Yeah, I agree…thanks… he won’t be staying with us though. He’ll be staying at a hotel.there are ways to do this, silly girl.
have him fly in and you can either meet him at the airport or he can take a shuttle from the airport to a hotel nearby.
meet him in the lobby of his hotel, or the hotel bar, or whatever, and have a drink and talk.
meeting you does not mean he gets to make his way to your house and stay with you and your family. that is not safe.
hopefully you will choose to talk to him on the phone (preferrably your cell phone–privacy!!!) for a LONG time before you are certain that meeting him is what you want.
if you want, truly want, to include your parents, as him if he will be willing to talk to your dad on the phone (since your dad is somewhat more reasonable about you asserting your independence). just put it in a simple way of , “hey my dad would like to chat with you for a couple minutes and get to know the person i am so excited about”… see what your dad thinks. if you trust your dad enough, you can also explain to him where you are going and what you are doing when you choose to meet the guy.
or, take a close friend with you to the hotel/airport/whatever place when you meet him. if things go well, then wonderful. trust your instincts and intuition.