Pro-Gay Groups Plan Action at 2004 Bishops’ Conference

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Pro-Gay Groups Plan Action at 2004 Bishops’ Conference
Posted August 29, 2004 by Ron Belgau

At the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops this November, the Bishops will face serious criticism from both Catholic dissidents and non-Catholics regarding Church teaching on homosexuality.

For the fifth year in a row, Soulforce, an interfaith gay activist organization, plans to hold protests at the USCCB Conference (November 14-17, 2004). This protest will follow prayer vigils scheduled for November 9 at Catholic Chanceries in California, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, Pennsylvania, New York, and the District of Columbia. In a related development, the Rainbow Sash Movement, a gay Catholic group, reports that Cardinal McCarrick of the Archdiocese of Washington, DC has agreed to host a “Listening Session” for gay Catholics during the weekend of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops meeting (November 13 or 14, 2004)…continues at link above
This protest will follow prayer vigils scheduled for November 9 at Catholic Chanceries in California, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, Pennsylvania, New York, and the District of Columbia.
Awesome! Hopefully during their vigils their hearts will be softened and they will accept the Truth taught by the Church on homosexuality!
As far as I can tell, their main concern is gay marriages. It sounds like they want the Church to lobby for, or at least quit lobbying against, civil gay marriage. They are emphasizing the Church’s political clout.

Funny thing, the politics of gay marriage. Typically the groups who promote gay marriage claim to be “diversity” advocates. There is nothing less diverse than a homosexual marriage. It is attractive to people who don’t want to take on a relationship with someone different than themselves. Feminists promote gay marriage, which is also strange. They’ve been telling us for decades that no business or social institution can be run without women in charge, so they should oppose gay marriage which would allows the important institution of marriage and family to be run by men only and no women in charge.

This protest will follow prayer vigils scheduled for November 9 at Catholic Chanceries in California, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, Pennsylvania, New York, and the District of Columbia.
Do they actually think that God will heed their prayers for acceptance of a lifestyle that He consistently condemns?

Silly you–the Bible is only speaking figuratively when it communicates God’s law on homosexuality. :rolleyes:

Silly you–the Bible is only speaking figuratively when it communicates God’s law on homosexuality. :rolleyes:
Oops, sorry. :whacky:

Pro-Gay Groups Plan Action at 2004 Bishops’ Conference
Posted August 29, 2004 by Ron Belgau

At the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops this November, the Bishops will face serious criticism from both Catholic dissidents and non-Catholics regarding Church teaching on homosexuality.

For the fifth year in a row, Soulforce, an interfaith gay activist organization, plans to hold protests at the USCCB Conference (November 14-17, 2004). This protest will follow prayer vigils scheduled for November 9 at Catholic Chanceries in California, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, Pennsylvania, New York, and the District of Columbia. In a related development, the Rainbow Sash Movement, a gay Catholic group, reports that Cardinal McCarrick of the Archdiocese of Washington, DC has agreed to host a “Listening Session” for gay Catholics during the weekend of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops meeting (November 13 or 14, 2004)…continues at link above
What is a listening session? Would McCarrick grant one of those to the KKK? The word “gay” has strong political overtones. These folks are not about being obedient to Christ, but want to subvert His authority. What a shame that our culture has fallen so far that such groups exist and would be tolerated and “listened” to by our Church leaders.

What happened to preaching the truth in season and out of season?
If MCCarrick was a Faithful Religious, the ONLY *“Session” * he *should be * offering as an Outreach to these **scandal mongers ** is:


Silly you–the Bible is only speaking figuratively when it communicates God’s law on homosexuality. :rolleyes:
I certainly hope so since we totally ignore all of God’s other condemnations in Leviticus.
I certainly hope so since we totally ignore all of God’s other condemnations in Leviticus.
Read that book again: all other condemnations don’t require repentance and some are even considered cleansed on the next day without requiring any action from the person.

There are interdictions and interdictions, and those in Leviticus about homossexuality, incest, etc, are of grave matter.

Well if I was the Conference, I would arrange for Fr. John Corapi to speak to the protestors about the immoralty of sexual relations outside of covenant marriage between a man a a woman with priests standing by in the confessional and representatives of Courage available to help the repentant.:yup:
Well if I was the Conference, I would arrange for Fr. John Corapi to speak to the protestors about the immoralty of sexual relations outside of covenant marriage between a man a a woman with priests standing by in the confessional and representatives of Courage available to help the repentant.:yup:
Ouch, talk about putting the fear of God in them…:eek:
Read that book again: all other condemnations don’t require repentance and some are even considered cleansed on the next day without requiring any action from the person.

There are interdictions and interdictions, and those in Leviticus about homossexuality, incest, etc, are of grave matter.

I’m not sure where you’re getting this and I have reread the book. There is no penance mentioned for eating that rare T-bone or trimming your beard or slipping on that cotton/poly blended shirt or enjoying a couple of oysters or sowing two different grains in your fields.

All of them are followed by the statements “…you must not do any of these hateful things” and “But if you do not listen to me and do not observe ***one ***of these commandments, if you refuse my laws and disregard my customs, and break my covenant by not observing each one of my commandments, then I will deal with you…”

So it appears the church is the ultimate creator and practitioner of “cafeterianism” since it picks and chooses what it feels like believing and thereby ignores a great number of God’s direct orders. Somebody must have had a really bad sexual experience when they were picking out the rules.

I’m not sure where you’re getting this and I have reread the book.
“Such is the uncleanness that you contract, that everyone who touches their dead bodies shall be unclean until evening, and everyone who picks up any part of their dead bodies shall wash his garments and be unclean until evening.” (Lev. 11:24-25)
Somebody must have had a really bad sexual experience when they were picking out the rules.
Whereas for such bad sexual experiences:

“Everyone who does any of these abominations shall be cut off from among his people.” (Lev. 18:29)

It’s pretty clear if the Lev. is read as whole that are categories of sins, bad sexual experiences being among the worst ones.

God bless.
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