Priest is in persona Christi 24-7

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Fr.robert Barron . Priest is "
In persona christi" 24-7
Once he is ordained its 24-7
Did you know this?
Fr.robert Barron . Priest is "
In persona christi" 24-7
Once he is ordained its 24-7
Did you know this?
No, a priest is not always In Persona Christi 24/7. His soul has an indelible mark of his Holy Orders, but he is not always In Persona Christi.
Digging through the Vault I found this:
In Persona Christi Apologetics
Yes. Per CCC 1548: In the ecclesial service of the ordained minister, it is Christ himself who is present to his Church as Head of his Body, Shepherd of his flock, high priest of the redemptive sacrifice, Teacher of Truth. This is what the Church means by saying that the priest, by virtue of the sacrament of Holy Orders, acts in persona Christi Capitis: [sup]23[/sup]
It is the same priest, Christ Jesus, whose sacred person his minister truly represents. Now the minister, by reason …
My Protestant friends might argue that sure the priest is, but so is every other Christian, 24 7.

That seems hard to refute.
The royal priesthood yes. But not the ministerial priesthood that Christ conveyed only upon the 12. Of course, the European “ref” binned all such notions.
No, a priest is not always In Persona Christi 24/7. His soul has an indelible mark of his Holy Orders, but he is not always In Persona Christi.
It is pretty tough to get into a confessional and confess your own sins in persona Christi.

Perhaps he only meant that a priest’s life needed to reflect his position when dispensing the sacraments in persona Christi. A priest cannot jump from an irregular life and into that as if the whole of his life didn’t matter to anyone else. A guide dog is the eyes of someone who is blind, but even if the dog does his job well it still matters if he is wet and muddy and shakes that on everybody.
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Perhaps instead of stating a Priest is In Persona Christi 24-7, when is he not?

When does the transformation begin, continue through and conclude with not being in the state of In Persona Christi?
Wouldn’t the priest only be in persona Christi for the seven Sacraments.
If he is sitting in Starbucks having a coffee with you I would not think he is acting in persona Christi.
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Well the priests who also viewed the teaching by Dr Robert Barron teaching on the Mass. Said when a priest is ordained in Christ he is always ordained. But some don’t live it out correctly.
Please provide a source. That’s a fair request when you are quoting a bishop.
Said when a priest is ordained in Christ he is always ordained.
The expression you’re referring to is sacerdos in aeternum - a priest forever. In other words, after ordination, a priest remains a priest regardless of how they live out their priesthood or even whether they leave altogether. This is why even a laicised priest can, in an emergency, hear confessions (and is in fact obliged to if asked).

This is because Holy Orders, like baptism, leaves an indelible mark on the soul, resulting in a change at the level of a priest’s being (called ontological change). This doesn’t however make him any better than he was before nor does it change his character. He is however, set apart for sacred duties and this is a key part of the Catholic understanding of Holy Orders - priesthood isn’t a job or office that is held for a period of time.

In this way, a priest is configured to Christ - essentially he is called to represent Christ, the true priest, though his own life (no small ask!). Fortunately for everyone, this is dependent on the ability of worthiness of the priest himself!

So, this means that I’m a priest 24/7 - I don’t stop being a priest when I’m on holiday or “off duty”. At the same time, I’m also still me, with all of my struggles, weaknesses and sinfulness (and of course a few good bits too) - being a priest doesn’t make me anything other than who I already am nor is it supposed to. Like all of us, I’m on a journey towards holiness - one which takes a lifetime (and more).
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