Pro-Isreal Students Are Angry With Columbia U

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The debate began with a documentary film called “Columbia Unbecoming” that said professors in the Ivy League school’s department of Middle East and Asian Languages and Cultures harassed pro-Israel students.,2933,145083,00.html
One can not describe pro Isreal people as radical leftists.
One can not describe pro Isreal people as radical leftists.
That’s not my point–For years, the vast majority of Jews in higher education have been in the forefront of modern day “liberal” and leftist causes, many of which have promoted moral relativism and secularism as the modern religion and have ridiculed traditional values. Now, that the universities (which by the way are populated by educators and administrators who are disproportionately liberal and exclusionary when it comes to conservative (classical liberal) thought or traditional values) have become cauldrons of hate in the service of Palestinian rights, they have turned on some of their most vocal benefactors–Hence the irony.
I read the story and watched the report, but I am still confused, could someone please elaborate on this for me? What is it these students want, to have the freedom to speak during the time when the professors are taking questions, or are they expecting to be able to interupt the class whenever they want to disagree with the professors in question?

Linda H.
Linda H.:
I read the story and watched the report, but I am still confused, could someone please elaborate on this for me? What is it these students want, to have the freedom to speak during the time when the professors are taking questions, or are they expecting to be able to interupt the class whenever they want to disagree with the professors in question?

Linda H.
In effect, pro-Israel students are now complaining because they for the first time are being subjected to the same overwhelmingly biased and slanted teaching in “higher education” when it comes to Israel and Israeli policy that Caucasian males have been subjected to for years when it comes to affirmative discrimination, that Catholics have been subjected to when it comes to history, including the history of the Holocaust, or when it comes to homosexual rights, and that supporters of the US and American foreign policy have been subjected to by a cadre of Marxist professors who have preached the evils of the American “imperialist” system.
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