“No True Scotsman” fallacy.
Its actually the fallacy of killing babies and then claiming you are trying to do something about it when you really are not.
I strongly urge everyone in the US to take your guidance for the morality of voting directly from your bishop, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, or from the Magesterium in Rome.
Ultimately, and I am sorry to say this as it seems you are quite involved with this DFL thought, is that you can’t square your faith with voting democrat. It is impossible, regardless of the church’s direct or non-direct guidance on the specific issue. The thing is, killing another innocent human being is a violation against natural law. Any law that specifically affords that ability is a violation against natural law. That is the end of the story. The church does not have the power to reverse or circumvent natural law. We can not use the authority of the church for evil ends. And I fear that this is what is happening here. I would strongly encourage you to delete your post.
The real sin that Democrats commit in the eyes of the right is to be in favor of higher taxes on the rich, environmental regulation, labor unions, consumer protection, free health care, compassion for refugees, criminal justice reform, expanding access to voting, etc.
So… your solution to this conversation is to impose a motive to someone without actually knowing why that person is doing something. How Christian of you. We are telling you you can;t vote democrat because of abortion. There is no other reason. Taxes are not a moral issue on the gravity of abortion. Governments have the right to debate that issue in what they feel is best for an economy. There are arguments to claim that not taxing large business owners stimulates the economy. Those tax loop holes that many billionaires enjoy was passed by just about all of the democrats.
Environmental regulations, again, not necessarily a moral issue. There is a component of protecting the environment, but there is also a component of not over regulating and stifling business. It is a balancing act in which, ultimately, there may be no correct moral answer at the end of it.
Labor unions can help employees, but labor unions can also really hurt employees. I have been in union environments where employees wanted out of paying their union dues because they made such a toxic environement and rewarded mediocrity. Again, this is not a moral issue like abortion.
Compassion for refugees, well, no country lets more people from out of the country in than the U.S. We are the most permissive, always have been. So… you are complaining about nothing here.
"“Expanding access to voting” is a nothing issue. Everyone can vote in this country. There has been no consitutional blocks against this. This is code language for allowing non U.S. citizens to vote, which is non-consitituional anyway. You have to become a citizen.
Trump has been incredible on healthcare, better than the democrats I would say.