Princess Abby's Catholic Answers Baby Shower!

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1)start really young to pray the rosary… a decade at a time.
  1. if you don’t know many saints now, you will as the child gets older… you’ll start calling on them alot more! 🙂
  2. “Jesus, Mary and Joseph” is a common prayer… use it when you feel like screaming (especially after oh… 5 days of constant being up the majority of the night and you are EXHAUSTED)
  3. accept any and all help with the household chores.
  4. sleep when the baby sleeps… to include cuddled up on the couch so after a nursing marathon and baby is asleep in your arms while you’re laying there (with baby to the inside), you can just go to sleep too.
  5. start “freezer cooking” now so when the baby is here, the first month you won’t have to cook.
Will you cloth diaper? If you’re serious… I will be more than happy to make you a set of baby wipes… and even if you’re not, I will still be more than happy to make some and you can use them as washies! Excellent to have in the diaper bag!
Pray for you children every day

Consecrate your kids to Mary each morning

Don’t start yelling at them—it’s tough to stop

When they start going off on their own, imagine placing them at the Tabernacle, with Jesus wrapping His arms around them.

Once they’re old enough, help them to pray that God shows them what their true vocation is. If it’s marriage, tell them to pray for the right spouse.

Don’t get caught up in all the one upsmanship with other moms (i.e. my little Susie started walking at 4 months, and your Sophia is just rolling over???)

Spend time with them outside!!

Put off getting them the latest gadgets, video games etc. for as long as possible.

Start them with great children’s literature. Completely saturated their minds with it. At some point, they’ll be reading what they want, and you want to them to have a good foundation and appreciation for the good stuff!!

Oh, I like Toni’s advice about never saying: "MY child will NEVER do that!! " No child is perfect, and he or she will eventually do things that will make you angry or embarrass you. The first time my child threw a fit in public, I just about melted into the floor.

Have fun at your non-virtual shower!!
this is such a cute idea!!!
Princess Abby,
Here is a Prayer from my prayer book called Mother’s Manual:
Prayer For a Happy Delivery

Lord Jesus Christ, who said “Allow the little children to come to me, fo the kingdom of heave is for such,” I thank you with all my heart for the great and holy privilege you have granted me in calling me to present you with a little child, so precious in your sight. I praise and bless your divine goodness which has conferred this supreme favor on me, and I acknowledge myself altogether unworthy of this holy gift. I bless, too, your divine goodness for giving me such a sweet and holy patroness and pretectress in your mother, the model and exaltation of all Christian motherhood.

Dear Jesus, I beg you to be mindful of the prayers and intercession of your Immaculate Mother in my behalf; heed her petitions for me and as you have so blessed me in this pregnancy, mercifully grant the happy delivery which I now ask through her, my patroness, Our Lady of Happy Delivery.
Congratulations Abby and good luck. I’m new at all this, so I just have a few pieces of advice.

~Don’t take the tags off the newborn clothes until you’re ready to use them. I got so many as gifts she won’t even wear them all before she outgrows them, and I could have exchanged them for larger sizes.

~Don’t look at your midsection (or rear) in a full length mirror unless you have time for a good cry. 😉

I make a mean artichoke dip! I’ll bring it.

My motto for motherhood–I raised four kids–was this: When children are acting the most unloveable, that is when they need the most love.

The best toys: those that are creative–blocks, leggos, crayons, clay, dress-up clothes, anything that uses imagination.

The best way to get your kid to eat something: rename it. Broccoli was baby trees. Raisins were baby bunny poop. You get the idea.

The best day ever with your child: TODAY. Enjoy every one of them.

Things to do while nursing: read, READ, **read, **READ. I read the entire John Jakes America series while nursing my son Daniel.

Unimportant things: spilled milk, messy living rooms, grass stains on clothes, expensive toys.

Important things: nice warm baths with toys, being tucked in with a story and a hug and kiss, watching a bug cross the driveway, stopping your work to listen, cuddling while singing silly songs together.
These are great!

If you ever want to hurry your child through doing it themselves, count to see how much longer it takes. Ten, maybe 20 seconds. How long do you give them between when you ask them to do something and when you expect them to hop to? Count to ten, you won’t believe how long it seems.

Take care of yourselves (as Mom and Dad, the Couple) and them. No one is on their best behavior when they’re hungry, tired, or haven’t had their hugs and exercise. The worst problems come when you’re cranky at the same time. You’re the parents… you can do something about that.

May God Bless You and Keep You, May His Face Shine upon You, May He give you all good health… and good sleep!
Dear Princess Abby,

One book we have given our pregnant friends give a more-honest view – and funny – of many of what you will go through. I hereby offer you the book by Dave Barry:

Babies and Other Hazards of Sex: How to Make a Tiny Person in Only 9 Months with Tools You Probably Have around the Home.,204,203,200_PIsitb-dp-500-arrow,TopRight,45,-64_AA240_SH20_SCLZZZZZZZ.gif

It takes you through some reality checks on how well the “secret word” works to stop pain during delivery, how to recognize a good babysitter from a terrorist, having romantic meal in a restaurant while changing a diaper, driving to hospital behind a member of the Elderly Person with Enormous Cars Club, getting a kid to let go of something horrible it found in the ash tray at the shopping mall (book was written back when public smoking was in vogue) etc.

It’s a lot of fun, and I think it actually helped us, as we found things weren’t always the way they were supposed to be. You can browse the book online.

I’ll bring a cake, too, but you can’t eat it!

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WOW! This is great. I am so excited for you. Having a new baby was really a very special time for me. It brought me closer to my mom and to my older sisters that had children. I felt a kinship with all other mothers too. Total strangers came up to me in public places to just get a closer look at the baby. It will make you the center of attention as well!

I like all the parenting advice you have gotten so far. I will add a few.

You will not remember all the cute things they say and do, so jot them down.

Enjoy even the times that you have to stay home with them because they are sick. All time spent together is so very precious.

Pary early and pray often. Pray for their future spouse. You want to make sure that they see you pray your way through all the tough times because 9 times out of 10, then that is what they will do when they are faced with adult worries.

Especially don’t think your child would never do or say “________”. Kids take some different roads at times when they are exploring the world. They are still your kids, but they may need you to accept that they are not perfect.

Don’t immediately take your child’s version of any story whether it be at school or at a friends house. Do more talking and praying and listen to the other adults involved. Your child’s version is just that = a child’s version.

Love them, but don’t be afraid to discipline them. Sometimes missing out on an activity will be the best lesson they can learn.

It does hurt to have children and I am not talking about child birth. Just as the Blessed Mother had to watch the crucifixion, you will have to see your child through some tough times in their life too. You can prepare now for that by having a very rich prayer life. It will help immensely.

Just as you have the hard times, you will have times you are so proud that you could burst. It is in those times that you think- hey I did OK God, with your help!

I am having trouble posting pictures, but I want to bring some music to the mix. When my children had had the extra glass of water, the extra hug, the extra story- then they had their tape recorders. I had the best childrens stories and religious tapes and happy music- and then they could fall asleep. So for now, I would like to add some lullabies to your pile of presents, and for later some really cool children’s religious tapes. I know there are tons of new ones, but we had the Agapeland series of tapes.

I will pray for a happy birth for you and a wonderful baby. God bless you.
This is my advice but I’m not sure I would’ve followed it after my first child… it took several before I realized:

In the middle of the night… you’ve fed your newborn baby on one breast - and you’ve changed her diaper. She’s just finishing up on the 2nd breast & drifting off to sleep when you hear her fill her pants again. Only now she’s asleep. What to do… what to do? If you change her again, she’ll wake up… but you CANNOT let your baby spend the next two hours sleeping in a dirty diaper… can you?

Ummm… yes. Won’t kill her. She’ll never know the difference and YOU need to sleep. Goodnight. :sleep:
carol marie:
This is my advice but I’m not sure I would’ve followed it after my first child… it took several before I realized:

In the middle of the night… you’ve fed your newborn baby on one breast - and you’ve changed her diaper. She’s just finishing up on the 2nd breast & drifting off to sleep when you hear her fill her pants again. Only now she’s asleep. What to do… what to do? If you change her again, she’ll wake up… but you CANNOT let your baby spend the next two hours sleeping in a dirty diaper… can you?

Ummm… yes. Won’t kill her. She’ll never know the difference and YOU need to sleep. Goodnight. :sleep:
I did that a few times with my second child… that girl would poop right as she was drifting off after the second breast, no matter if I tried to “make” it happen sooner. And I never thought I would tell anyone because of the shame of it!!! Thank you for letting me know I’m not the only, and IT’S OK! 😃
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