They invariably always fail or refuse to comment on Gods omniscience and benevolence in creating a being that he has the foresight to know, that they will live a life of sin and end up in hell by their own choices.
I think that many people come to forums like this with preconcieved ideas about what Omniscience means, and they refuse to look at anybody elses interpretation of it, simply becuase they like pulling down the strawman that they themselves have invented.
You might say that God has limits, but those limits are produced by Gods own nature. In otherwords, if God is love, he cannot do evil. If God exists, he cannot not exist. If God is all powerful, he cannot then destroy himself, because that would mean that God is not all powerful.
God is love. Love demands the freedom of choice, regardless of the end to which you freely choose to turn.
The key issue here is about respecting people’s freedom to choose. And that is one of the Greatest Goods. Robbing people of existence and the freedom to choose just because they will choose against you, no matter how sympathetic it might seem to you, is not good. It is a selfish act; and therefore God will not choose it.
Secondly, God only knows that you went to hell because he “Eternally willed” you in to existence. If he had not willed you, he would not “know” your end, because you where never in Gods will to begin with; and my knowing your end, does not take away from the fact that you have every opportunity to be otherwise.
It is true that God knows all that exists, and all that is going to exist. But God will not divert from what will end in good, in God, even if the result of that good will end in losing some to selfishness. If evil is so intimately intertwine in human affairs, (which it evidently is) to the extent that the removal of such an evil will end in even greater evils, then for the benefit of those who chose him (The Elect), he would rather that some chose against him, rather then destroying all of creation.
In this, I see no contradiction, and simply asserting that God could have done it differently with out providing any legitimate evidence or reason for thinking so, does nothing except to tempt the soul against God.
The Bible Explains the problem of Evil
If people care to read scripture, God reveals his reasons for allowing evil. Through Jesus Christ’s parables, God explains that the Evil in humanity cannot be removed with out uprooting or destroying the Good within humanity, and therefore evil ought to remain within human affairs until the harvest is ripe. Which means that God will not come to judge humanity until all the good in humanity has come to an end. Things will get a whole lot worse before they will get better. Jesus also said that there will be some who will not understand this. In other words, people will refuse to accept it.
My having prior knowledge of your demise, doesn’t mean that I caused you to make bad choices or that you should not have the dignity to choose, since God knows that you will go to hell only because you chose it. You could say that I am not doing enough to help; I am just watching it happen. But if my direct interference with your freedom causes you to choose against me or destroys the existence of those who choose Gods existence, then I have chosen against the greater good. If I am to respect your freedom and others who have chosen God, I have to allow you into hell. This is what a good God would do.
What ever the case may be; we are not all knowing, all powerful, all loving perfect creatures, and so clearly, we are not in a reasonable position to judge God or comprehend his infinite will. Any one that is reasonable will be aware of that.