"Pro-CHOICE" Doesn't make sense

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It’s not hypocritical to support the death penalty and be pro-life, because the death penalty is a strong detterant against murder. Take a look some time at the homicide stats of states that enforce the death penalty. Compare to states that don’t. You end up saving more innocent lives for the cost of a few not so innocent ones. It’s called justice.
You are mistaken, the death penalty is a very poor deterent and states with it tend to have higher himicide rates:

Regardless of which its still obviously wrong to call a person “pro-life” who is in favor of the death penalty, they obviously are pro-death in some cases.
The second thing is, “pro-choice” is rediculous because killing someone should never be a “choice”. I don’t care what you’re line of thinking is, you are saying it’s okay for people to go and kill innocents, that is not right.
That’s rather amusing given you just defended the death penalty. Is it somehow not a “choice”?
the only thing i agree with tlaloc on is that you cant call yourself pro-life and at the same time be for killing people.it just doesnt make sense. be that as it may, abortion is much more horrible than the death penalty since so many more die and since they are all 100% innocent. with the death penalty at least they had a chance at life and screwed it up. abortion is the worst crime on earth.]

-and its pro death. your supporting death=pro-death. pro-murder.
the only thing i agree with tlaloc on is that you cant call yourself pro-life and at the same time be for killing people.it just doesnt make sense. be that as it may, abortion is much more horrible than the death penalty since so many more die and since they are all 100% innocent. with the death penalty at least they had a chance at life and screwed it up. abortion is the worst crime on earth.
-and its pro death. your supporting death=pro-death. pro-murder.
I agree, and I do agree that in our country that it would be easy to lock people up for life, but my only concern is that in developing countries they don’t have the means or resources to prevent dangerous criminals from attacking again…that is my only exception to my pro-life stance.
yeah, and frankly i dont care about the death penalty much anyways while abortion is legal.
dont change definitions! prolife means anti abortion, has nothing to do with capital punishment. capital punishment is allowed by the current catechism, and the baltimore catechism. I am prolife, and pro death penalty.
dont change definitions! prolife means anti abortion, has nothing to do with capital punishment. capital punishment is allowed by the current catechism, and the baltimore catechism. I am prolife, and pro death penalty.
i hope you realize that pro-life is just a term people made up, i doubt its in the dictionary. and what it literally means is for life. you cant say that it only applies to abortion. you would be the one changing the definition if you said it did.
If you think it’s okay for someone to have an abortion, how do you not think it’s okay for you when you’re all hormonal and having conflicted feelings about being pregnant? You’d have to be mostly pro-life in order NOT to sin. And, I’m sorry I don’t know if you are male or female, but what if you had a wife and the doctor said she “might” have some health problems because of a pregnancy, and she “chose” to abort your child?
To answer your question, I think you misunderstood my point. I am female, anti-abortion, and yes–when I was much younger, I had some very difficult pregnancies. Was I tempted to have an abortion? No, not even tempted. I would never have even considered the idea, since I know right from wrong. Now, if I was male and my wife “chose” to abort my child, that would be a different problem. I suppose I could beg and plead, but if she really “chose” to do this, I’m not sure what I could do about it, other than follow her to the abortion clinic and throw a temper tantrum. A situation like that would be very sad and would probably ruin the marriage. Keep in mind that even if we could forbid abortion in the USA, your spouse could simply wave goodbye and say that she’s going to Canada for an abortion. My point was that people do have that choice whether we like it or not and whether abortion is legal or illegal. You mentioned “letting” another person do something. Since when do we have control over what other adults decide to do? Do you suggest tying them to a tree or something?
We don’t let other adults choose to murder people in whatever country they are in…that is where your argument doesn’t hold water. We tend to consider that the baby isn’t a human person that should be entitled to the same rights as a human person, which means abortion should be a captial crime. 25-life.
mycroft. Prolife is the phrase term to mean antiabortion, it has meant that ever since I got in the movement when I was in 10 in 1978. applying that term to other issues only confuses people. right to life , cant be compared to the capital punishment issue. right to life deals with defenseless and inocent life, capital punishment deals with people who are far from defensless, and who are definitely not inocent. to compare the 2 goes down the road of trivializing the plight of the unborn, something I despise and find very sickening. But Im seeing more and more Im living in a country where inocence is something that just doesnt matter anymore, and its Catholics that are showing me that more than anyone else. how sad!
TMy point was that people do have that choice whether we like it or not and whether abortion is legal or illegal. You mentioned “letting” another person do something. Since when do we have control over what other adults decide to do? Do you suggest tying them to a tree or something?
Why have laws against robbing banks or rape?. I guess using your logic we should all be “pro choice” and eliminate the laws because we have no right to stop folks from committing such acts?
I have no problem with giving an abortionist 25 to life. And the woman who goes and has one, if abortion were illegal, and everyone knew what it actually was, she should go to trial too and possibly be convicted as an accomplice to murder.

Call it what it is, people.

I will look up those stats on the death penalty. I’m always open to more information.

I never said the death penalty was a choice. In my opinion it should only be used in cases where the person has brutally killed, been proven guilty, and at least two psychologists agree that he is a threat to society and will kill again. If the person gets out in a few years on good behavior, can you really call that justice?

Some of these men are sitting in jail right now smoking, working out, watching t.v., and getting on the internet planning their next crimes. The person who is accused gets a trial by an impartial jury, that’s the idea. That’s something unborn babies never get.

Secondly, ever hear the true story about a lenient judge who was against the death penalty, let a killer out of jail, and came back to the police office a few weeks later complaining that the guy was now his next door neighbor??
Prolife is the phrase term to mean antiabortion, it has meant that ever since I got in the movement when I was in 10 in 1978. applying that term to other issues only confuses people.
I totally agree. It is simply another diversionary tactic of the pro-death/anti-life/pro-abortion folks, and those Christians who are naiive regarding the tactics of the militant pro-abort folks and the devil who is their blood thirsty commander in chief (this reality seems to escape too many people who project their own benevolent motives upon the pro-abort community). Time for Christians to wake up and smell the coffee if they haven’t already–this is an all out, bloody battle for the soul of America.
you guys are ripping on me for no reason. if you would actually read some of the posts, you would see that i said abortion is a million times worse than the death penalty. in the other abortion thread i said that i dont really care about the death penalty as long as abortion is legal. all i said was that i dont think its right for people to be pro-life and to also be for the government being able to kill people. but i guess that automatically makes me one of “the pro-death/anti-life/pro-abortion folks”. try looking at what i actually said before you start whining about me.
They like “choice” becuase it does not remind them it is killing an innocent person.
Seems to me the only person who has a choice is the mother. The father doesn’t. The baby certainly doesn’t. Pro choicers say that the woman has right to do what she wants to with her body. What she does with her body is her business. It’s what she does with the baby’s body that confounds the issue.
you guys are ripping on me for no reason. if you would actually read some of the posts, you would see that i said abortion is a million times worse than the death penalty. in the other abortion thread i said that i dont really care about the death penalty as long as abortion is legal. all i said was that i dont think its right for people to be pro-life and to also be for the government being able to kill people. but i guess that automatically makes me one of “the pro-death/anti-life/pro-abortion folks”. try looking at what i actually said before you start whining about me.
I can see your point. But I am out to win against the pro-aborts. Period. Why diffuse the argument in a way that can be exploited by those not in the pro-life camp? and further add to the confusion for those who are ambiguous/ignorant of the issues? To put death penalty argument into the fray is really a side bar issue that gets run up the flag pole as a “smoke and mirrors” distraction from the real debate. Besides, the Church is not striclty against the death penalty in cases where there is no way to protect others from the further harm (which in civilized societies is basically non-existant).
i wasnt the one who brought it into the argument. and yes, in our society keeping someone in jail for life would keep them from harming others. the death penalty should not be legal in the US, but i believe the abortion issue is much more important.
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