**Never ** go in against a **Sicilian ** when **death ** is on the line!
**Never ** go in against a **Sicilian ** when **death ** is on the line!
At a local chapter meeting of STC (Society for Technical Communication - stc-va.org/) a couple of years ago I and other tech writers – “technical communicators” (stc-va.org/interestedTC.asp#1) present were regaled by a Microsoft programming engineer’s presentation on that month’s topic: the newest version of Windows to be released soon. We knew it was to be a thinly veiled “sell” job on his part. So, that was okay.Whatever you do, don’t “listen” to the word program alone. I actually did an experiment with it just to see what a paragraph looked like when it was done “editing.” It made no sense, was full of grammatical errors, etc. Apparently they haven’t been able to create a program that can understand context!
I knew it started with a “V” I just couldn’t quite grab it…Vizzini
**Never ** go in against a **Sicilian ** when **death ** is on the line!
Never start a land war in Asia.Vizzini
**Never ** go in against a **Sicilian ** when **death ** is on the line!
tee_eff_em said:I am not left-handed!
Three years he said that to me! “Good night, Westley; Good Work; Sleep well; I’ll most likely kill you in the morning.”
cccnative said:The movie “Princess Bride” is a favorite of me, my wife and many of our friends. It seems it is a source on “Catholic Answers Live” of many quotes and quick come-backs. I don’t suppose there is a question I need to ask other than if it is inconceivable that this is so.
Love the Film!!! Have DVD and VHS.
When I was your age, television was called “books”
I don’t think this thread means what I think it means.