These words are still VERY troublesome. As if the Liturgy of the Holy Mass had any impediments. Who cares if we offend people, particularly non-Catholics?
There is all the difference in the world between the sort of offence which is inherent in the substance of the Gospel message - such as the skandalon tou staurou, the offence or stumbling-block of the Cross, for example - and the sort of offence which arises from human sinfulness. We are called to be faithful to the Gospel; there is no evading what that involves; we are not called to put needless stumbling-blocks in the ways of our brethren “for whom Christ died”. That is the, or a, difference: St. Paul discusses both in 1 Corinthians: if he could see the difference, surely we should be capable of doing so ?
Faithfulness may involve giving offence - it does not follow that being offensive is the same as being faithful; often it may be nothing but our fallen egos speaking.Our Lord said things that people reacted horribly to all the time. He was accused of blasphemy and crucified for it, even tho’ He never spoke anything but the Truth. I would be more concerned about offending Our Lord in changing what Tradition has passed onto us. To boot, there hasn’t been the conversions that were suppose to happen with all the changes. Non-Catholics haven’t entered the Church in droves, but there have been droves of Catholics leaving the Church.
This reminds me of how Our Dear Lord’s words were changed in the Divine Mercy Chaplet:
*"Today bring to Me those who do not believe in God and those who do not know Me, *
****Our Lord’s original words here were “the pagans.” ***
"Today bring to Me the Souls of those who have separated themselves from My Church,*
****Our Lord’s original words here were “heretics and schismatics,” ***
I believe Our Lord used these specific words because theologically, they are accurate.