Wow I really admire your courage and endurance! And you are so honoured to be fhosen by God! Keep going and God Bless!I was a lawyer for a number of years before entering the seminary (technically I still am since I still have my licence but still…). IMHO my talents are anything but wasted. While I have no plans to be dispensing legal advice in between administering the sacraments (and will likely let go of my licence when it’s up for renewal) the time I spent as a lawyer has been an invaluable foundation for my future priestly ministry. Besides a decent collection of stories, it also provided me with the experience of dealing with people and their problems particularly during times of crises and despair. If nothing else, when I meet people who aren’t “churched” it provides me with a certain amount of credibility as someone who knows what it’s like to hold down a full time job rather than being straight out of school or otherwise unworldly.
Granted, there’s a considerable risk involved in being out of full time practice - a risk which increases the further along the seminary formation program I go. Still, I’d like to hope that when people learn what I used to do for a living it’ll make them think and hopefully ask themselves why I would turn my back on the very things which so many people think are important in life - status, money and career - and they’ll realise that there’s something deeper and far more important, namely God.
Meanwhile I have to learn to trust God and let Him take His time. May I be the hammerhead which only works diligently for God, and may all glory be to God. I still am too proud to accept God’s whatever grace…