I mentioned that there could be many, many situations where a prostitute could not be in a state of mortal sin, due to mitigating circumstances, citing God’s infinite power to forgive.
Couldn’t there also be situations that would warrant God’s infinite mercy and forgiveness for the adulterer? Couldn’t someone’s spouse neglect them, or treat them in such a way that would simply exceed their power to remain faithful? What if after years of neglect and/or abuse, the innocent spouse met someone who offered them care and compassion? Wouldn’t God, knowing all of us better than we know ourselves, be able to forgive the adulterer?
Couldn’t there also be situations that would warrant God’s infinite mercy and forgiveness for the adulterer? Couldn’t someone’s spouse neglect them, or treat them in such a way that would simply exceed their power to remain faithful? What if after years of neglect and/or abuse, the innocent spouse met someone who offered them care and compassion? Wouldn’t God, knowing all of us better than we know ourselves, be able to forgive the adulterer?