pianistclare - I agree with all you say, but, you cannot dismiss what the blogger said altogether.
He hits on the crisis men are going through very well. In the great quest to dissolve all the differences between men and women, men are losing what makes them men. We are no longer able to join fraternities and brotherhoods that are singularly male, because we are told it isn’t “inclusive”. We are told we must curb our maleness, that there are no differences between the sexes and that it is somehow disordered to do the things that men have done for centuries.
Men do indeed have a need to dedicate their lives to something bigger than them, but that is being denied us in so many areas, from military service to yes, the priesthood, all of which is being watered down to make it easier, more palatable, and more inclusive. Men do not want easy, they want a challenge, they want tradition, they want realness. We are wired that way, from God Himself!
Chivalry and the code of chivalry is the answer to many of our problems, but that is so yesterday, so Neanderthal, it’s unlikely to ever be accepted again. We are so past that, so enlightened these days - isn’t it grand! As women “advance”, men go backwards. I hope that real men will never be needed again, because our society no longer produces many of them. I wonder what todays millennial males will be like when they are senior citizens, and they realize that they were denied the right to their vocation of being a man?
Anyway, there are so many facets to the priest shortage, it’s hard to cover them all.
Rant over…