
You are mistaken, the death penalty is a very poor deterent and states with it tend to have higher himicide rates:It’s not hypocritical to support the death penalty and be pro-life, because the death penalty is a strong detterant against murder. Take a look some time at the homicide stats of states that enforce the death penalty. Compare to states that don’t. You end up saving more innocent lives for the cost of a few not so innocent ones. It’s called justice.
Regardless of which its still obviously wrong to call a person “pro-life” who is in favor of the death penalty, they obviously are pro-death in some cases.
That’s rather amusing given you just defended the death penalty. Is it somehow not a “choice”?The second thing is, “pro-choice” is rediculous because killing someone should never be a “choice”. I don’t care what you’re line of thinking is, you are saying it’s okay for people to go and kill innocents, that is not right.