Quite simply, we have a shortage of priests because the family has made the Church secondary in their lives. The parents are making going to Mass optional and letting school activities, scouting, and sports become more important than church activities. I teach the Confirmation class and, at the beginning of the school year, the requirements for Confirmation were sent home to every parent; I had a mother call me and wanted to know what was the minimum her son could do and still be Confirmed. I had other students ask for permission to miss class because of soccer tournaments. I can’t tell you how many of the students or their parents don’t even attend Mass. Their parents drop then off and pick them up…end of story.
My pastor asked the scout master how/when the scouts went to Mass when they were on a camping trip, scout master told Father that they has a devotional service. Father told him that was not acceptable since there were two Catholic churches within 23 miles of the campgrounds. He offered to go himself or send a PV to the campgrounds to say Mass for the scouts on Sunday morning. Another option was to have Mass at the Church when they came back Sunday afternoon.
One of the parents stopped Father after Mass and asked him why he was doing this and he explained the obligation to attend Mass. The parent, a cradle Catholic who’s parents were very devout, said, “Father, I think you got that wrong”…And you wonder why we have a shortage.
My pastor asked the scout master how/when the scouts went to Mass when they were on a camping trip, scout master told Father that they has a devotional service. Father told him that was not acceptable since there were two Catholic churches within 23 miles of the campgrounds. He offered to go himself or send a PV to the campgrounds to say Mass for the scouts on Sunday morning. Another option was to have Mass at the Church when they came back Sunday afternoon.
One of the parents stopped Father after Mass and asked him why he was doing this and he explained the obligation to attend Mass. The parent, a cradle Catholic who’s parents were very devout, said, “Father, I think you got that wrong”…And you wonder why we have a shortage.