Princess Bride

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**Never ** go in against a **Sicilian ** when **death ** is on the line!
:rotfl: :eek: :bigyikes:
Whatever you do, don’t “listen” to the word program alone. I actually did an experiment with it just to see what a paragraph looked like when it was done “editing.” It made no sense, was full of grammatical errors, etc. Apparently they haven’t been able to create a program that can understand context! 🙂
At a local chapter meeting of STC (Society for Technical Communication - a couple of years ago I and other tech writers – “technical communicators” ( present were regaled by a Microsoft programming engineer’s presentation on that month’s topic: the newest version of Windows to be released soon. We knew it was to be a thinly veiled “sell” job on his part. So, that was okay.

Okay, fine. At Q&A time, he asked what questions we had.

Someone asked “why is it that the Spell/Grammar check in Word still has those bugs?”

We were taking about how Word’s spellchecker/grammar checker feature just doesn’t catch that the incorrect “there/their/they’re” is being used.

The answer was that the engineers who wrote that Spellchecker / Grammarchecker chose to fix only a certain percentage of the errors that are reported because they are under pressure to build better-faster features in their Microsoft applications.

Bottom line – it’s engineers who write the Word program.

We tech writers just gave an unsurprised sigh.

Now… back to your regularly scheduled programming about the Princess Bride.

P.S. Hey… whatever I write on this board is during my time off. So, if there’s errors in grammar, punctuation, or spelling – my apologies.
“Typo? What tpyo?”
I like the movie “The Princess Bride,” too. I haven’t caught any of those quotes out of Catholic Answers Live (yet).

Um… in my family, we use quotes from another movie a lot –

Young Frankenstein

The original movie trailer when it was released in 1974 is here – on the Web!

“Walk this way… no… THIS way!”

“Roll in the hay… roll, roll, roll in the hay!”

“Abbie – Abbie NORMAL!”

“Could be worse… could be raining!”

“Yes! He was my BOYFRIEND!”

… trivia… I’ve seen it 25 times (actually, 27 times but who’s counting?). The first 25 times was with my high school boyfriend when the movie came out in the 1970’s. The other two times with my husband years and years later.

It’s still a great movie!

Are there any links to Princess Bride trailers?

**Never ** go in against a **Sicilian ** when **death ** is on the line!
:rotfl: :eek: :bigyikes:
I knew it started with a “V” I just couldn’t quite grab it…

Why didn’t you MENTION the wheelbarrow?!?
My most used (in my sowrdfighting classes)

“I am not left handed!”

And for all those convention Name Tags…

Indigo Montoya, You killed my father, prepare to die.
tee_eff_em said:
I am not left-handed!

Maybe that’s one of the reasons I love that movie.

I am left handed!

I love movies that make a big deal about being left-handed.🙂
Thanks to this thread, I felt compelled to watch this one again (it’s one of this classic movie-nut’s favorites, tied with Wizard of Oz and It’s a Wonderful Life for numero uno in my book).

I love all the lines cited but my favorites are:

“As you wish” (I get downright weepy-eyed every time it’s said, especially at the end)


“Drop your sword!” (Gives me chills up the spine every time I watch that scene).

Thanks for the prompt to watch it again.
God bless you and yours,
“To the death!”
“No, to the pain!”
“I’m not familiar with that phrase”
The movie was pretty good, but not nearly as good as the book! In the movie, you don’t see any of the commentary about William Goldman’s efforts to abridge S. Morgenstern’s original monumental literary work. You never learn the significance of such great one liners as: “What with one thing or another, three years passed.”, and you never learn about the reunion scene William Goldman wrote for Wesley and Buttercup, that the publishers would not let him put in the book, but that you could write in for and ask them to mail you a copy. Great stuff!

I do have one bone to pick with the movie, though. They weren’t eels, they were sharks!

Joseph Bilodeau

BTW, if you want to read the reunion scene but don’t want to wait for the publisher to mail it to you, go to Google, type in “Kermit Shog”, and click “I’m feeling lucky” 😉
Love the Film!!! Have DVD and VHS. Just think, in the future, everyone will wear a mask, when a plan goes wrong you go back to the beginning, that’s a whitch not my wife, and if we only had a holocost robe, that would be something.
cccnative said:
🙂 The movie “Princess Bride” is a favorite of me, my wife and many of our friends. It seems it is a source on “Catholic Answers Live” of many quotes and quick come-backs. I don’t suppose there is a question I need to ask other than if it is inconceivable that this is so. :rolleyes:

I’ve enjoyed that movie for many years. It can be enjoyed by anyone of any age. It had adventure, science fiction, humor, a love story, it was a type of fairly tale moral story, a chase scene, you name it… Hollywood needs to produce more good movies like that one.

God bless this forum and everyone who uses it. May it be for the glory of God.

the Princess Bride and the Lord of the Rings movies are my 2 favorites!!! actually my voice mail on my cell phone was from that movie for about 2 or 3 months. i recorded it off my tv to my phone so that when i didn’t answer people were greeted with:

“I am the Dread Pirate Roberts. There will be no survivors.”

I had most of that whole scene on there but I had to delete it…it was a little too long for a voice mail message.
I’ve lent this movie out so much I had to replace it 3 times! I often gauge a persons likeablity on how much they love this movie–HA HA.
Anyway, why do I (and you) love this movie? Is it the great cast, the quotes, or the giant?

“He’s just mostly dead”
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