Just the other day someone talked to me about the New American Bible Revised Edition, i.e. the approved English Bible translation in use by the RCC. They referred to it as the Nay-Bree (or perhaps Nab-Ree). I had no idea what the person was on about, until they explained. Which is when I told them that the correct pronunciation of NABRE is nay-bur, i.e. same as neighbor. Think sabre (US spelling saber), which is of course pronounced say-bur, then change the s to an n and you’ll see my point. Sabre. Nabre. They rhyme.
So, in your estimable opinions, which is the correct pronunciation?
So, in your estimable opinions, which is the correct pronunciation?
- Nay Bur
- Nay Bree
- Nay Bray
- Nab Ree
- Nab Ray
- En Ay Bee Arrr Ee
- Different (comment below)
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