read the letter of James, then come back to the boards.
In with the good…out with the bad…in with the good…out with the bad…

Much better.

Now, really, why, in heavens name, would someone pretend to be Catholic like that?

My personal opinion is that by pretending to be Catholic, they think they will somehow have more influence on wavering Catholics or those who are seeking. I truly wonder if Christian, how they justify the lie.

Your Catholic (honest!) sister in Christ,

good, Justin, I am sure you feel better now. just sip a little cool water. Seriously, I have no idea what motivates people like that. What I cannot understand is, why, having rejected the Catholic Church and all it stands for, people want to lobby for the right to receive communion with us.
At least we let those people onto this board in the first place!! I’ve seen some boards where any defense of the catholic church isn’t allowed at all. Anyone trying that will be immediately banned. What are they afraid of? The truth?
Christy Beth:
At least we let those people onto this board in the first place!! I’ve seen some boards where any defense of the catholic church isn’t allowed at all. Anyone trying that will be immediately banned. What are they afraid of? The truth?
This is very true. Until recently I was posting at an anti-Catholic site called Contender Ministries. I flat out refused to argue with anyone there. I made clear time after time that the only reason I was there was to clear up misconceptions about Catholic teaching when I saw them. Time after time people tried by lure me into arguements using any means they could (especially the “if you could answer you would…you clear have no idea” method). After continuing to refuse I was finally banned. I’ve never been banned from forums before, especially not for refusing to argue. That’s a new one.

I urge all faithful Catholics to go to Contender Ministries and contend for the faith. You’ll get insulted and ripped apart, maybe even banned, but maybe one person will be browsing there and be inspired to look into the truth of Catholicism because of one thing you posted. God bless you all!! And please please please be always charitable!!!

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
The same reason that people of all faiths use testimony such as:

“I was born and raised Catholic, but I had a lot of touble with their dogma, and now I have seen the light in my Holiness Church,”

or, as is ever-popular in Catholic apologetics:

“Born Fundamentalist, Born Again Catholic,” etc. etc.

It is a rhetorical attempt to build credibility. If I walk into a conference of Accountants, my opinions should go a lot further if I actually AM an accountant, albiet a dissenting one, rather than a helicopter pilot. The people you speak of are just trying to be accountants, even when it appears obvious that they didn’t pass the CPA exam.

If you think that someone really is feigning their Catholicity, why not just directly call them on it?
One problem is that many Catholics defending the faith know precious little more about it than their non-Catholic counterparts, and the difference between one viewpoint an another is little more than opinion.

The debates then sometimes become one of people who hardly understand each other railing against opinions they hardly understand.

We should all strive to know more about -1- our own faith first and -2- the beliefs of the people we are communicating with.

I have to say, going to a site that lists Catholic under “cults” is not my cup of tea. I have to be seriously “prayed up” to go there again. It is such a shame that the body of Christ has to try to cut off pieces of the body of Christ to somehow justify their existence.

May God Bless you and keep you strong in your faith Nancy.

The best thing to do is stay our of anti-Catholic boards. All you end of doing is reinforcing their bigotry, no matter how good an apologist you are. Reason and common sense has no place with many of them. If they want to know, they can find out. Truth can only be received when a person is disposed to receive it.

As for those who misrepresent themselves calling themselves Catholics, I would agree that it is a cheap way of gaining credibility, and they stand out like a sore thumb anyway. They are as deceptive as the people who propagate their lies, because deception is the norm, and it shows in their behavior as well as their eisegesis. Then, they indicate that they have been brainwashed because Catholicism, (which appeals to reason and common sense) is a deception.
Go figure.

I could not disagree more with your suggesting that the best thing is to avoid those websites. I’ve learned more about my Catholic faith by fighting and defending it on Protestant debate boards than I did in all my years of CCD classes. It is when faced with a challenge to what you believe, when you dig deeper and research it and can make a strong defense of your position, that you really learn and grow in the faith. Yes, most of the time it’s banging your head against a wall - but that’s part of suffering for the faith.
I urge all faithful Catholics to go to Contender Ministries and contend for the faith. You’ll get insulted and ripped apart, maybe even banned, but maybe one person will be browsing there and be inspired to look into the truth of Catholicism because of one thing you posted. God bless you all!! And please please please be always charitable!!!

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
Nancy, I went to this site and at first it got my Irish ire up! But then I thought how sad that they don’t know the truth and are spreading those untruths. I’m going to try it out and I promise to be charitable. Moira
Catholic4areason-- I feel like i’m beating my head against a wall at that site. I’m going to learn a lot more just trying to refute them!
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