So after 25 years and 5 children, in retrospect the man and woman can be determined to not have truly been married as assessed by the state of the individuals at the time of marriage? Any possibility that little clues about the state of one or the other of the spouses may have surfaced over 25 years of raising 5 children?
If there never was a marriage, do one or both of the spouses need to confess fornication, at least 5 times?
And then, have as a deacon, a spiritual leader in the local parish, someone who gave witness to being married for 25 years, yet was deceived, or deceived, about the proper state for a valid marriage before the wedding, during the wedding, and after the wedding. Can you imaging his interpretation from the pulpit of 1 Tim 3:12? "A deacon must be the husband of but one wife and must manage his children and his household well."