
All you moms and dads out there! Time to get yourselves geared up to become in-laws! Your kids may be toddlers, but Rome was not built in a day.You have received some absoulte great advice here. I really think that it is sad that so many of us do not get along with our MILs.
As an analogy… I knew a very independent lady who had a stroke. She had a terrible time. Now, this was undoubtedly partly due to the brain damage that strokes often cause. But it was also, I think, partly due to the fact that she had spent her whole life being independent and telling people that didn’t agree with her to go to H-E-double-toothpicks. Then, in the span of a day, she became dependent. Nothing happened without someone else’s help, and nearly always it happened on someone else’s timeline. Shock hardly begins to describe what it must have felt like to her. She fought it tooth and nail, but all she did was increase her own misery.
The day your child is born and seems to take over your life, I have been told, is not too early to get used to the idea that he or she will grow to make adult-sized decisions and adult-sized mistakes, no matter how you raise them. It is not too early to poll the excellent in-laws you know on how to get ready for the day, so that you do not wind up similarly shocked.
If you think today that you will have any right to interfere when your now-two-year-old decides to marry a wanton fool, it is time to start switching your mindset. The person has never been born who is “right” for your child. Get used to it… and pray that you will find your fears and preparations, like emergency supplies and earthquake insurance, are never needed.