But that is merely a portion of my argument. It seems that you are also including one, if not more, of Aquinas’s “ways”, as PSR arguments, which I disagree with and so does Craig. So, if a person alters one kind of argument - an argument from a precise definition of what “an infinite regress” actually means - to an argument that merely asserts that, somehow, such an argument is nothing more than an argument from PSR - it is more than merely unsound, it is a strawman - as you are re-defining the argument - or its words - however you wish. Do you not see that it appears that this is what you are doing?
There’s no
argument from authority here. But, there is an argument that says I am right and here’s a parallel from another thinker. This is used in philosophy all the time.
Do you see what you have just done? You have leaped from
essentiality to
accidentiality in the same sentence and seem to have merged their meanings. No one has said that Aquinas “bought the argument against an accidentally subordinated infinite regress,” nor am I asking you to. Aquinas fully understood what
infinite regress meant, and that if we are here now, then no infinite regress could possibly have occurred yet: that is,
at this point in time. Why? Because we can add more time and thus more events to the
regress series.
But, he also said that if an infinity did become
actual, somehow, then there could be (at some time) an infinity of accidentally subordinated movers. A series of
accidentally subordinated movers would be, e.g., a series such as of children, parents, grand parents, great-grand parents, etc., etc. etc., etc. This is an
accidentally subordinated series. Then, times the number of species, past, present and future. Eventually, we could come to an
actually infinite series, but, as for right now, we are still regarding a
potentially infinite series.
OK. This is your challenge.
Is this your “proof”?
For Aquinas, me, the Scholastics, and the Church that is not a PSR. Here, you seem to be confusing Final Cause with PSR. They are not the same, although they can be sometimes similar and a cause of confusion.
The action (ughh) of coming to be is an action from essential subordination. It is an action of perfect simultaneity. As an example, a TV set consists of 500 parts, transistors, resistors, circuits, switches, picture tube, etc. The first mover is the flipping
on of the
off/on switch. That permits the electric current to flow from the source all the way to the cathode ray tube. e.g. Now, each part is atemporally in a series. Without
any prior part, none of the ensuing parts would “light up”, so to say. So, there is a temporal simultaneousness. But, if the
off/on switch failed, none of the ensuing parts would fire up and the cathode tube would remain dark.
That is a relatively decent definition of
essential subordination, each ensuing part of the TV set essentially subordinated to its previous part, or parts. Without it, or them, there would be no TV set - unless one were to re-define the thing as “furniture”.
Further, First Movers do not consist of potency and act. That would be a contradiction. Potency is the
privation of act (actuality). So, they cannot appear in the same vessel, so to speak. In saying that, one could assert that there is a point when they do. It could be said, with some difficulty, that they co-exist at the very moment of change from one to the other. Of course, that would be an anthropomorphism - that
we would tend to see the moment of change in slow-motion. In fact, moreover, the matter which pre-existed the moment of change is the
material cause, which is a cause by itself in that it possesses the potentiality. The cause which brings about the change is called an
efficient cause. Next is the
formal cause, which is the result of “combining” the material cause with that which it did not possess but had the appetite for. Formal cause = act or, actualization.
The fourth cause is called the Final cause. It is the purpose of the motion; it is the
ultimate reason(s) for the action, not just a mere PSR. The PSR has more to do with rhetoric than with any actual action. It is a different kind of “principle”. A metaphysical/causal principle is that from which anything flows and is underived. It is not an
axiom. The PSR is more an axiom or, Law, of sufficient reason, but, not a cause of it. In fact, it is meaningless without all three words being present simultaneously. Thus, it is derived and, so, cannot be a principle in the metaphysical, or natural-philosophical sense.
You, sir, are a man of your word!