Priest Praising Buddha in homily, no mention of Christ?!

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The problem with that is that while we are to deny self, we are NOT to strive for “loss of self” in the sense of seeking the nothingness, union with nothingness, nirvana, etc.
I did not say that. I’m well acquainted with the different notions of Self in Christianity vs. Buddhism (as are the priests and theologians I referenced :)) I said that there are some similarities when it came to “self” and prayer. This is true when one studies deeply the words of the Catholic mystics – modern and ancient. This has mostly to do with the “unitive” stage of prayer, but I won’t get into technicalities.
there was a time when I studied buddhism for several months. I had the experience of the crown chakra opening when I did a meditation weekend with the group. It was quite a wonderful experience - but it can’t even come close or compare with the all encompassing love of Christ. One is limited to self and a lot of work, while Christ is Other and His love is all encompassing yet intimate and personal, and a free gift of Grace. They are totally and completely different. For all that He is, Christ alone is worthy our adoration and fidelity. The beauty and love of our Lord is indescribable.
Can’t agree more, especially with the section I bolded. Especially what can’t be communicated adequately with words is the simultaneous “loss” of self and regaining of self, discarding of self & validation of self…along with direct experience of Christ as completely Other yet encompassingly intimate in the most absolute sense. Those are not Buddhist concepts.
Thanks everyone.

I am concerned because in recent years I have noticed an increase of Catholics quoting the Dali Lama, Buddha, etc. It seems to be some bizarre trend, and begs the question: Are you saying that Jesus Christ no longer relevant or all sufficient that we need to start quoting outside religions? Do you really need buddha there and not Christ during the Eucharist - whose mass are we celebrating BTW? Yes, it DOES seem like a priest preaching about buddhist detachment to achieve happiness instead of Christ is inappropriate while in preparation of the mass, and it seems like the priest was elevating buddha’s name and teachings above the name of Christ in Jesus’ own church.

I tell you, I strongly feel that if I want to learn about other religions, I can go to a Unitarian church, not a Catholic church. If you really must quote someone other than Jesus Christ in His own church - at the celebration of HIS mass, then at least give Him preference and more than equal time. (and why you would really need to do that is beyond my comprehension)

I have zero interest in unitarianism or making anyone feel good or secure about their religion if they are going to die in their sins. I could care less about eucanism or whatever it is called. I am disgusted by this trend in the church. Is it right that Jesus should share His glory with buddha before His own altar?? Did buddha die for your sins?

Last I checked, Apostle Paul preached Christ crucified and nothing else. It is a good practice to follow. The Catholic church teaches that they are the ‘true church’ and the other protestant religions should “come home”. Well, I cannot imagine a Baptist church preaching such nonsense. Last time I checked there was no other name by which we are saved but the name of Jesus Christ and His name was to be praised and every knee should bow before Him - not buddha, not mohammed, not a thousand hindu gods.

Seriously - what are we to gain by quoting outside religions during a celebration of Jesus’ Eucharist? :eek:
good luck in getting the right answer here. what you are going to get is a bunch of opinion from Catholics who see nothing wrong with false religions.
stick with the Truth yourself. false religions have infiltrated the minds of many Catholics and have blinded them to the One Truth. now and days is like this, every religion has some truth, leaving up to us to decide which truth it is and bring into the Church. it is almost as if God has not revealed all Truth to His Church and we need to find in some religion that rejects our Lord, Jesus Christ. this of course totally ignores what the Apostles have said, those who believed will be and those who refuse to believe are already condemned. why do you want to seek truths in teh condemned?
Can’t agree more, especially with the section I bolded. Especially what can’t be communicated adequately with words is the simultaneous “loss” of self and regaining of self, discarding of self & validation of self…along with direct experience of Christ as completely Other yet encompassingly intimate in the most absolute sense. Those are not Buddhist concepts.
I believe that we are in an imminent danger of loosing our faith due to the attempt by many to integrate false religion into the True religion. i truly believe that this is an attempt to evangelize Catholics into believing a false religion is not so bad. totally ignoring the Words of Jesus, "when going into that town, if they reject your teachings, shake even the dust of your sandals(body) and leave. we have abandoned many of the teachings of Jesus because we want to be good even better than God Himself. there is a mindset now and days, that we must be really good. Jesus said, there is only One that is good and there is God alone. trying to be better than God is a big mistake to make. i know that there are many parishes offering centering prayer. what does that come from? this is an attempting to stear us from the True Faith. the Jews tried and it did not work. is it going to work for us today? i doubt it.

one cannot follow two gods, either you love one and hate the other. which god are we to love?
I believe that we are in an imminent danger of loosing our faith due to the attempt by many to integrate false religion into the True religion. i truly believe that this is an attempt to evangelize Catholics into believing a false religion is not so bad.
Who are “the many” you’re talking about? Since you just referenced my post, are you including me? If so, I think you thoroughly misunderstood me.

Btw, this is not directed at you, per se, but can we have a universal correction by all on CAF? The present particple of the verb “to lose” (opposite of “to find”) is not “loosing.” It’s losing. (No double “o,” even though it’s counter-intuitive because of the pronunciation, which would seem to dictate the double-o! 🙂 ) There is actually no such word in English, because “loose” is never a verb, and therefore can never be made into a participle.

I wouldn’t have said anything, but it’s about the 10th time I’ve seen this on CAF in the last couple of weeks. 😊
Who are “the many” you’re talking about? Since you just referenced my post, are you including me? If so, I think you thoroughly misunderstood me.

Btw, this is not directed at you, per se, but can we have a universal correction by all on CAF? The present particple of the verb “to lose” (opposite of “to find”) is not “loosing.” It’s losing. (No double “o,” even though it’s counter-intuitive because of the pronunciation, which would seem to dictate the double-o! 🙂 ) There is actually no such word in English, because “loose” is never a verb,
In fact, it can be, and so the word does exist. In archaic English, before gunpowder made “firing” possible, shots of archery were “loosed.” It simply means to release.

I agree that its use as as you have described is wholly incorrect, however, 2 can play at picking grammatical nits; it’s so much more fun than the now old thread about Buddha:):)🙂
and therefore can never be made into a participle.
I wouldn’t have said anything, but it’s about the 10th time I’ve seen this on CAF in the last couple of weeks. 😊
God Bless and ICXC NIKA!
In fact, it can be, and so the word does exist. In archaic English, before gunpowder made “firing” possible, shots of archery were “loosed.” It simply means to release.
I’m aware of the archaic grammar. 🙂 This was not an archaic use. One does not “loose” one’s faith; one “loses” it. That was the context. That’s not a matter of
play[ing] [speaking of participles] at picking grammatical nits

It’s just correcting something that is chronic on CAF. (somewhat with my students, too, but not nearly as much as with the adults on CAF!)

I think actually that it is more fun to talk about Buddha. That’s just me.
good luck in getting the right answer here. what you are going to get is a bunch of opinion from Catholics who see nothing wrong with false religions.
stick with the Truth yourself. false religions have infiltrated the minds of many Catholics and have blinded them to the One Truth. now and days is like this, every religion has some truth, leaving up to us to decide which truth it is and bring into the Church. it is almost as if God has not revealed all Truth to His Church and we need to find in some religion that rejects our Lord, Jesus Christ. this of course totally ignores what the Apostles have said, those who believed will be and those who refuse to believe are already condemned. why do you want to seek truths in the condemned?
Thanks Wisdomseeker. The comments on this thread have varied widely in opinion on the one issue - but a few people have (thankfully) addressed the other question as well. I am grateful for people taking the time to respond, even if some of them have shocked me more than my original reason for posting 😉

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