God dosen’t have foreknowledge, he has knowledge. We only see it from our perspective as forekowledge but it does not happen that way. My explanation was with regard to God’s omniscience.His foreknowledge, combined with his creative powers have obvious consequences according to Christianity. If we have foreknowledge of a crime that is going to be committed, we are bound by morality and sometimes by law, to take action to prevent the crime. With knowledge comes responsibility.
God is not a part of time and therefore does not have successive knowledge and therefore does not have future knowledge/foreknowledge. He simply has knowledge of everything immediately, and not in the past, present, and future.
If this is kept in mind, then we see that all free choices that mankind makes for all time also has no past, present, future in his eternal mind, but is available to him immediately once and also all inclusive. And if this was not the case then he is not omniscience.
So the idea that our gracious God looks at the future in his crystal ball does not happen and then with his magical power, force our free will in certain instances, cannot happen. And it has nothing to do with his power to do the impossible, but rather with the impossiblity of performing contradictions which cannot exist, such as a square circle…or a free man with no freedom…an all knowing God without knowledge of free acts of man.
May God bless and keep you. May God’s face shine on you. May God be kind to you and give you peace.