Protecting the Winter Holiday

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Radical civil libertarians are alarmed that religious references are still cropping up in public-school celebrations of the national secular winter holiday otherwise known as Christmas. A case in point is New Jersey’s South Orange/Maplewood School District, which thought it had successfully exorcised any religious content from its holiday concert. Alas, while no spoken references to the Christ Child were permitted, it was discovered that a number of instrumental renditions of traditional carols had somehow slipped past the censors. That oversight has now been rectified, and this year the audience will no longer hear the familiar refrains of carols celebrating the birth of the baby Jesus. The district school superintendent explained that “rather than try to respond to all the various religions and try to balance them, it’s best to stay away from that and simply have a nonreligious tone.” Faced with public criticism, the school district issued a memo suggesting that songs ! such as “Winter Wonderland” or “Frosty the Snowman” are suitable: “Music centered on peace is also a nice touch.” The flagrant attempt to remove Christ from Christmas would never be permitted if applied to the holy days of any other religion. So much for religious “tolerance.”

– Mark L. Chance.
Silly me, I didn’t realize the whole reason for the hoopla this time of year was to worship snow. I wonder if that is meaningful to people who don’t have snow in winter? Is this prejudical toward Americans in the southwest? I hope the civil libertarians take on such a meaningful quest. We wouldn’t want anyone to feel left out!

I just heard that an atheist mother brought a lawsuit against our school district to prevent the Boy Scouts from recruiting boys at school. Gosh we wouldn’t want such an organization perverting the minds of impressionable boys would we? It would take time away from “how to put a condom on a banana” and such other important scholastic endeavors.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
Silly me, I didn’t realize the whole reason for the hoopla this time of year was to worship snow. I wonder if that is meaningful to people who don’t have snow in winter? Is this prejudical toward Americans in the southwest? I hope the civil libertarians take on such a meaningful quest. We wouldn’t want anyone to feel left out!

I just heard that an atheist mother brought a lawsuit against our school district to prevent the Boy Scouts from recruiting boys at school. Gosh we wouldn’t want such an organization perverting the minds of impressionable boys would we? It would take time away from “how to put a condom on a banana” and such other important scholastic endeavors.

Lisa N
It is amazing to what depths the “educrats” are dragging our children’s education. And they they get to the liberal “liberal arts” institutions and it just gets worse. What a society we have.
I’ve stated my outrage to my school district and it has fallen on def ears. All these people that want to ignore Christmas need to reflect and acknowledge the impact Christ has had on the world in the last 2000 years. The federal holiday is CHRSTMAS!
Remember the “least common denominator” from fractions? Well, that is what our public education has become. The educrats water down everything so as not to offend. Just think about what the kids learn about history when there is no discussion about religion. How can you disentangle religion from history???

And then our kids get to college level, and we have the privilege to pay for liberal brain-washing at “liberal” arts colleges and universities.! :eek:
I look back with much warmth to my school days - before the atheists hijacked everything! Pre 1963, we took turns reading a Bible passage in the morning and prayed the Lord’s prayer. We had Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter shows and pagents and chorals. We also sang Channakah songs and honored Passover. I can still sing the Dreidel song! This all took place in secular schools. There was a life size nativity in the park and Christmas trees in the town square. NO one every complained. We all honored and accepted each other’s beliefs and traditions with equanimity. Some may think I am looking back through rose colored glasses but, no. Others my age remember this the same way.

How far we’ve fallen. 😦
They best start using a new calendar - can’t have year 1 starting with Christ - maybe from the beginning of the big bang. Let’s see - can we fit 10,761,544,322 on a calendar?

Also, get rid of all those nasty dollar bills that kids use to buy lunch with the “In God We Trust” and all. We’ll have to start issuing credit cards to children to draw from their parents bank accounts - hmmm - not a bad idea there - might find some other uses for such a card.

Land sakes - we can’t talk about the Pilgrims either - how about just talking about the nice, kind, and gentle Native Americans and how they did a war dance of thanksgiving to some non-descript god that doesn’t offend anyone with talk of right and wrong.

Declaration of Independence too? Why did they have to put God in that - now we have to all those history textbooks.

Let’s see. The Pledge is out. All schools that are named after people that were Christians have to be renamed. All authors that were Christians cannot be used in English class. All musicians that were Christians cannot be used in music. Who knows what influence they were operating under? They may be swaying you subconciously with their work - especially that Handel, Verdi, Bach, and Beethoven with all the masses and requiems and carols and stuff. No books published by Christian publishers.

President’s Day is out - Lincoln and Washington were Christians.

MLK Day - no chance - the guy was a minister and had degrees in theology for crying out loud. No Easter, Good Friday. No July 4th remembrances(see D of I above).

We cannot discuss anything involving the Supreme Court or our law system with all the oaths on the Bible and such and, my goodness, there is even pictures of Moses in the Supreme Court.

Math - nothing from Pascal - He was fine until that wager thing.

Playground time only when the kids cannot hear church bells.

No “God bless you’s” when someone sneezes. No “Jesus Christ” or “God” in vain. No “heaven’s sakes”. No “What the Hell’s”.

All kids name Peter, James, John, Philip, Andrew, Noah, Isaac, Jacob, Elizabeth, Mary, Margaret, Paul, Joseph, Mathew, Abraham, Rachel, Rebecca, Teresa, John Paul, Francis, Anthony, Sara, Noel, Gabriel, Gabriela, Johnnette, Patrick, Joshua, and Michael (for starters) have to be assigned school names - use name tags to make it easier.

Kids cannot go to Christian Hospitals if they get sick. Make sure the buses don’t traverse any streets with Christian names.

No Internet without a filter for Christian sites.

Did you check the janitor’s religious background?

This should get us started. Keep at it. As soon as we are completely dis-functional and incapable of learning, we will know for sure that we have cleaned God right out of the school.
They best start using a new calendar - can’t have year 1 starting with Christ - maybe from the beginning of the big bang. Let’s see - can we fit 10,761,544,322 on a calendar?

Also, get rid of all those nasty dollar bills that kids use to buy lunch with the “In God We Trust” and all. We’ll have to start issuing credit cards to children to draw from their parents bank accounts - hmmm - not a bad idea there - might find some other uses for such a card.

Land sakes - we can’t talk about the Pilgrims either - how about just talking about the nice, kind, and gentle Native Americans and how they did a war dance of thanksgiving to some non-descript god that doesn’t offend anyone with talk of right and wrong.

Declaration of Independence too? Why did they have to put God in that - now we have to all those history textbooks.

Let’s see. The Pledge is out. All schools that are named after people that were Christians have to be renamed. All authors that were Christians cannot be used in English class. All musicians that were Christians cannot be used in music. Who knows what influence they were operating under? They may be swaying you subconciously with their work - especially that Handel, Verdi, Bach, and Beethoven with all the masses and requiems and carols and stuff. No books published by Christian publishers.

President’s Day is out - Lincoln and Washington were Christians.

MLK Day - no chance - the guy was a minister and had degrees in theology for crying out loud. No Easter, Good Friday. No July 4th remembrances(see D of I above).

We cannot discuss anything involving the Supreme Court or our law system with all the oaths on the Bible and such and, my goodness, there is even pictures of Moses in the Supreme Court.

Math - nothing from Pascal - He was fine until that wager thing.

Playground time only when the kids cannot hear church bells.

No “God bless you’s” when someone sneezes. No “Jesus Christ” or “God” in vain. No “heaven’s sakes”. No “What the Hell’s”.

All kids name Peter, James, John, Philip, Andrew, Noah, Isaac, Jacob, Elizabeth, Mary, Margaret, Paul, Joseph, Mathew, Abraham, Rachel, Rebecca, Teresa, John Paul, Francis, Anthony, Sara, Noel, Gabriel, Gabriela, Johnnette, Patrick, Joshua, and Michael (for starters) have to be assigned school names - use name tags to make it easier.

Kids cannot go to Christian Hospitals if they get sick. Make sure the buses don’t traverse any streets with Christian names.

No Internet without a filter for Christian sites.

Did you check the janitor’s religious background?

This should get us started. Keep at it. As soon as we are completely dis-functional and incapable of learning, we will know for sure that we have cleaned God right out of the school.
Excellent post Brad, any suggestions on who our soldiers should cry out to when an explosive goes off near them or they’re pinned down in a foxhole?
Michael C:
Excellent post Brad, any suggestions on who our soldiers should cry out to when an explosive goes off near them or they’re pinned down in a foxhole?
They best start using a new calendar - can’t have year 1 starting with Christ - maybe from the beginning of the big bang. Let’s see - can we fit 10,761,544,322 on a calendar?

Land sakes - we can’t talk about the Pilgrims either - how about just talking about the nice, kind, and gentle Native Americans and how they did a war dance of thanksgiving to some non-descript god that doesn’t offend anyone with talk of right and wrong.

All musicians that were Christians cannot be used in music. Who knows what influence they were operating under? They may be swaying you subconciously with their work - especially that Handel, Verdi, Bach, and Beethoven with all the masses and requiems and carols and stuff. No books published by Christian publishers.

President’s Day is out - Lincoln and Washington were Christians.

MLK Day - no chance - the guy was a minister and had degrees in theology for crying out loud. No Easter, Good Friday. No July 4th remembrances(see D of I above).

We cannot discuss anything involving the Supreme Court or our law system with all the oaths on the Bible and such and, my goodness, there is even pictures of Moses in the Supreme Court.

Math - nothing from Pascal - He was fine until that wager thing.

This should get us started. Keep at it. As soon as we are completely dis-functional and incapable of learning, we will know for sure that we have cleaned God right out of the school.
  1. Non-Christian academics have started using BCE (Before the Common Era) instead of BC. Oops, I forgot what they call the years AD, but it is something similarly atheistic.
  2. My other favorite is academics referring to “theists” to mean those who believe in God. Makes us sound like a bunch of pagans.
  3. Do you have kids in the public schools? It is acceptable in public schools to talk about the “Native Americans” (aka American Indians) and their religion. It is also acceptable to worship nature and recycling and the environment–as long as that discussion is divorced from any mention of God. Finally, the Piligrims and other religious groups that came to America are discussed as “seeking religious freedome” and “running from persecution”–but God forbid we discuss the Reformation, Counter-Reformation, Protestants persecuting other Protestant groups in Europe, and anything that refers to Christianity. We can only talk about Catholics in Europe persecuting the Protestants and the evilness of the Crusades and Inquisition! Because it is so hard to discuss Christianity objectively, either it is not discussed at all or only anti-Catholic attitudes are tolerated.
  4. Schools can discuss musical composers but do not discuss anything associated with religion. Clearly religious pieces are mostly out–except for Native American nature-worship music or Hanukah or Kwanzaa (!!!) music.
  5. Of course, Pascal is discussed in Math, just no reference to his religion. I am a public school graduate and I only learned about Pascal’s wager and his devout Catholicism last year–I am embarassed to say.
Yeah…how about colleges…no chapels for christians, no prayer rooms for christians…but prayer rooms for muslims are alright…because they have freedom of religion (???).

Please, I need lots of research on good catholic schools cause my (future) kids are certainly not going to public schools. This is just sad.
La Chiara:
  1. Do you have kids in the public schools?
I live in what I consider one of the best public school districts in the nation and the answer is no - because you just don’t what they might attempt to teach as fact.
La Chiara:
  1. Schools can discuss musical composers but do not discuss anything associated with religion. Clearly religious pieces are mostly out–except for Native American nature-worship music or Hanukah or Kwanzaa (!!!) music.
  2. Of course, Pascal is discussed in Math, just no reference to his religion.
Exactly the point. If they were smart enough to know what was actually associated with religion and what was not then they might be qualified to make such determinations. Most don’t have a clue of the Christianity of many of the composers. In reality, the majority of most of the educator’s(teachers, administrators) value systems are heavily influenced by Christianity. What if they find this out?
Apparently Macy’s is under fire because of its politically correct verson of the holiday:

"…Immortalized in a 1947 Christmas movie classic, Macy’s is now the focus of a boycott campaign protesting the department-store chain’s replacement of “Merry Christmas” with politically correct greetings.

1947 Christmas classic “Miracle on 34th Street” featured Macy’s department store

A group called the Committee to Save Merry Christmas says Macy’s and its umbrella Federated Department Stores have ignored several requests that “Merry Christmas” signs be returned and that its advertising acknowledge the time-honored phrase.

“It’s the height of hypocrisy for a corporation to make tens of millions of dollars selling Christmas presents, yet coldly refuse to acknowledge Christmas,” said the group’s chairman, Manuel Zamorano, in a statement. “What’s the holiday all about, anyway? Politically correct phases like ‘Seasons Greetings’ and ‘Happy Holidays’ are no substitute for the real thing.”
Apparently Macy’s is under fire because of its politically correct verson of the holiday:

"…Immortalized in a 1947 Christmas movie classic, Macy’s is now the focus of a boycott campaign protesting the department-store chain’s replacement of “Merry Christmas” with politically correct greetings.

1947 Christmas classic “Miracle on 34th Street” featured Macy’s department store

A group called the Committee to Save Merry Christmas says Macy’s and its umbrella Federated Department Stores have ignored several requests that “Merry Christmas” signs be returned and that its advertising acknowledge the time-honored phrase.

“It’s the height of hypocrisy for a corporation to make tens of millions of dollars selling Christmas presents, yet coldly refuse to acknowledge Christmas,” said the group’s chairman, Manuel Zamorano, in a statement. “What’s the holiday all about, anyway? Politically correct phases like ‘Seasons Greetings’ and ‘Happy Holidays’ are no substitute for the real thing.”
If you come across a petition, post it and I’ll sign it. I’m in a petition signing mood today. Enough is enough!
Michael C:
If you come across a petition, post it and I’ll sign it. I’m in a petition signing mood today. Enough is enough!
Wasn’t it Paddy Chayefsky’s Network where the guy said to his audience “stick your head out the window and scream, I’m not going to take it anymore”…???
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