First I want to congratulate you on having the courage to speak about your story hear. I am a fellow survivor as well and I know the courage it takes to admit what has happened to you. I also am in my twenties and still suffer the effects of the abuse in terms of self-esteem, self-love and trust. Abuse effects every facet of your life and it can be a long journey to put all the pieces together again.
I think you have gotten great advice here so far, which is a testiment to the wonderful people on this forum. One thing I would add, is have you ever gotten professional help in dealing with the abuse? I only ask because seeing a therapist really helped me get over the feelings of guilt, anger, true hatred and distrust towards men. When I was going through the hardest part in my journey, I did not have a personal relationship with Christ and so I understand the anger at God for “letting this happen” to you.
I can only say that after many years of therapy, talking about it, reading about abuse — I literally lived and breathed this stuff — that I feel that I have “healed”. And strangely enough, it is after I “healed” that I came to know God in a personal way. Letting go of all the hatred and anger and guilt opened me up to the Holy Spirit and has enriched my life in ways I never thought possible. I was also a “cutter”, or self-injurer, and after I turned toward God, I was able to free myself from this habit. I cut myself because I hated myself, felt “dirty” for what had happened to me. Remember that whatever happened to you is NOT your fault. I know you probably intellectually understand that, but it’s another thing to believe it in your heart. But it is TRUE.
I’m afraid that I wasn’t much help to you, I have so many things I could say to you, but these posts can only be so long.

So, I guess to wrap up my ramblings, I really truly understand some of the feelings you are having and I want to help you in any way I can. Keep coming here to the forum and hopefully you will find solace here. Seek a good Christian therapist if you feel comfortable. Do you have a friend/family member you can talk to about your feelings? I found that really talking about everything helped me sort it all out.
Please take care of yourself and know that all of us here are praying for you. Send me a private message if you ever need to vent, or talk, or whatever, OK?
You are NOT alone.