Protestantism and conversion

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I was wondering – should we encourage a non-religious person’s conversion to Protestant Christianity? Is attending, say, the United Church better than attending no church at all? Or should we be hard-nosed about only evangelizing for Catholicism?

Thank you
God bless
I would imagine it could show Catholicism in a better light if you could allow them to decide and for them to at some time hopefully hear a calling…
I was wondering – should we encourage a non-religious person’s conversion to Protestant Christianity? Is attending, say, the United Church better than attending no church at all? Or should we be hard-nosed about only evangelizing for Catholicism? Thank you God bless

Can you explain the situation in more detail?
Sure, Barbkw–

A close family member of mine is not religious and has plainly said that she dissaproves of the Catholic stance on issues such as contraception and gay marriage. However she is having a tough time so I recommended to her that she try praying or attending church. My question is – should I encourage her to attend a church that she agrees with? especially if it might help her through a tough time? Or should I try harder to explain why the Catholic point of view is right?

Thank you.
Sure, Barbkw–

A close family member of mine is not religious and has plainly said that she dissaproves of the Catholic stance on issues such as contraception and gay marriage. However she is having a tough time so I recommended to her that she try praying or attending church. My question is – should I encourage her to attend a church that she agrees with? especially if it might help her through a tough time? Or should I try harder to explain why the Catholic point of view is right?

Thank you.
She gotta start somewhere. She’ll be Catholic sooner or later.
Or should I try harder to explain why the Catholic point of view is right?
I’d suggest explaining Sacred Scripture and the Catholic concerns about contraception in marriage, chastity, premarital sex and noncelibate same sex attraction.
Once the decision has been made to believe in God, and to accept Christ, it is absolutely best to draw them in through the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. They need truth, and outside of the Catholic Church they will encounter varying degrees of heresy. JMO.
=sarahq;7777863]I was wondering – should we encourage a non-religious person’s conversion to Protestant Christianity? Is attending, say, the United Church better than attending no church at all? Or should we be hard-nosed about only evangelizing for Catholicism?
Thank you
God bless

***Code of Canon Law:

Can. 748 §1. All persons are bound to seek the truth in those things which regard God and his Church and by virtue of divine law are bound by the obligation and possess the right of embracing and observing the truth which they have come to know.

§2. No one is ever permitted to coerce persons to embrace the Catholic faith against their conscience.***

Never “hard-nose”… simply ask: What is it your looking for?

SHARE that the CC is the ONLY:

One actually founded by God Himself; not some guy…

The CC is the Only Church that dates back to Christ Visitation and the Apostles

Christ and the Apostles as were ALL of the Early"Church Fathers" ARE CATHOLICS

That the CC gave the Bible to the World… In FACT the entire NT is written by Catholics

The NT Testament has over 100 reference to ONLY One Church…

John 10:16 And I have other sheep, that are not of this fold; I must bring them also, and they will heed my voice. So there shall be one flock, one shepherd.

**Acts.20:28 “**Take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church [SINGULAR] of God which he obtained with the blood of his own Son. “

**1 Cor. 1: 10” **I appeal to you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree and that there be no dissensions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment.”

Eph. 2:19-20 “So then you are no longer strangers and sojourners, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, [singular] built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure is joined together and grows into a holy temple in the Lord; [singular] in whom you also are built into it for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit. “

**Eph. 4: 4 -8“**There is one body [Only One Church] and one Spirit, [Only One set of beliefs] just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call, one Lord, [Only One God] ONLY one faith, [Only One set of doctrine and dogma] one baptism, By water in the Trinity] one God and Father of us all, who is above all and through all and in all. But grace was given to each of us according to the measure of Christ’s gift. "

You may wish to print this for futhr use?

Let ME know if I can be of further assistance…👍

God Bles,

Thank you PJM – your quotes are quite helpful. Unfortunately I’m not sure the party in question even believes in Jesus yet. I think the first step will be getting her to see how Jesus’ suffering and death are redemptive for her personally. And how He can help her with her trials. Then I’ll see about bringing her around to the one True church. These quotes will be helpful then.

Again, thanks and God bless
=sarahq;7778441]Thank you PJM – your quotes are quite helpful. Unfortunately I’m not sure the party in question even believes in Jesus yet. I think the first step will be getting her to see how Jesus’ suffering and death are redemptive for her personally. And how He can help her with her trials. Then I’ll see about bringing her around to the one True church. These quotes will be helpful then.
Again, thanks and God bless
If I can be of further assistance just let me know…

God Bless you!
I was wondering – should we encourage a non-religious person’s conversion to Protestant Christianity? Is attending, say, the United Church better than attending no church at all? Or should we be hard-nosed about only evangelizing for Catholicism?

Thank you
God bless
No, we SHOULD NOT encourage conversion to a Protestant religion. They is only one true Church. We SHOULD be understanding and answer all their questions sincerely as best we know how. Introduce them to Truth Himself.
No, we SHOULD NOT encourage conversion to a Protestant religion. They is only one true Church. We SHOULD be understanding and answer all their questions sincerely as best we know how. Introduce them to Truth Himself.
Quite right! It is difficult enought to come to know the light of Christ without first dumping and overcoming all the teachings contrary to the church. Guide them to the truth in a
gentle way. Provide phamplets, books, tapes, etc. Some of these catholic parishes have in their library. Some can be purchased using google for only a few dollars “used.”

Take her on a tour thru your parish church and explain the beautiful paintings and figures, the altar, and especially the tabernacle with the red light burning silently proclaiming the real presence of the man from Galliee. Ask her to sit with you a few
minutes in from of the tabernacle. Explain that the bible and the psalms are read every
Mass. Tell her about the special presence of God. Offer to take her to Mass with you if
she would like. The presence of our Lord will just do enormous amount of good.

Then in off moments, you could explain simple prayers like the roseary which help to calm people in times of trouble or family misunderstandings. And so on.

And when you feel she might like to know more, introduce her to RCIA.

Now while all of the above and some more is being done, above all, pray the roseary
for her every day and consecrate her to our blessed Lady.

And for your own peace of mind, read the last paragraph of St. James gospel.
Alright, first of all, when one does not hardly believe that there’s a God, telling them that the Catholic church is the only true church and all othesr teach heresy does several things.
  1. Makes you sound like a loon. We’re told to speak the truth in love, and it certainly doesn’t help your case when right off the bat you blast every other church. You might think that you’re doing a great job, but you have a better chance explaining doctrines of the Christian faith and the Catholic perspective than saying you’re right because you’re right.
  2. Makes you sound unwilling to hear the other side of the story. While you might be unwilling, you must present yourself in an open manner. If you sound cut off or close minded to a person who’s branching out and actually looking into faith after years of being closed off, they certainly don’t want to explore it with someone who won’t help them weigh the options.
Let’s look at St. Paul. When he was speaking with the Gentiles, he found the “Unknown God”. This is exactly what we need to learn from. He didn’t run right in and tell them that everything they know is completely wrong and they’re not living the true faith. He built upon what they knew, explaining that essentially they’re eating baby food right now, but here is true spiritual growth and development.

So before you start running around and giving them this book and that book, taking them here and there and explaining every subject under the sun, give them a bible. Have them start with the Gospel of John. Answer the questions with love and charity. Explain things with simplicity and understanding. Draw them to the Catholic faith through attitude and action, not words or coercion.
I would be inclinded to encourage a Catholic church and say you’ll go with her. Perhaps suggest RCIA just to find out more. That way she can learn more about the faith and decide if she’s really against all of those things or not.
Thank you everybody, for all your responses. I really appreciate your caring and (name removed by moderator)ut.
I think I will invite her along to RCIA, as I will be starting it myself in the fall. For time being, I’ll explain the Catholic view as best I can and explain why the Church disapproves of contraception and same-sex marriage. And lead her with love and patience to the one True Church.

with love,
God bless
Alright, first of all, when one does not hardly believe that there’s a God, telling them that the Catholic church is the only true church and all othesr teach heresy does several things.
  1. Makes you sound like a loon. We’re told to speak the truth in love, and it certainly doesn’t help your case when right off the bat you blast every other church. You might think that you’re doing a great job, but you have a better chance explaining doctrines of the Christian faith and the Catholic perspective than saying you’re right because you’re right.
  2. Makes you sound unwilling to hear the other side of the story. While you might be unwilling, you must present yourself in an open manner. If you sound cut off or close minded to a person who’s branching out and actually looking into faith after years of being closed off, they certainly don’t want to explore it with someone who won’t help them weigh the options.
Let’s look at St. Paul. When he was speaking with the Gentiles, he found the “Unknown God”. This is exactly what we need to learn from. He didn’t run right in and tell them that everything they know is completely wrong and they’re not living the true faith. He built upon what they knew, explaining that essentially they’re eating baby food right now, but here is true spiritual growth and development.

So before you start running around and giving them this book and that book, taking them here and there and explaining every subject under the sun, give them a bible. Have them start with the Gospel of John. Answer the questions with love and charity. Explain things with simplicity and understanding. Draw them to the Catholic faith through attitude and action, not words or coercion.
Joseph nor I said what you think we said. If you care to know, just ask.
Joseph nor I said what you think we said. If you care to know, just ask.
I was speaking in generalities, referencing no one or single post in particular. Way to throw yourself under the bus, though. 😉
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