First off, I should warn everybody that the question I am about to pose caused me great mental and emotional torment and anguish, just thinking about it. I come here hoping for that to be resolved. However, if you are unable to resolve it, there is a chance that this question may torment you as well. I don’t mean to question the strength of anyone’s faith or imply that anyone “can’t handle it”, I just thought it would be safest if I gave a fair warning.
I call it the “Problem of Heaven”, although it’s quite different from the Problem of Hell.
The problem is this: Intuitively, we know that killing people is not only a sin, but is an injustice and a disservice to the victim. And when we sense that somebody’s life is in danger, we also know that the right thing to do is to save them.
But here’s the problem: If the person’s fate after death is an eternity of happiness in Heaven, aren’t you doing that person a favor by killing him/refusing to save his life? Isn’t sending him to an eternity of happiness and pleasure a GOOD thing from his point of view?
The problem is even worse when you take into account newly baptized children. Since they haven’t had time to commit sin yet, it seems like the moral thing to do would be to kill them immediately. If you allow them to live their lives there is a chance that they could sin and spend eternal torment in Hell. By killing them, you would of course be sacrificing your own chance at Heaven. But we are taught to make sacrifices for others. So let’s say 1 in 100 of the children will go on to commit mortal sin and be doomed to Hell unless you kill then. Thus by killing 100 newly baptized infants, you would be making a moral sacrifice: giving up your own chance at Heaven to give it to someone else.
Basically, that’s my problem. How can it be a bad thing to kill somebody if they ultimately benefit (by going to Heaven) from it? Why is murder “cruel”? Why is saving someone’s life an “act of kindness”?
Please tell me you can answer this, because it’s been tormenting me.