Howdy Kevin! I’m glad you took an interest in my post and would be glad to try to answer the queries you posed.
Q: How many posts have you read?
A: I stand by my original answer:Many.
Q: Can you please tell me about Protestant doctrine?
A: Wow, this could take forever and I really don‘t have the time to write a novel for you. I will, however, say that all Christians accept the Nicene Creed, the Apostles Creed, and the Definition of the Council of Chalcedon. For information on my denomination visit (Presbyterian Church USA). For information on prevailing theologies visit (reformed theology-here you’ll find the Westminster Confession of Faith, Augsburg Confession, Cannons of Dort) as well as your local library for information on Wesleyanism and whatever else you want to know.
Q: Literal doesn’t mean true does it (pertaining to the Bible)?
A: Of course literal doesn’t mean true. I consider the Bible to be true but not literal. I’m pretty sure you understand. Stop being difficult.
Q: How can the Bible contain mistakes and still be inspired by God?
A: You’re a Catholic, you should know this answer. People transcribed the Bible. These people made mistakes despite the fact God inspired them to write it.
Q: Have I heard of a Brown Scapular? Isn’t a strange sign of the Holy Spirit?
A: Yes I have heard of it. Do I believe that the Holy Spirit would specifically single you out, or perform a miracle because you wear one? I’m not God, so I can’t answer that, but I feel in my heart the answer is NO. God works in mysterious ways, but I disagree with Pentecostals when it comes to their “speaking in tongues” and most of their “healings”. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying God doesn’t or can’t heal, it just seems that most Pentecostal healings are big shows. And yes, I’m aware “speaking in tongues is Biblical, but I’m also aware that for the most part, modern day manifestations seem phony.
Q: Don’t Catholics baptize adults?
A: Yes, as do all Christians. I think you should have been able to understand that I was referring to the fact that Baptists and most Pentecostals only baptize those who can make their own confession of faith (i.e. not babies).
Q: ………Benny Hinn?
A: I shouldn’t have even brought him up.
Q: Don’t all protestants require a confession of faith along the lines: “I accept Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior” ?
A: I don’t call this a Protestant Doctrine. Maybe you should read up on this because obviously you’re lacking knowledge in this area. The point of my post wasn’t to discuss every doctrine of every denomination. I was merely discussing the generally accepted doctrines of what I consider the main-line denominations. What are mainline denominations? You can figure it out.
Q: Doesn’t Christ just demand obedience?
A: Christ demands obedience “follow me” and faith “believe in me”. Besides, explain how you could obey him all you life without believing in him?
Q: What’s the Authority on Reformed Theology?
A: The Bible. see Romans 8:28-30 and John 3:16 among others.
Q: Isn’t Protestantism about what you believe, not what your church believes?
A: No, we have authority as well, it‘s called the Bible. But we are also not mindless robots. We can make moral decisions that the Bible doesn’t deal with.
Q: The concept of picking one theology over another is something I don’t understand as a Catholic.
A: Wow, you should understand. Augustine’s theology certainly is different than Aquinas’ which is certainly different compared to Bonaventure’s.
Text was too long, continued in next thread