Proper Care & Feeding of Husbands?

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… My negative feelings easily cancelled out any feelings of romance. I’m working on the suggestions, a few at a time, and they’re a challenge, but not as onerous as I’d thought, and they’re good for my spiritual development as a Catholic as well. Still, lots of work ahead!
I’m sure lots of us have been in the same boat. Good luck to both of you. You will be glad forever. Remember: “Anything with two heads is a freak” 😉
So - did any of you get this information in your pre-Caana classes? Do you think Dr. Laura’s book would be useful in the classes?

Our culture has done a great job of making women hate men…no doubt about it, starting from aborting our babies. I think Dr. Laura is doing a great service if she is helping women to see that marriage is about compatibility, respect and love from both partners. It sounds like the women who have read the book are utilitzing it to the fullest and that they are making great strides in their marriages. I think that is wonderful

God Bless
An aside to the young man who wrote about sex. “Dear Son – if you think of love making as sex, you will always be using your spouse as an object. If you think of your most initmate moments with your bride (no matter of how many years) as love making - I think you will be surprised at how she will respond! Your Experienced Mom!” (and, no I am not his mother! - my eldest is 16!)
I’m not sure if you’re trying to pick on me here specifically or if you’re trying to warn me of a GENERAL problem i.e. people trying to seperate love and sex. And I agree with you, it is a real problem, but I also think it is a problem for a woman to say that unless the sexual act is charged with emotion then someone or both is using the other.

For example, a kiss in itself is a loving act, but we do not have to be feeling like we did during our first kiss for it to be valid. There are graces flowing here whether or not I ‘get into it’ emotionally.

And please forgive me if I do not use terms such as ‘lovemaking’ etc. it doesn’t jive very well with my everyday manly vocab. 😃

Pax Christi
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