The hot-button issue of whether or not pro-abortion Catholic politicians should be allowed to receive communion brings up some questions:
What is the rule regarding those politicians who favor the death penalty? Are they able to receive communion? Is this a contradiction in terms?
I understand the issue of an innocent soul (or fetus) and its right to life. Is the issue such that the death penalty is justified because of the crime? Where specifically in the Bible or in Catholic doctrine is this addressed?
Thank you for addressing my questions. And thank you for these boards!
Steve D’Anna
What is the rule regarding those politicians who favor the death penalty? Are they able to receive communion? Is this a contradiction in terms?
I understand the issue of an innocent soul (or fetus) and its right to life. Is the issue such that the death penalty is justified because of the crime? Where specifically in the Bible or in Catholic doctrine is this addressed?
Thank you for addressing my questions. And thank you for these boards!
Steve D’Anna