"Pro-CHOICE" Doesn't make sense

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Why do people who advocate abortion call themselves pro-choice? It doesn’t make any sense.

I am anti-abortion. When I asked one of those persons who calls me “anti-choice” what she meant by “choice” - I asked her Choice to do what? Freedom to do what? She just said “Just freedom of choice. Why are you so afraid of freedom?”

What?? So more freedom is okay no matter what it is? More “choices” are okay no matter what they are? Great. Bring on the anarchy and crime. We all should have limitless freedom of what we do, right, even if it hurts or kills another human being.

What kind of nazi bull is this word “choice” anyway, why can’t they call it what it is and call themselves pro-abortion.

If they were truly pro-choice they would be advocating informed consent laws, not opposing them.
They like “choice” becuase it does not remind them it is killing an innocent person.
You make your choice when you choose have sex out of marriage. Period. End of choices.

(and I don’t want to hear about rapes, inceset life of the mother, these are exceptions which are a small minority of the number of abortions acutally performed, and why should the rule for all be more about the exceptionss than the majority??)
mommy said:
You make your choice when you choose have sex out of marriage. Period. End of choices.

(and I don’t want to hear about rapes, inceset life of the mother, these are exceptions which are a small minority of the number of abortions acutally performed, and why should the rule for all be more about the exceptionss than the majority??)

I agree, except abortion occurs within marriage many times as well.
mommy said:
You make your choice when you choose have sex out of marriage. Period. End of choices.

(and I don’t want to hear about rapes, inceset life of the mother, these are exceptions which are a small minority of the number of abortions acutally performed, and why should the rule for all be more about the exceptionss than the majority??)

What I read, and this was on Planned Parenthood’s website themselves, is that exceptions in the cases of health risks, deformity, and incest or rape were already legal BEFORE Roe V. Wade in most states. And yet those are exactly the arguments pro-abortion people give to why it should be legal. What a bunch of nonsense.

I used to try to reason with people, but I have to really take it on a person by person basis. Most pro-aborts are very unreasonable and unwilling to have a logical conversation about it, I’ve found.

But I gotta go baby’s nap time is over again. Thank God for her, thank God for my pro-life husband.
They didn’t want to be called abortionists anymore so they changed the debate by calling themselves pro-choice. As you can see it was a very effective tactic. We have changed tactics too calling then what they are - pro-death.
When people say “I am pro choice” I always ask them to finish the sentence. Exactly what choice are you advocating? Allowing a baby to live or die right? So finish the sentence and admit you think anyone should be able to choose death for another innocent person at any stage of pregnancy and for any reason.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
When people say “I am pro choice” I always ask them to finish the sentence. Exactly what choice are you advocating? Allowing a baby to live or die right? So finish the sentence and admit you think anyone should be able to choose death for another innocent person at any stage of pregnancy and for any reason.

Lisa N
Very good logic. I am gonna steal your line.
Why do people who advocate abortion call themselves pro-choice? It doesn’t make any sense.

I am anti-abortion. When I asked one of those persons who calls me “anti-choice” what she meant by “choice” - I asked her Choice to do what? Freedom to do what? She just said “Just freedom of choice. Why are you so afraid of freedom?”

If they were truly pro-choice they would be advocating informed consent laws, not opposing them.
They call themselve “pro-choice” because it implies empowerment to women, also studies show that a positive phrasing ("pro-_____ ) is generally more readily received/endorsed than a negative phrasing (“anti-")–as Americans, we don’t like rights/stuff taken away from us (ex., look at the battles for the wording on ballot initiatives). This alludes to the superficiality of how people process and make decisions. Also the bias media folks fully understand this–watch a secular network show, read a secular paper, the vast majority of the time, the position of the pro-life folks is labelled in the negative "anti-", while the anti-life folks are labelled in the positive "pro-___”.

I personally match with the converse phrase when discussing the abortion issue–“pro-choice” with “pro-life”; “anti-abortion” with “anti-life”). If they find this objectionable, I tell them why I find their converse prefix objectionable.

Regarding your friend, next time use her “pro-choice” terminology as an opening to educate her scientifically of the “choice” that she is really exercising–choosing to terminate life or preserve life. I believe that many women/people have be deluded and and/or are in strict denial regarding the reality of the “choice” that they are making. The pro-abortion terminology really is the language and ploy of the devil who is their chief strategist.
What is ironic is the baby’s “choice” is disregarded or irrelevant.It is rediculous.They use all kinds of excuses to kill,one of them being poverty:mad: Mother Teresa said it right-It is a poverty that a child must die so that you can live as you wish.God Bless
The Pope said it well too, “A nation that kills its own children is a nation without hope.”
I’ve noticed something interesting: at pro-life rallies there are many women who speak out who regret having had an abortion and many that are glad that they made the choice for life.

On the other hand, at pro-abortion rallies, you never hear anyone talk about how they regret choosing life or how they are glad they were able to have an abortion.

I wonder why that is?:hmmm:
Abortion is evil,and when a woman is able to renounce it and heal it is truly a deliverance from the demonic.The devil brought death into the world and continues to perpetuate this.I have done a lot of research on the origions from different sources,this is one online that is worth read, it is long but worth your time.God Bless

God Bless
I totally agree that “pro-choice” and “anti-choice” are really dumb terminology. In the first place, I guess you could say that God is pro-choice, in the sense that He gave us free will. Of course, we all know that He will be very disappointed if we don’t make the correct choice, according to His Will.

If a person says he is “pro-choice,” what does he (or she) mean by that? Well, a lot of people think that “pro-choice” people must be guilty of some kind of grave sin. I believe that in many cases we are misjudging them if we think that. Here’s why.

I don’t smoke, I always ask for the non-smoking section in a restaurant, and I always ask for a non-smoking motel room. However, I wouldn’t really like to see a law that totally bans smoking. I think that such a law would cause more problems than it solves. I believe that people are free to smoke if they choose to do so. Does this make me pro smoking and pro lung cancer? I don’t think so. Well, you will probably say that abortion kills a baby and smoking doesn’t kill anyone. Well, actually, smoking does kill a lot of people.

Similarly, I get upset when you say someone is pro-abortion just because they say they are “pro-choice.”

To me, the pro-abortion people are those who have had abortions and those who have participated in and/or encouraged abortions in some way. This includes doctors who perform abortion, people who work in abortion clinics, and husbands/boyfriends who give money to a woman for that purpose.

Just for the record, before I get a lot of indignant responses, I am anti abortion, and I would vote for any law that restricts abortion. I’m just not into judging my neighbors as guilty of sin when I don’t have a clue what they really mean by “pro-choice.”
I ended up just dropping the subject once it was clear she wouldn’t listen to reason. I found that this line of thinking works to convince some people:

“If you say you are “pro-choice” and a baby isn’t a baby until viability, why do you support groups that routinely kill babies AFTER viability, like Naral, PP, etc. According to YOU, that is murder, so you support a group that murders?? This one is fool-proof, pretty much, because if they then say that these abortions are necessary, you can find the statistics that prove that completely wrong. Why couldn’t she just have a c-section at that point, and let the baby live. She doesn’t have to kill her baby to not be pregnant at that point.”

If they say that they don’t think a baby is a person with rights until birth, then ask them to explain to you how a viable unborn baby is any different from a newborn. They’ll run into tons of problems with that one. I’ve never lost an argument using that logic, it’s totally airtight.

I also use the word “baby” in my arguments a lot. If they tell me an unborn child is not a baby, I tell them to look up baby on dictionary.com.

I actually considered myself “pro-choice” until I became pregnant with my daughter. I’d wanted her, but I got all depressed and scared about having a baby and even sometimes wished I wasn’t pregnant. Thank God my pro-life husband was there to talk some sense into me. I can honestly say I don’t regret her one tiny bit, and I KNOW I would have killed myself if I had had an abortion and then found out what it actually was.

Now I think I may actually be pregnant again, and this time is going to be so much better because I am going to love and bond with this baby all through pregnancy.
Why do people who advocate abortion call themselves pro-choice? It doesn’t make any sense.
Pro-abortion makes it sound as though you want everyone to have abortions. That’s not the case. Pro-choice (while I agree it’s not a very good term) does at least stress that what you are in favor of is for people to have the choice of getting an abortion.

“Pro-abortion rights” would be fairly accurate.

But along the same lines the “pro-life” label is also inaccurate, especially given the number of people who oppose abortion but support death penalty and war.
Listener, that’s why you talk to them first. I think you’ll find that many people are somewhere in the middle, like I was.

Being pro-choice is dangerous. If you think it’s okay for someone to have an abortion, how do you not think it’s okay for you when you’re all hormonal and having conflicted feelings about being pregnant? You’d have to be mostly pro-life in order NOT to sin. And, I’m sorry I don’t know if you are male or female, but what if you had a wife and the doctor said she “might” have some health problems because of a pregnancy, and she “chose” to abort your child? Would you just sit back and let her??

The other thing is, you’re allowing other people to sin. What would you do if a woman came to you and said, “I’m pregnant and can’t afford a child”? Would you tell her, “you could choose an abortion,” or would you try to help her get a better job, get some assistance, buy some baby clothes, whatever? I think right now, most of society is apathetic about abortion.

They think it is a cure for social ills such as poverty and bad parenting, when nothing could be further from the truth. This kind of thinking is putting pressure on women that if they can’t be perfect moms or can’t afford to send their kids to college single-handedly, they should just go abort. It’s stupid and dangerous, and the pro-abortion industry would never have had the power that they now have if it weren’t for “pro-choice” people.

I’m sorry if that sounds harsh but it’s the truth.
Pro-abortion makes it sound as though you want everyone to have abortions. That’s not the case. Pro-choice (while I agree it’s not a very good term) does at least stress that what you are in favor of is for people to have the choice of getting an abortion.

“Pro-abortion rights” would be fairly accurate.

But along the same lines the “pro-life” label is also inaccurate, especially given the number of people who oppose abortion but support death penalty and war.
It’s not hypocritical to support the death penalty and be pro-life, because the death penalty is a strong detterant against murder. Take a look some time at the homicide stats of states that enforce the death penalty. Compare to states that don’t. You end up saving more innocent lives for the cost of a few not so innocent ones. It’s called justice. I think our legal system is screwy, but if it’s obvious someone has killed, enjoyed killing, and will kill again, why spend millions of dollars in tax money to give that person a horrible life in prison? Jesus NEVER said anything about the fact that where he lived, there was a death penalty, nor did he rail his followers to fight against his own sentance, not once!

And as for war, not all wars are justified, and all wars have atrocities, but we KNOW for a fact we cannot prevent all of them, not so long as there are power-hungry tyrants eager to take innocent lives. Secondly, what do you think would’ve happened had we all decided not to go to war and get Hitler? Who do you think you’d be saluting right about now?

The second thing is, “pro-choice” is rediculous because killing someone should never be a “choice”. I don’t care what you’re line of thinking is, you are saying it’s okay for people to go and kill innocents, that is not right.
Similarly, I get upset when you say someone is pro-abortion just because they say they are “pro-choice.”
Would you prefer to say someone is “pro-abortion option”? Why tip toe around the issue when babies are being killed? Unlike smoking (or driving without your seat belt on), abortion is the intentional killing of the innocent and the abortion industry is driven by revenue. It is beyond the time for Christians to get off the fence and quit pandering into the hands of the pro-abortion community and the devil.
Would you prefer to say someone is “pro-abortion option”? Why tip toe around the issue when babies are being killed? Unlike smoking (or driving without your seat belt on), abortion is the intentional killing of the innocent and the abortion industry is driven by revenue. It is beyond the time for Christians to get off the fence and quit pandering into the hands of the pro-abortion community and the devil.
Exactly. It wasn’t die-hard pro-abortionists that allowed 10,000 viable babies to be legally killed last year, it was the people who sat back and did nothing. Just like it wasn’t just Nazis who murdered 10 million people in the concentration camps, it was the people who watched the trains go by, saw the smoke rising up from the furnaces, and sat back and said “that’s not my business”.

There is a phrase I’ve heard in church concerning being wishy washy about sin, and I feel it’s appropriate here:

“Just remember, if you’re sitting on the fence, the devil owns the fence, too.”
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