Or, for the record, if you are an American Evangelical or some other Protestant, but came to a better understanding of John 6, you could stop in at your friendly neighborhood Lutheran Church, since Lutherans, in general, do not really care whether or not Roman Catholics believe they have valid orders, and confess multiple times in the confessional symbols that the Sacrament is the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, given for us Christians to eat and drink.
If you are in communion with Rome or Constantinople, you should probably go to a church of your own communion. The issue of valid orders brought up here only makes sense from within a specifically Roman Catholoc framework, which is to be expected on this forum. An acknowledgement of the existence other perspectives, however, would be nice. Surely, it can be agreed that it is better for an American Evangelical to become Lutheran than it is for them to remain where they are, if they cannot for whatever reason make the jump to Rome.