Private revelations

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They have become increasingly common in the last two centuries. So have false revelations, frauds etc.

The Church has approved many apparitions of Our Lady in recent times. These, and the approved revelations of various Saints, Blesseds etc., are worthy of our consideration.

  1. “I am the Lady of the Rosary. Continue always to pray the Rosary every day.”
    – Our Lady of Fatima, October 13, 1917
  2. “Pray and do penance. Pray the Rosary frequently."
    – Our Lady to Servant of God, Edvige Carboni, March 1942
  3. “Each day, recite the prayers of the Rosary… Pray the Rosary often.”
    – Our Lady of Akita, October 13, 1973
  4. “Pray the Rosary. Meditate on the mysteries. Listen to the Word of God spoken in them.”
    – Our Lady of Cuapa, 1980

Private revelations are not common; many, however, claim to have received revelations from God, but are really not. Most are from preconceived ideas, from one’s own imagination, from one’s own desire, or from Satan’s deception.

There are more people alive now than ever before, so there will be more with “visions in their heads.”

…many, however, claim to have received revelations from God, but are really not. Most are from preconceived ideas, from one’s own imagination, from one’s own desire…
And just how are we supposed to separate the true revelations from the non-true? If some bum on the street full of Mad Dog Red says God told him the world will end, we dismiss him. If Carlos Castaneda high on peyote writes something about his revelations, we dismiss him. But if someone like the author of the Book of Revelations whose writings appear very much like those of someone affected by LSD, we put them in the Bible. At Fatima a supposed revelation that there would be a new and more terrible war than WWI would come about worried a lot of people. Anyone who has read the history of that first war and the harsh punishments meted out to Germany after it, could be assured the German state would sooner or later go to war again. Personally I accept no revelations, and those that seem to come true are nothing but good guesses.
And just how are we supposed to separate the true revelations from the non-true? If some bum on the street full of Mad Dog Red says God told him the world will end, we dismiss him. If Carlos Castaneda high on peyote writes something about his revelations, we dismiss him. But if someone like the author of the Book of Revelations whose writings appear very much like those of someone affected by LSD, we put them in the Bible. At Fatima a supposed revelation that there would be a new and more terrible war than WWI would come about worried a lot of people. Anyone who has read the history of that first war and the harsh punishments meted out to Germany after it, could be assured the German state would sooner or later go to war again. Personally I accept no revelations, and those that seem to come true are nothing but good guesses.
C’mon, you should have more faith than that. 😉

While it is a common defense of many self-proclaimed prophets and not-yet-approved apparition/s of its “good fruits,” it must be time-tested; a realization of its prophecies to confirm that is it truly from God. Good fruit is not only gauged by the conversion of sinners for even the false ones can bring true conversions. There are many convincing speakers out there and even more vulnerable believers.

What is the intention of the person? Monetary? Fame?

Is the person suffering from depression? Is it drug related hallucinations?

Did the person seek for it? “I ask and ask God to show me Heaven; or what gifts of the Holy Spirit are You giving me; or show me future things, etc.” These people sometimes feel that they are deserving of gifts because they accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior. Jesus warned, “Thou shall not tempt the Lord your God.”

These are just common examples, but there’s really more to it…Satan is the father of lies, after all.

It depends on what you mean by “private revelations”.

Sincere Christians often receive guidance from God or His agents. Satan might the father of lies, but God is the Father of Truth.

Why should He abandon the spiritual battle to His enemy?

However in most cases the “private revelation” is just that - private - or it might be shared with just one or two other people.

Way back in my Presbyterian days, I had a pastor who was quite prophetic. I found as I got to know him that if he said he thought something would happen, then it nearly always did. And in some cases, I would say his predictions haven’t happened** yet.**

But he didn’t go round broadcasting these predictions in order to make them pubic. In most cases he said things to me in the privacy of his office.

So in that sense sincere Christians often get “private revelation”. But when it comes to “private revelation” that is meant to become “pubic revelation”, that’s a different ball game.

Had Mary turned up in Sr. Lucia’s dreams one night and said nothing more than that she wanted Lucia to become a nun, that would have been a personal revelation, and wouldn’t have received an ounce of air time. But it still would have been a private revelation.

But she said a good deal more than that, and to three witnesses, not one. As we all know, that became “public revelation”. But making sure a message is from God is not so easy.

I once asked the old pastor above how do you know, right up front, if a spiritual message is from God or the devil. He shrugged, and said “You don’t know”.
“Sincere Christians often receive guidance from God or His agents.” Some concrete examples would be nice.

How do you tell sincere Christian’s revelations from those of some wino?

“I had a pastor who was quite prophetic. I found as I got to know him that if he said he thought something would happen, then it nearly always did. And in some cases, I would say his predictions haven’t happened yet.”

In other words pure coincidence and random chance.

“But she said a good deal more than that, and to three witnesses, not one.”

I was told, and later read that two of the children didn’t hear or see the Virgin. Rather odd. How do we know Lucy didn’t make it all up (with good intentions) to impress the crowd of the necessity of more prayer?

Private revelations are not common; many, however, claim to have received revelations from God, but are really not. Most are from preconceived ideas, from one’s own imagination, from one’s own desire, or from Satan’s deception.

Examples please.
“Sincere Christians often receive guidance from God or His agents.” Some concrete examples would be nice.

How do you tell sincere Christian’s revelations from those of some wino?

“I had a pastor who was quite prophetic. I found as I got to know him that if he said he thought something would happen, then it nearly always did. And in some cases, I would say his predictions haven’t happened yet.”

In other words pure coincidence and random chance.

“But she said a good deal more than that, and to three witnesses, not one.”

I was told, and later read that two of the children didn’t hear or see the Virgin. Rather odd. How do we know Lucy didn’t make it all up (with good intentions) to impress the crowd of the necessity of more prayer?
Where may I ask did you read that? Is this a subject you are looking into? You sound like a " Doubting Thomas"- but perhaps one that does want to believe but needs "evidence"😊
Examples please.
Plenty. Watch YouTube, and browse the net, and you’ll know.

A popular one is a woman who claims that she died for 23 hours and went to Heaven and Hell; and saw Pope John Paul II in Hell. She claimed that she was in a state of great sinfulness when she demanded that God “TO DEAL WITH HER.” One will see many errors in her testimony.
There are many who claim they saw visions of the Pre-Tribulation rapture. We know very well, that it is a false theory. The Protestants cannot even agree even amongst themselves. They now debate Pre-Trib vs. Post-Trib.
There are those who seek the gifts of the Holy Spirit; what manifested was uncontrollable laughter, barking, hissing, labor pains, shouting, etc.
There are those who claim prophecy, but none of them came to pass…
There are also many false apparitions and false mystics. The Church has already condemned some…

Recently, following the recommendation of the popular website, I bought an online book about a mystic and stigmatic of the Church. She is not yet a canonized saint, but her book is highly recommended. When I read the first few chapters of her book, I know it’s gnostic. I wasted my money and didn’t finish. From the online comments, I am not the only one.

Plenty. Watch YouTube, and browse the net, and you’ll know.

A popular one is a woman who claims that she died for 23 hours and went to Heaven and Hell; and saw Pope John Paul II in Hell. She claimed that she was in a state of great sinfulness when she demanded that God “TO DEAL WITH HER.” One will see many errors in her testimony.
There are many who claim they saw visions of the Pre-Tribulation rapture. We know very well, that it is a false theory. The Protestants cannot even agree even amongst themselves. They now debate Pre-Trib vs. Post-Trib.
There are those who seek the gifts of the Holy Spirit; what manifested was uncontrollable laughter, barking, hissing, labor pains, shouting, etc.
There are those who claim prophecy, but none of them came to pass…
There are also many false apparitions and false mystics. The Church has already condemned some…

Recently, following the recommendation of the popular website, I bought an online book about a mystic and stigmatic of the Church. She is not yet a canonized saint, but her book is highly recommended. When I read the first few chapters of her book, I know it’s gnostic. I wasted my money and didn’t finish. From the online comments, I am not the only one.

Your references are very general and vague. ( you can find anything on the Internet?!!) Not reputable Catholic sources. If you want to know about private revelation look to Church approved resources and prayerfully read them. Although you are not required as a Catholic to believe them it is permitted and many faithful Catholic’s do. It is important to show respect as these are highly respected within the Church. Many Saint’s had private revelations- study the Saints! As a convert I am amazed at so much I dive into within the confirmed revelations! Do I know there are some to be wary of- of course!!! But growing closer to our Lord and His Church helps me discern, as should we all. We need the spiritual eyes of our Lord and a deep need to live a Holy life in Christ keeping CLOSE to all the Sacraments in order to do so, but it is possible and worthy of consideration.
My love to you in your journey of faith,
Your references are very general and vague. ( you can find anything on the Internet?!!) Not reputable Catholic sources. If you want to know about private revelation look to Church approved resources and prayerfully read them. Although you are not required as a Catholic to believe them it is permitted and many faithful Catholic’s do. It is important to show respect as these are highly respected within the Church. Many Saint’s had private revelations- study the Saints! As a convert I am amazed at so much I dive into within the confirmed revelations! Do I know there are some to be wary of- of course!!! But growing closer to our Lord and His Church helps me discern, as should we all. We need the spiritual eyes of our Lord and a deep need to live a Holy life in Christ keeping CLOSE to all the Sacraments in order to do so, but it is possible and worthy of consideration.
My love to you in your journey of faith,
That is why I said they ARE NOT from God.
So you accept there are private revaluations and hold respect toward those who hold to them?
Dear mlz,

The OP was asking if private revelations are common. What I was implying is “while there are truly revelations from God, they are not as common as one may think. In this day and age when it is easy to upload to YouTube, or post alleged visions in Facebook, one should always practice discernment because many are not really from God but from the possibilities that I have already posted.”

The reason why I watched the YouTube video that I have mentioned was because my sister passed it to me, and was all agog by it, albeit being a Catholic. That was why I have to watch it and correct the wrong. I intentionally did not put the names because I do not like talking negatively against others.

How could I not believe in private revelation when I have visions myself?



In other words pure coincidence and random chance…
Not quite - circa 1990 or 1991 he made a prediction “I think you’ll be doing a cleaning job. You won’t be doing it for long, and you won’t like it much, but I think the LORD will just want you to hear about a ghost.”

Fast forward to 2006, and I did a cleaning job in Ipswich west of Brisbane, for about four months (“not long”), didn’t like it much, and heard about a ghost.

Want to put that down to “pure coincidence and random chance”?

At the time he said it, I thought it was silly myself. But it happened.

Other predictions made around the same time (prior to 1992 as he died himself in 1992)…

“I don’t think your sister will live very long. I think she might get leukemia”. She died in 2005 from leukemia, ages 45.

“I think (his eldest son) will have a major health breakdown … stroke…”. His eldest son had a stroke circa 1995 or 1996.

“I think there’ll be a second Gulf War. The Americans will have had enough of Saddam Hussein and they’ll get rid of him. But I think they’ll lose a few men the next time.” (there was an emphasis on the word ‘few’ which made it clear he meant a lot more than a ‘few’).

Other predictions -
  1. There would be a black American president.
  2. There would be a gun massacre in Port Arthur, Tasmania (1996).
  3. I’d lose my then job. There’d be a bit of a conspiracy against me, and I’d make a silly mistake which they’d use to get rid of me. 1995 - I lost the job, after having made a “silly mistake”.
  4. Those involved would be punished - one man died about five months later, the son of another was killed in a car accident, the manager was downgraded to second in command, and as far as I know the whole place is now on two day production line per week. Another failed miserably in a very important bio-control program.
  5. He told a young bloke in his congregation that if he didn’t start riding his motorbike more carefully, he 'wouldn’t last two weeks!" He buried him two weeks later to the day. He told me he felt a bit guilty about that warning, as he said he found that things he said seemed to happen, and that he wished he’d warned him a bit differently.
  6. I’d become Catholic. 1996 or 97.

Stop being so condescending. God exists, and if He wants to tell His people things, then He can do so whenever He wants. The chief problem is differentiating which spirit is talking.

Even the old pastor could be temporarily deceived. At one stage he was going on with all these negative things he thought I’d be doing down the track - “You’ll do this… You’ll do that … etc.”

But then he suddenly stopped mid sentence, with a mildly puzzled expression on his face, and said “Hang on a minute! I think the devil’s telling me all these things!”

He had the ability to discern. And that is the key issue.
Are private revelations common? Does anyone know?
Private revelations are granted by God, at His discretion and for His purposes. Many are never reported; the fruits of the experiences are intended to be shown in the lives of the recipients, benefiting others indirectly. Sharing the experiences can just lead to worthless conflict and controversy. In other cases, however, such as with St Teresa of Avila, the revelations were ultimately intended to be known directly to all, so that we may, by them, be challenged and encouraged in our faith and understanding of the existence, nature, and will of God.
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