The prophecy of St. Malachy simply gives us a listing of all the Popes from the year 1143 when Celestine II was elected, up the the last Pope, Petrus Romanus (Peter the Roman), after whom would come the Judgment. Each Pope was given a mystical description or title. For instance, Leo XIII (1878-1903) was known as* Lumen in Caelo* (Light of the Heavens); Pius X,
Igni Ardent (Ardent fire); Pius XII(1939-58) was called
Pastor Angelicus(The Angelic Shepherd); John Paul II was known as *De Labore Solis *(From the eclipse of the Sun). John Paul II is said to have been born during an eclipse. After the present Pope, the next one will be called
Gloria Olivae(Glory of the Olives).
What is disputed by some is whether
Gloria Olivae will be followed immediately by Petrus Romanus himself, or that there would be many intervening Popes before Petrus finally takes the chair.