Protestant Ministers

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THAT would be how you do that infallibility thing, then, right? šŸ˜‰

THAT would be how you do that infallibility thing, then, right? šŸ˜‰

Well if you only believe in what you see then whats the future, what do you see ? not a whole lot from this end, really all humans are on death row.
Bad way to look at it, but if we didnā€™t plant the seed in the ground, then it wonā€™t bear any fruit, ok itā€™s 5 /25 and Iā€™m tired goodnight.
Hi Mel:

Just wanted to say I think your comments are right on.

I think plainly most Protestant ministers simply become one because thatā€™s how they were raised.

I canā€™t understand though how when they are in seminary, how upon finding out about the True Church of Christ founded by Christ, not a man, how they can choose to simply ignore it and hold to Sola Scriptura. Are they blind? How can ANY minister who goes to seminary choose any other path other than Catholicism.

I donā€™t understand this at all. And I have about 10 Protestant Pastors in my family, men and women.

God Bless~~~~
Hi Mel:

Just wanted to say I think your comments are right on.

I think plainly most Protestant ministers simply become one because thatā€™s how they were raised.

I canā€™t understand though how when they are in seminary, how upon finding out about the True Church of Christ founded by Christ, not a man, how they can choose to simply ignore it and hold to Sola Scriptura. Are they blind? How can ANY minister who goes to seminary choose any other path other than Catholicism.

I donā€™t understand this at all. And I have about 10 Protestant Pastors in my family, men and women.

God Bless~~~~
Hello sparkle,

Precisely. How CAN anyone who goes to seminary come out without knowing the truth? I wonder does it have anything to do with the seminaries themselves being selective about what they expose their students to? That is sort of the basis of my question. (see original post)

Seminaries and protestant pulpits have the ability to spread their beliefs to many many people. I just wonder if we could make sure (how, I donā€™t know) that Catholicism is taught truthfully, then wouldnā€™t that significantly cut down on all of the misconceptions and misunderstandings about the Catholic faith?
I believe that Prots and Catholics are very ignorant of each othersā€™ beliefs. It is that simple. The Prots are taught that Catholicism ā€˜believes in works, worships Mary, teaches that the Pope is God, yadayada.ā€™ If you donā€™t investigate it, you just never see the richness of Catholicism.

I have heard tremendous ignorance of Protestants, as well, in our RCIA class ā€“ some of it from theologically-trained people, all from Catholics. Bad-mouthing and mocking of ā€˜born-again Christiansā€™ instead of a willingness to understand. I have seen it from Catholics on this site, too.

Ignorance. If you just grow up in the church and believe what you are handed down, without investigating, you do not cross the boundaries into the foreign lands. From either side. And, why would you?

That is why dialog is so terribly important. We are all part of the same family, and the separation could not be the Lordā€™s plan for us Christians.
Hi Mel:

Just wanted to say I think your comments are right on.

I think plainly most Protestant ministers simply become one because thatā€™s how they were raised.

I canā€™t understand though how when they are in seminary, how upon finding out about the True Church of Christ founded by Christ, not a man, how they can choose to simply ignore it and hold to Sola Scriptura. Are they blind? How can ANY minister who goes to seminary choose any other path other than Catholicism.

I donā€™t understand this at all. And I have about 10 Protestant Pastors in my family, men and women.

God Bless~~~~

Just because the RCC seems to be the path to you does not make it so for millions of Orthodox and Protestant Christians . The RCCā€™s claims to include authority, infalibility, etcā€¦ probably demand a higher standard in evaluating its claims.

Believe it or not just ignorance but history, facts, the competing ā€œtruthā€ of the Orthodox, not to mention behaviourā€¦ (that can speak louder that theological volumes), which weaken your case! After the 1st thouthand years of unedited Christian history it does become a little unclear to any educated Christian just who is what! Lets not even go into the history of church-state politics in the Middle Ages because there is enough there to cause anyone to become a little jaded with Christendom as a whole at that point.

Why do many not choose the ā€œTrueā€ path? Certainly there is ignorance, maybe prejudice, maybe many are not ā€œgivenā€ all the factsā€¦! But for others, clergy and laity, the facts, as they see them, are what prevent them from accepting the exclusivity of RC claims.


Do you guys have a charism of mind-reading you havenā€™t told us about yet?

WOWā€¦Calvin, umā€¦whatā€™s up with the link?? canā€™t quite figure it out :banghead:

BTW, not being disrespectfulā€¦just confusedā€¦ šŸ™‚
WOWā€¦Calvin, umā€¦whatā€™s up with the link?? canā€™t quite figure it out :banghead:

BTW, not being disrespectfulā€¦just confusedā€¦ šŸ™‚

Itā€™s my idea of a joke. The Moonies were passing hard copies of that statement out a few years ago and gave one to me. The guy who gave it to me said I should read it ā€œbecause it will change my life.ā€ I started reading it as I walked and, so help me, I laughed in his face!

So I guess you could say my signature is a link to the worst outreach tool I have ever seen. Donā€™t worry, I donā€™t believe it.

Little Mary:

In response to your first paragraph, my question, is, Why donā€™t they? Is it because they donā€™t want anything to stand in their way of being the head of their own little religion? Or have they been taught, through the generations, that it is OK to be that selective?

In response to your second paragragh, well said. :clapping: I think that statement could apply to several other threads in these forums.
Dare I suggest that sometimes, a person with a flair for public speaking sees the ministry as a good ā€œgigā€, so maybe there is a mony-motive involved?
Thereā€™s a certain amount of status that a man or woman gains by being ordained into the Protestant ministry. Nowadays, a Protestant minister, especially in the larger, such as Southern Baptist or mainline denominations (such as the Episcopalians, Methodists, and Presbyterians), is also an executive and a respected member of the secular community, usually a social equivalent of a well-established local businessman or corporate manager. I understand why it would be hard to leave something like that for the Church.

I have a cousin who is a retired Methodist minister in Florida. He was in the AIr Force for some years in the 1940s and 1950s, then was involved in advertising (did voiceovers and radio ads) before going to the seminary as a newly-married man. His wife was a divorcee and may be a former Catholic. In our numerous online conversations, he does not display a fanatical anti-Catholicism, but he obviously has acquired erroneous information and is not inclined to change.

My greatgrandfather was a Methodist circuit rider in South Carolina and northern Georgia from the 1880s into the early 1900s, after working his way through college as a country schoolteacher. Back in the post-Reconstruction South, there were only two routes of advancement for a young man with no family money and no business aptitude: the young man could either enter the ministry or join the military ā€“ and he did not want to leave the South. This greatgrandfatherā€™s father had been a Methodist lay preacher, which was apparently equivalent to a Catholic deacon-administrator of a rural parish, and his grandfather had been a ā€œclass leader.ā€ Iā€™m not sure what a ā€œclass leaderā€ did in the early 1800s, in rural South Carolina, but it was something similar to a lay preacher.

For good insights on this question, I recommend reading the novel How Firm A Foundation by Marcus Grodi of the Coming Home Network. His website is Itā€™s like being inside the mind of an ordained Protestant minister as he slowly and painfully comes to realize the truth.
Most Potestant ministers are taught in seminary or Bible school, only what that particular denomination deems appropriate, (their truth). I know some are very critical of Catholicism, but some truly believe that what they believe and teach ā€œisā€ the truth, and they really do love the Lord, and love serving Him. It has been quite popular to be a mega-church, and preach the ā€œsay it and claim itā€ kind of thing now, where Pastorā€™s are driving around in cars I could never afford, neither could the majority of their church. Where some members are hard-up to put food on the table, but God has chosen the pastor to be ā€œBlessedā€ with money, a huge house, all the luxuries of life, while a good number of his flock are struggling from day to day. I love the fact that Sisters and Fathers take a vow of poverty. It is so awesome to shed the burden of financial performance and focus on the performance of God in oneā€™s life. šŸ‘
As a plumber, I was called to the house where Br. Stan, the president of Christian Brothers University, lives.

This guyā€™s the president of a university.

That little shack was probably built in the ā€˜50s and has all of 800 square feet. The bathroom was probably 5ā€™x7ā€™ ā€“ tub and all. šŸ‘
I believe most protestant ministers are not taught the truth, not that they ignore the truth. It is kind of like the Christian homeschool history books I used to get before coming Home to the CC. Christianity only began 500 years ago if you read them, except of course the mention of the atrocities committed by priests!

I think money can become an issue, but I do not believe a good minister who loves God would ignore the truth once they understand just BECAUSE of money.

And letā€™s be real. Even though we can clearly see the truth in and of the Catholic Church, I know I learned much from Protestant Bible studies that seemed solidly grounded. Wesley seemed pretty smart at the time. It is not as if ministers or the people sitting in the pew do not try to educate themselves on their Protestant faith. I know many good Catholic people with truly strong prayer lives who donā€™t study at all. Sometimes I think it is just a matter of emphasis, Bible study with prayer or daily Mass with prayer. Both are good Christians seeking God, but going about it in different ways.

Thanks for sharing. It is a great site and yours is a truly inspiring story!

God Bless
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