Protestant church services

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I just became Catholic last Easter.
It just confirms to me that I made the right decision. What an odd institution the Church is! So accused of being wrong, yet always so right!
Happy 1st anniversary PX! The green line sounds like it oughtta be your signature, though maybe add Catholic to church to be really clear… 😉

As for attending n-C services…I’m cautious because the last thing I wanna do is go hear some dude run down Catholic belief :rolleyes: or get stuck in an evangelistic service.
Pax vobiscum,
It does happen to be a small youth group, so correcting errors like that wouldn’t have the villagers sending me out with pitch forks, I think in such a setting we could bring about civil discussions…

But anyway, the only thing we aren’t to partake in is their communion, with the coming easter communion is usually practiced a good bit. So what am I supposed to say if it asks all it’s members to take communion in some fromal way? How am I supposed to explain this to those that gawk at me and to my neighbors?
You could tell them why eat a picture of a hot dog when you are exhorted by Jesus that with a clean soul He wants you to have perfect steak?
I’m attending a friend’s baptism at her baptist church on Easter. They only have communion once a month anyway and I don’t think it’s going to be on Sunday. If you are offered it you should politely refuse. I did it all the time at my mom’s Lutheran church. I just said, “no thank you, I’m Catholic” firmly. That usually did it.

Sunday should be interesting…I hear my friend has some people waiting to evangelize me :rolleyes: . It really is important to keep your ears open for the heresies and stay strong in your faith.

I plan to wear my Miraculous Medal proudly, by the way. 🙂
Watch out that “proudly” stuff, my friend.

Simply model our Lady’s behavior in your behavior, and you’ll have gotten it right.

Nobody is ever evangelized by going toe-to-toe, anyway. Exhibit all the gifts from the Holy Spirit that you’ve been given… kindness, temperance, etc.

Put on the breastplate of St. Patrick, and love. After all, you’re not being called to convert anybody… just to witness to your faith for what it means to you in YOUR life… particular examples of experiences… the deep stuff… y’know, stuff like that.

Keep it brief and simple. They’ll ask questions and/or comment for sure. If you shoot for bear yet have only a couple of puppies in front of you, be mindful that overgunning will disperse your audience real quick… or encourage those little puppies to morph rather quickly into wolves.

Sorry for my poetic language here… it’s late and I’ve been up for 22 and a half hours straight. G’nite!

And Dominus vobiscum!!

A protestant church is just exactly that. A protest against the Catholic Church. I would ask the neighbors some questions about their church. It wouildn’t take long and you would have to correct them about error. Catholics if they do go to these services need to speak up when they hear error. By participation you tell the protestants you approve of their church. I am anti- protestant. I love them but I don’t like them. They have infiltrated the Catholic Church with their everyone is going to heaven, all churches are equal, contracepting attitudes. I don’t go to their services because it is bad example to my family and most of all to them. I tell them that if I go I will preach the truth when I hear error.

All salvation comes through the Haly Catholic Church. I tell them they need to come to Mass. I am currently working with four Protyestants here in the Bible belt. They are listening to Catholic tapes and interested in the true church. I never get anywhere with Protestants when I allow them to think that their church is not in error.

Hi John 654,
Is your advice and are you actions in step with the attitude of your pope who kissed the Koran. I have read the document here on this site , about 1 year old saying how one should love each other and that protestants are being saved and you wont go to hell if you do not believe in their need to be saved in the Roman Catholic church.
Walk in love
I have attended services with my partner at his church. He is SDA. I sit there quietly and respectfully. The only noise you hear from me is from my rosary beads as they move thru my fingers.
~ Kathy ~
I might be invited to one of these today by my neighbors, and I don’t want to show any hostility and this also may be the perfect time to share and defend my faith. But the main thing I wanted to ask is, are catholics even allowed to go to one of these things, and if so what are we not allowed to partake-in in these services?
Of course you can attend a service at a non-Catholic Christian denomination. You cannot participate in any of their “sacraments” or “ordinances”. You cannot without the permission of your Bishop participate as a “Liturgical Minister” in the service.
oudave said:
Sorry but you are wrong here, COC’s will never refuse a person Communion. You have been misinformed.

Not refuse, but discourage. The Baptists don’t refuse, but discourage. As for the difference, most priests don’t refuse whomever comes up, because they have no way of checking. It is, however, forbidden.

A protestant church is just exactly that. A protest against the Catholic Church. I would ask the neighbors some questions about their church. It wouildn’t take long and you would have to correct them about error. Catholics if they do go to these services need to speak up when they hear error. By participation you tell the protestants you approve of their church. I am anti- protestant. I love them but I don’t like them. They have infiltrated the Catholic Church with their everyone is going to heaven, all churches are equal, contracepting attitudes. I don’t go to their services because it is bad example to my family and most of all to them. I tell them that if I go I will preach the truth when I hear error.

All salvation comes through the Haly Catholic Church. I tell them they need to come to Mass. I am currently working with four Protyestants here in the Bible belt. They are listening to Catholic tapes and interested in the true church. I never get anywhere with Protestants when I allow them to think that their church is not in error.

Part of your post is correct, but chunks of it are woefully ignorant. Protestants, esp. the fundamentalist and evangelical types, do NOT think everyone is going to Heaven or that one church is as good as another. Also, while it is true to say that all salvation comes throught the “Haly” Cathlic Church, you would do well to read the catechism, #827-819, and #836-838, promulgated by His Holiness Pope John Paul II.
Catholic Heart:
This is not strictly true…I have been in many a Baptist service, and regularly attend a Church of Christ Evangelical church with my husband…I am ALWAYS offered communion…which the latter church serves every Sunday. I do not, of course, recieve it, but I am always offered it.
Then that’s a sea change. I was brought up Southern Baptist, and got my BA from Baylor University (world’s largest Baptist University). Some individual congregations may doing this, but the general teaching/consensus is that only members of the local body of believers should take it. When you said you were offered it, were you encouraged to take it by the minister or was it simply passed to you to pass it onto others? They don’t rec. as we do, the matter is passed to the sitting congregants in trays.
Care must be taken such that you do not give “countenance to a false Christianity, quite alien to the one Church of Christ.” (Pius XI, Mortalium Animos, 1928).

See my blog on this…

Attending Protestant Services
itsjustdave1988.blogspot. c…t-services.html

Also, it cannot substitute for Sunday Mass.
Moreover, if by “active participation” in Protestant services, one gives “countenance to a false Christianity” which means the appearance of approval to doctrines and practices contrary to the Catholic faith, then such active participation in this sense is prohibited. In such instances, we act contrary to our faith which we are obliged to profess always, in our words and deeds. The Catholic profession of faith is fundamentally different than Protestant ecclesiology, epistemology, and with regard to many theological doctrines and liturgical practices. We must always avoid countenance to Protestant beliefs and practices which are contary to Catholicism.

Catholics can, however, in certain situations “observe” Protestant services for educational and ecumenical purposes to deepen one’s understanding of that particular ecclesial community, and to foster all that can lead to unity and harmony, all the while being careful not to give even the appearance of approval of a false Christianity. So, one must act prudently, weighing the ecumenical value against the risk of giving countenance to a false Christianity.

Pius XI’s words are not contrary to ecumenism, but rather protect the Church from a false or misguided ecumenism which confuses the identity, purpose, and mission of the Catholic Church which possesses the fullness of truth and communion with Jesus Christ with something less.
I agree!

When I am around Protestants I Preach to them. They love it. They are starving for the truth.

Jesus Christ is Love. Jesus Christ is the Truth. Protestantism is a Protest against the truth. I NEVER let protestants proclaim error without challenging them. If you don’t tell protestants the truth you DON’T love them.

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Join Date: May 19, 2004
Location: Tualatin, Oregon
Posts: 1,238 Re: Protestant church services
Originally Posted by john654
*Why go and bear false witness?
I never bear false witness when I go. I do not proslytize, but people know I am a Catholic Christian. They and I share one baptism (guess what: the Catholic Church recognizes their baptism as valid!), and one Lord.
I DO proslytize. Why don’t you. I don’t know the Lord that most Protesting christians talk to me about. I don’t know the Jesus who said "All you have to do is accept Jesus as you personal Lord and savior, say a sinners prayer, and your saved. A Jesus that said Baptism does not save. A Jesus that does not judge.
Just find a good Bible believing church.

Part of your post is correct, but chunks of it are woefully ignorant. Protestants, esp. the fundamentalist and evangelical types, do NOT think everyone is going to Heaven or that one church is as good as another. Also, while it is true to say that all salvation comes throught the “Haly” Cathlic Church, you would do well to read the catechism, #827-819, and #836-838, promulgated by His Holiness Pope John Paul II.
You right, I was wrong. Protestant, ESPECIALLY fundamentalist think that THEY are saved and religions are definatelly NOT equal. They think Catholics are on the way to Hell!

And just so you know. All salvation comes through the Holy Catholic Church. Any TRUTH that protesting christians know about Jesus comes through the True Church.

I think:
Protestant denominations accept contraception. They have a huge beam in their spiritual eye. Protestantism has failed at Christianity, and unity. Protestantism has been wildly successful at infiltrating, society, and the Catholic Church with it’s half truths, and lukewarm, do your own thing, I’m saved, presumptuous form of Christianity.
Protestantism is what is woefully ignorant.


You right, I was wrong. Protestant, ESPECIALLY fundamentalist think that THEY are saved and religions are definatelly NOT equal. They think Catholics are on the way to Hell!

And just so you know. All salvation comes through the Holy Catholic Church. Any TRUTH that protesting christians know about Jesus comes through the True Church.

I think:

Protestantism is what is woefully ignorant.

I’ve never disagreed with that, in fact, I think I pointed it out to you in the post I cited.
posted by Valtiel
Trust me nothing they could say or do can change the truth and fullness I find in catholicism, (I was protestant once, I know the emptyness in it and would never go back to it) I am researching all I can and am comparing all I can so I won’t be bombarded with something I don’t know and to grow into the fullness of my catholic faith. Yes they know that I am catholic, or at least should, and your right they probably want to convert me and all such nonsense (without in the least overtly hinting at it), but like I said I want this to be a perfect time to defend my faith and share it as well. I just wanted to know if there isn’t any thing if I go that I am bared from partaking in without violating my faith…
Great! As you came from the Protestant side, it’s good you understand the underlying motive here.

And while I do think it can be an opportunity for witnessing the truth, for me, I personally do not accept those invitations. I live in a small town and I feel it could cause misunderstanding if people heard I went somewhere other than the Catholic Church. I just take the opportunity to witness when the invitations are issued.
“Thank you so much for the welcome! But I am celebrating the resurrection of Our Lord in my home church. I am a Catholic Christian. (And if there is a special feast or event) You know this is palm Sunday. In the Catholic Church, we have a wonderful Mass with participation that really can help one worship the Lord even deeper. Would you like to Come? The Mass times are…”

In any event, you are certainly able to go to another service as long as you also go to Mass for that day since your obligation will not be met in a Protestant Church. (Saturday night or early morning Sunday). And as you have already been told, do not receive communion in anothers church.

God Bless,
I have attended services with my partner at his church. He is SDA. I sit there quietly and respectfully. The only noise you hear from me is from my rosary beads as they move thru my fingers.
~ Kathy ~
That’s awsome that you say the rosary during their “service”. The only protestant church I’ve gone to is when our golf team went to state the last two years and we stop at his church service.(I go on saturday night to fulfill my obligation.) I always felt awkward standing there and singing. Maybe I’ll try this next time. It will blow my teammates away considering they are all protestants. (One is a preacher’s daughter)
I think it is OK to take their communion. It is all worship of Christ. Read paul’s letters. I think contributing to Christian unity and putting personal feelings aside is always better than intoducing another fracture.

I think it is OK to take their communion. It is all worship of Christ. Read paul’s letters. I think contributing to Christian unity and putting personal feelings aside is always better than intoducing another fracture.
$-1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000to infinity…

I DO proslytize. Why don’t you. I don’t know the Lord that most Protesting christians talk to me about. I don’t know the Jesus who said "All you have to do is accept Jesus as you personal Lord and savior, say a sinners prayer, and your saved. A Jesus that said Baptism does not save. A Jesus that does not judge.
Just find a good Bible believing church.

I don’t proslytize, and I don’t preach. But I do share the Good News, which means I share the truth, and the Truth. People want to be lead, not shoved, and proslytizing is shoving, and comes off as a rather supercilious attitude.
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