I looked at the photos on your reference. Truly these are tragic. And as usual, God gets the blame. You will do this so long as you do not believe in him, and this is Satan’s deception. Don’t believe in him or God, and if God, then all bad is caused by him.
Evil entered this world because of sin, original sin committed by man. Because of this, death, disease, evil entered the world. For God to have prevented this, it would have taken away free will where we can chose him. He does not force himself on us. We can accept him or, like you reject him. Thus consequences.
So God, the all loving, created a world where an extremely evil deity will constantly try to trick us into spending eternity in fire.
Firstly, Satan is not a deity. Satan is an angel gone bad through his own free will choice.
But no, Satan and evil are made by the sin of man.
Satan was not made by the sin of man, but made GOOD by God and ALLOWED to choose to behave “not good”, which is to behave evilly.
Evil is not created (as only God “creates” properly speaking), but constructed by misuse of free will. Only GOOD is created, and all that is created (the creation) is good.
What then did the sin of man come from?
The sin of man is FROM man (with consequences for mankind). The sin of Satan is FROM Satan (with consequences for the angels).
If God is omniscient, then he knew he was creating evil forces in man in the beginning, but he did so anyway. It’s almost like a cosmic game.
He certainly “knew” (which is an interesting word to apply to God of course) that free will implies the possibility of evil choice, but He considered free will to be more important a gift to His supreme creatures (man and angel) than the mere possibility of evil choice.
AND, even if free will WAS misused and evil constructed by His critters given free will, He could always respond and create even greater (more and better) good from the evil chosen by those critters, which would in fact be for our (non-destroyable immortal humanity and “angelity”) even greater benefit!
The only caveat is that free will choices are only repentable-of in the “human life” realm. The demons are eternally “toast” because they never existed as persons in the realm of “human life”. And human persons who have finally chosen either God or not (hell) once “earthly dead” are commited to that choice.
I’m a big lover of game-theory. You could in fact call this a game! It is the “game” of reality. All “players” can make moves within their various constraints of their free will, and there are actual consequences for both correct play, namely “winning”, and incorrect play, namely “losing”.
The atheist NEEDS reality to NOT be a game because they hate the idea of winners and losers, because if the possibility of losing is real, they have no escape from their massive existential anxiety.
They DO in fact always carry this anxiety, which they think is simply the price of being alive. That is where they are wrong. The anxiety disappears once one realizes that reality has winners and losers, and that it’s not that difficult to be a winner, though it’s VERY difficult to be a “non-purgatory-for-‘some-time’ bound” winner!
The more anxious they (atheists) get, the more they deny winners and losers. The more they deny this, the more anxious they get. This amplifies into one form or another of desperation, which moves them either to frantic struggle against “winners and losers” or despairing “get-it-now-ness”.