Premise 1: Out of nothing comes nothing.
Premise 2: Something exists. Therefore something must have always existed if premise 1 is true.
Premise 3: Something necessarily exists and therefore it does not potentially exist if premise 1 and 2 is correct.
Premise 4: If something necessarily exists, then every aspect of its being is necessarily actual and therefore does not change. Its being is not potentially actual, it does not become potentially more than what it is because it is eternally everything that it is and ever will be. There is no potency in it.
Premise 5: Physical reality changes. It is potentially more, it is in a continuous state of evolution and becoming. Therefore Physical reality or activity and the laws that govern its being is not necessary reality because it has potency/potential in its being.
Premise 6: Potential/potency cannot be actualised from nothing according to premise 1 and as such neither can physical laws since physical laws are intrinsic to the nature of potential physical beings.
Premise 7: Therefore physical activity or physical being and physical laws require an existential cause according to premise 1.
Premise 8: If physical being or physical activity requires a cause according to premise 1 then its cause is not physical being or physical activity or any of the laws that govern it according to premise 4, 5 and 6.
Premise 9: According to premise 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and 8, necessary being is the necessary cause of anything that has potency/potential in its being. And according to premise 8, we can see that necessary being is not physical activity or physical being. Therefore necessary reality cannot be defined as having moving parts or dimensions. Also it must follow that such a being is not governed by physical laws.
Premise 10: Therefore physical reality cannot have a “natural” cause as that would require moving parts or dimensions. It would require potency/potential.
Premise 11: Necessary reality must therefore be a super-natural cause. However since it has no parts from which physical reality and it laws can be formed naturally – having no potency in its being – then there is only one other kind of cause that can actualise physical potential and the laws that govern it. An intelligent cause.
Premise 12: According to premise 1, out of nothing comes nothing. Thus a necessary being is also an intelligent cause. Everything that has potency and therefore - contingent laws of activity - must therefore exist and have its being in something like an intelligent mind.
Premise 13: If necessary reality has an intelligent mind and we exist in its intellect, then it is self-knowing or self-aware, and all that which has potency including ourselves and the laws of nature is a creation of its self-knowledge and is sustained within its self-knowing.
Conclusion: Ultimate reality is an intelligent necessary cause.