Any communication is totally inappropriate. He can make friends at school who ate not underage.
Just explain you can’t keep in touch with him without it going through your parents, as it is against the rules protecting youth that apply to priests and other people who work for the Church and you don’t want to get him into trouble.Now I realize I am working one more day before he officially goes back so may have to see him and explain why I ignored him! I feel uncomfortable keeping in touch with him for some reason, even though by all accounts he seems like a holy guy… Has good homilies, never exchanged more than pleasantries with me, etc. He is a foreign priest so maybe to some extent he is naive to all the suspicion caused by the sexual abuse scandals… Any thoughts?
and with this thread, I feel you really need to speak to your parents.I am a 17 year old girl. I take a yellow school bus to and from my high school, since it is considerably far away. The other day I took the city bus home since I had to stay 15 minutes later after school. I got lost and when I got out of the bus, the man who drives my yellow school bus every morning saw me. I was on the phone with my dad but he asked “is everything okay?” Stupidly I asked “would you give me a ride?” I asked my dad who was on the phone “is it okay? My school bus driver is here. H…
I’m not seeing any post in the thread that says it’s wrong for the priest to want to make a friend.I feel so sorry for priests, sometimes. They are allowed to develop friendships. Some of the above responses seem to indicate that priests are wrong for even desiring friendships. Priests are humans, too. They need friendship and community just as we all do. His desire for friendship Isn’t the problem here.