Prostitution worse than adultery?

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I mentioned that there could be many, many situations where a prostitute could not be in a state of mortal sin, due to mitigating circumstances, citing God’s infinite power to forgive.

Couldn’t there also be situations that would warrant God’s infinite mercy and forgiveness for the adulterer? Couldn’t someone’s spouse neglect them, or treat them in such a way that would simply exceed their power to remain faithful? What if after years of neglect and/or abuse, the innocent spouse met someone who offered them care and compassion? Wouldn’t God, knowing all of us better than we know ourselves, be able to forgive the adulterer?
I agree and as another poster pointed out with some personal stories about prostitutes, typically these woman are victims. Whether poverty, sexual abuse, drug abuse, captors or any other “cause”. Prostitution is a consequence of other’s sin on the the prostitute, before and after becoming one. That said, I would like to point out another difference. Leaving morality to the side for right now, and just concentrating on fundamentals, the differance between prostitution and the adulterer is huge.

A prostitute is selling something (her body) for an exchange of goods (money, food, etc.) She (or he) is in a set location such as a strip club, street corner, or brothel. There is no preying or seduction. The client goes to her (or him) already with the INTENT. The salesperson is pitching to someone who has entered the store. There is no seeking of a relationship. She is not selling her body for love or trying for his heart in competion to the wife (and possibly children).

Constrast this to an adulterer, who prowls and preys on men in their own domain. The salesperson leaves the store to solicit customers who otherwise, may have had no interest in the product. She SEDUCES. She does not need his money, she wants HIM!! Her middle finger from the beginning is directed towards the marriage of this man. Stealing from the family, the heart and affections of the man in question (or woman), whereas the prostitute is interested only in his wallet, and may even interiorly think less of the man if she knows he is married (for cheating on his wife (true!).

This is bizzare. Your saying whatever damages the institution of marriage is the worst, with no thought for the act. That misses a big point. An adulterous couple can at least pretend to make love, there can be a pretence of romance or affection . A man using a prostitute on the other hand is flat out saying “your just a body for me to do things to”, a cold mechnanical act, perverted, it’s more degrading. Most women in an adulterouse relationship still wouldn’t consent to being used like that. Oh but it’s better for an unmarried man to ‘get it out of him’, however sick, than for a married man to cheat?
This is bizzare. Your saying whatever damages the institution of marriage is the worst, with no thought for the act. That misses a big point.
Nope, not saying that. There is no worst, they BOTH damage the institution of marriage. I was not comparing consequences, only culpability.
An adulterous couple can at least pretend to make love, there can be a pretence of romance or affection . A man using a prostitute on the other hand is flat out saying “your just a body for me to do things to”, a cold mechnanical act, perverted, it’s more degrading. Most women in an adulterouse relationship still wouldn’t consent to being used like that.
Very well put! That’s exactly what my point was. That the prostitute out of all the culpable characters in this drama (generally speaking :rolleyes: ), is the least culpable. The “other woman” is not victimized in the process of the infidelity, as is the prostitute.
Oh but it’s better for an unmarried man to ‘get it out of him’, however sick, than for a married man to cheat?
I am really not sure what you are saying. Why would that be?:confused:
I mentioned that there could be many, many situations where a prostitute could not be in a state of mortal sin, due to mitigating circumstances, citing God’s infinite power to forgive.

Couldn’t there also be situations that would warrant God’s infinite mercy and forgiveness for the adulterer?
Of course!! The only unforgivable sin is the “unforgivable sin” … (despair of God’s Mercy), not adultery. Plus we are given a beautiful of example of God’s mercy in that particular situation in the parable of the woman caught in adultery.

God bless!
A prostitute is selling something (her body) for an exchange of goods (money, food, etc.) She (or he) is in a set location such as a strip club, street corner, or brothel.
What about the young women who sell kisses for $1.00 in a booth at county fairs?
Bobby A. Greene:
What about the young women who sell kisses for $1.00 in a booth at county fairs?
Perhaps they should work it on a sliding scale.

Bobby A. Greene:
What about the young women who sell kisses for $1.00 in a booth at county fairs?
$1.00 for ONE kiss?:eek: I can get a whole bag at the supermarket for around the same price!!
Ana, what you said about kisses… :rotfl:

My husband says one good thing about being a man is, “Chocolate is only a snack!” :bigyikes:
Ana said:
$1.00 for ONE kiss?:eek: I can get a whole bag at the supermarket for around the same price!!

Yes, and you get to take them home with you for that price, as well!
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