"Prochoice" lawmakers attempt to crush freedom of conscience

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A law has been introduced in the California Assembly to “force pharmacists to fill prescriptions for birth control and other abortifacients, even if it is against their moral and religious convictions”

Full story here at EWTN

Coming from the left coast this is no surprise, and I’ll bet their “Catholic” govennor will be only to happy to sign it if it make its way to his desk.

Linda H.
If it passes heaven help the doctors, they’ll most likely be next in the cross hairs of these radicals. I can just see it now, they’ll try to make it where they’ll have to know how to preform abortions to practice in CA.
:mad: Well, that just tears it. I myself am prepared to go to jail if to stay out of jail you have to betray God.These people are rediculous,where is there so called choice?I guess that only applies if you make the same choice they do:banghead: God Bless and I think all of us need to write the pharmacists who are true to God and are being persecuted for it.
I wonder if there is a defense fund set up somewhere to help medical professionals who are being persicuted for refuseing to support the culture of death? That may well be one of the best ways we can help them.

Linda H.
Linda H.:
I wonder if there is a defense fund set up somewhere to help medical professionals who are being persicuted for refuseing to support the culture of death?
Linda H.
That’s an excellent idea! Maybe it could be coordinated with the defense funds used to help those who find themselves facing charging as a result of protesting abortion mills.
Linda H.:
Coming from the left coast this is no surprise, and I’ll bet their “Catholic” govennor will be only to happy to sign it if it make its way to his desk.

Linda H.
Sadly, I think he would sign it too. I wouldn’t put it past him after that Embryonic Stem Cell law passed in large part due to his efforts. :nope:
Sadly, I think he [Schwarzennegger] would sign it too. I wouldn’t put it past him after that Embryonic Stem Cell law passed in large part due to his efforts. :nope:
It seems Arnie’s role as “Conan the Barbarian” was rather prophetic.
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