Prophecy of St. Malachy and the Last Pope

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These so-called prophecies date all the way back to the 16 century. There is no mention of them earlier. One Cardinal drew up the list so his coat of arms matched one of the Popes in the prophecies. He never got elected. Therefore these Papal prophecies are not authentic.

Padre Pio “The Rosary is the weapon.”
The whole prophecy is a dispute, but the reason for that statement is that, all popes named in the prophecy are numbered except Petrus Romanus. John Paul II is 110, and Gloria olivae is 111. Petrus Romanus has no number.
The "prophecies are in dispute because virtually no reputable scholar believes that they have an real connection to that blessed patron of Armagh, Malachy O’Morghair (O’More). St. Malachy was obviously a good Catholic as his claim to fame is Romanizing an incredibly diverse Irish church and obtaining the palliums for Armagh and Cashel. It was on this visit to Rome that he met St. Bernard or Clairvaux, who later became his biographer. He was blessed to die at Clairvaux on the eve of All Souls that he might benefit from the graces from the Masses and prayers of that day. The “prophecies” are purported to have been written after a mystical vision, a vision which he apparently neglected to mention to St. Bernard (though he was apparently able to recount many less significant events of his childhood and early religious life) that he had on the first visit to Rome in 1129. He then supposedly offered the list to the troubled Pope Innocent to allay his fear of coming trials, whereupon the manuscript was promptly lost for the next four hundred years in the Vatican libraries and only “discovered” by “accident” in 1590. Now, anyone who has taken freshman logic, or who simply has been a teenager knows that silence is not proof of absence, but it would certainly seem strange that the blessed servant Malachy would fail to mention to his “soul-friend” Bernard that he’d been given a vision of the whole future of the Church, or that if he did Bernard would fale to mention it in his delightful: “Life of Malachy the Irishman.” St. Malachy ought to be remembered today, for he is a true example of a shining priest, a brilliant patriot, and an able statesmen; but he oughtn’t be defamed by attributing to him spurious documents that can only serve to heighten the paranoia of apocalypse-minded weirdoes or enemies of the Church.
I always thought the Anti Christ already came and his name was Luther, or was it Calvin
So it seems that since St. Bernard does not mention these prophecies there is a good chance they do not really belong to St. Malachy. Also, even if you do accept them they don’t seem to say that there will only be a few more popes after JP II they only provide a certain number of descriptions of Popes and a decscription of the last Pope without saying how many Popes there will be before him.
Does that seem accurate?
I also heard that some people believe a group of Jesuits fabricated the whole thing…I just bought the book “Prophecies of St. Malachy” or something like that…I look forward to reading it.
The prophecy of St. Malachy simply gives us a listing of all the Popes from the year 1143 when Celestine II was elected, up the the last Pope, Petrus Romanus (Peter the Roman), after whom would come the Judgment. Each Pope was given a mystical description or title. For instance, Leo XIII (1878-1903) was known as* Lumen in Caelo* (Light of the Heavens); Pius X, Igni Ardent (Ardent fire); Pius XII(1939-58) was called Pastor Angelicus(The Angelic Shepherd); John Paul II was known as *De Labore Solis *(From the eclipse of the Sun). John Paul II is said to have been born during an eclipse. After the present Pope, the next one will be called Gloria Olivae(Glory of the Olives).

What is disputed by some is whether Gloria Olivae will be followed immediately by Petrus Romanus himself, or that there would be many intervening Popes before Petrus finally takes the chair.

Gerry 🙂
True…and word for word…it says “who will feed the sheep through many tribulations”…feeding sheep implies he will be a shepherd…I don’t see how they would get Anti-Christ from someone who is supposed to be a shepherd who will protect his flock from all harm and make sure it is taken care of properly.
First of all, St. Malachy’s prophesy is not necisarily true to start with.

Second, I find it quite important to know that the man who made the prophecy remained a Catholic and actually became a saint.

Third, It does not say that the last pope will be the anti-Christ. What it says is that Peter the Roman will lead his people through trials and tribulations.(Paraphrasing) This does not mean he is the creator of trials and tribulations. It then says that the city with 7 hills will be destroyed and the judge will judge his people.
Someone earlier said it was Michael Jackson…LOL I laughed at that…I personally think it is Bill Clinton…he is making a grab for the Sec Gen spot in the UN and it seems the world loves him.
I always thought the Anti Christ already came and his name was Luther, or was it Calvin
Didn’t Jesus say the gates of hell would NOT prevail against the church? I’d say a Pope being the anti-Christ can’t be true. With that being true the Popes are supposed to be Infallable in Faith and Morals so if a Pope were to become the anti-Christ that would seem to make Jesus a liar, and we all know that can’t be. I wouldn’t put to much in some of these so called prophecies.
Papal infallibility is more complex than that…on matters of Dogma and Doctrine…Yes, he is infallible…but he must state ahead of time, that what he is saying is indeed an “infallible statement” to make it binding…and there have only been two times in the Church’s history that this has happened. The Pope is a sinner like us all…but in the aforementioned items…he is guided by the Holy Spirit who is infallible.
Didn’t Jesus say the gates of hell would NOT prevail against the church? I’d say a Pope being the anti-Christ can’t be true. With that being true the Popes are supposed to be Infallable in Faith and Morals so if a Pope were to become the anti-Christ that would seem to make Jesus a liar, and we all know that can’t be. I wouldn’t put to much in some of these so called prophecies.
Didn’t Jesus say the gates of hell would NOT prevail against the church? I’d say a Pope being the anti-Christ can’t be true. With that being true the Popes are supposed to be Infallable in Faith and Morals so if a Pope were to become the anti-Christ that would seem to make Jesus a liar, and we all know that can’t be. I wouldn’t put to much in some of these so called prophecies.
True and it’s not a bad record to have only one false Pope out of so many.😃
So does that mean all the other Popes were genuine and now we will soon have a false one ? :hmmm:

I think the person that you are refering to is making reference to the so-called ‘False Prophet’ of Rev. 13. See the following:

St. Malacy’s prohecy contemplates both the then future Popes and Antipopes (of which there have been several). The False Prophet will be such an Antipope.

His prophecy does not indicate whether the person to which he is referring to is either a legitimate Pope or an illegitimate Antipope. Ergo, simply by looking at his prophecy one is unable to tell which or how many Antipopes were contemplated by his prophecy at the time that it was given.

The Antichrist is someone completely different. Having said that, the two will work in league with each other.

You will find very little about the End Times in the specific teachings of the Church. This is due in large part to the fact that a good deal of public prophecy was written in Apocalyptic genre.

Fr. William G. Most describes apocalyptic genre in his writing entitled 'Eschatology" as follows:
“Apocalyptic as we know is a genre or pattern of writing in which the author describes visions and revelations. It is not usually clear if he meant to assert they were real, and not merely a vehicle for his message. They contain bizarre, highly colored images. Often there are figures of animals, to represent pagan empires, a horn to stand for a king or a power, and they often include an angel who interprets images. Apocalyptic is commonly a work to give consolation in time of severe trial. God is presented as Lord of history. There may be prediction of the future. Now if such predictions were made in a rather factual genre, we would need to maintain that they really were made before the events. However because of the highly colored imagery and fanciful nature of apocalyptic, the predictions may be made after the events pictured, without any dishonesty. It is understood such things may happen in this genre.”

What amazes me is that many people believe this ludicrious stuff regarding the so-called prophecy of Malachy on the last Pope! I will say that only God alone knows who the last Pope will be.

Padre Pio “The Rosary is the weapon.”
No one disputes the fact that God alone knows the real identity of the last Pope. This is a purely academic discussion concerning a prophecy and one may freely believe or disbelieve it.

Gerry 🙂
So it seems that since St. Bernard does not mention these prophecies there is a good chance they do not really belong to St. Malachy. Also, even if you do accept them they don’t seem to say that there will only be a few more popes after JP II they only provide a certain number of descriptions of Popes and a decscription of the last Pope without saying how many Popes there will be before him.
Does that seem accurate?
That is correct. St. Malachy is said to be a good friend of St. Bernard of Clairvaux and that according to one account, St. Malachy died in St. Bernard’s arms. The fact that St. Bernard does not seem to mention anything about this prophecy is one reason why some doubt its authenticity, or at the very least, Malachy’s authorship.

Gerry 🙂
My dad also told me about the last pope. Remember that someone also forsaw that the last Roman emperor was Romelius. Romelius was the founder of Rome. St. Peter was also our founder- The Roman Catholic.
Actually the founder and first king of Rome was Romulus Quirinus, and the last Western Roman Emperor was Romulus Augustulus, who was deposed by the German chieftain Odoacer in 476 A.D.

However, are you suggesting parallels between the Roman Empire and the Catholic Church, because the first pope was Peter, and the supposed last one is also a Peter?

Gerry 🙂
He predicts two more popes after the current pope. There is no indication in his prediction about the last pope that that pope will be “anti-Christ.” That is concentrated anti-Catholic nonsense. Here it is…
There is likewise no indication within the prophecy if, after* Gloria Olivae*, the succeeding Pope would be Peter of Rome himself, or that there would be a number of intervening Popes in between.

Gerry 🙂
John Paul II is said to have been born during an eclipse.
Of course the eclipse in question was over Antarctica, far from Malachy’s Ireland and Wojtyla’s Poland - maybe the author was making the prophecy from out in space. :ehh:

BTW, here’s a link to the list at
These so-called prophecies date all the way back to the 16 century. There is no mention of them earlier. One Cardinal drew up the list so his coat of arms matched one of the Popes in the prophecies. He never got elected. Therefore these Papal prophecies are not authentic.

Padre Pio “The Rosary is the weapon.”
Somone trying to run a flim flam has no influence on the authenticity of the original prophecy - we had a cardinal who once rented a sheep and floated on a barge past the windows where a number of his fellow cardinals were dining and could see him - it was supposed to reflect him as the “good shepherd” - they paid him no mind, he wa still a cardinal and a fool is a fool.
There is likewise no indication within the prophecy if, after* Gloria Olivae*, the succeeding Pope would be Peter of Rome himself, or that there would be a number of intervening Popes in between.

Gerry 🙂
One of the important things about a true prophecy is that it shows consistency - and although it may be wishful thinking on the part of some to see an endless line of continuing sucessors this would make the prophecy inconsistent thus I think most people have accepted that his prophecy ends with the list as it is.
Of course the eclipse in question was over Antarctica, far from Malachy’s Ireland and Wojtyla’s Poland - maybe the author was making the prophecy from out in space. :ehh:

BTW, here’s a link to the list at
Or perhaps some mystical realm where physical locations have no meaning. 😃

Gerry 🙂
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