Pretending to be Catholic?

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If I walk into a conference of Accountants, my opinions should go a lot further if I actually AM an accountant, albiet a dissenting one, rather than a helicopter pilot.
What do dissenting accountants dissent from?

The generally accepted accounting principles? Math?

Thanks for the suggestion to check out Contender Ministries. I just went there, registered as “ineinWespenneststechen” which means “stir up a hornet’s nest” in German, and posted something short about the Mass. Very charitable, though.

Wow Catholic4areason- you really gave a great account of yourself there! Well done! Very patient and charitable too I thought!

You asked, “What do dissenting accountants dissent from?”

Actually, we accountants are a pretty contentious lot. It’s when we don’t dissent - as in Enron - that we get into trouble. In my 20 years in the profession, I’ve had my share of arguments. GAAP looks black and white in the text books, but in the real world there’s a whole lot of gray.

I read much of what you wrote on Contenders (you did very well there) and wrote a little bit myself, most of which they have already deleted, almost as soon as it was posted. I don’t know if I’ve been banned or not yet. I’ve decided they aren’t worth my time or effort. They don’t listen to what anyone says unless that person’s words echo their own. They are not interested in the Truth. In their eyes, no truth exists except in them. I’m not sure even Karl Keating would have success with them. No matter what you say, Ben and Jennifer have quick (in the sense of being ready at hand–they must sit at their computer all day, like a cat ready to pounce, to make sure nothing gets posted that puts them in a bad light) pat answers that often don’t respond to what you are saying and which show that they don’t even understand the things they quote from Catholic sources.

Prayer, not talk, is the best bet for influencing people like them. Ex-Catholics, like Beth, seem to be the most bitter opponents of the Faith.

Let’s see, who am I here, Violet or Mary Fran?
I’ve tried to read some of the posts on the contenders site, and it’s driving me nuts! I’ve posted a couple of things, but they don’t want to understand. Anyway, only God can make them understand, not me. And there are several ex-Catholics there who never learned their faith well and are adding to the confusion. I’ll stay right here where there is some sanity.
One time I registered on a Church of Christ Forum to try to learn what their Doctrines were. I said I was Catholic looking for information. To be nice here I will just say I wasn’t recieved politely. The constant question was was - Where do you find that in the Bible.They had a fit over Matt 16:17 -19 ! They say Jesus was not talking to Peyer when He gave the Keys of the Kingdom to him , nor was Peter “the rock”. They were impossible. I stopped posting there after 3 weeks and a week later I had an e-mail that I was banned. Ha, Ha, Ha. I was banned for not posting.
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