"If you’re trying to harness some kind of spiritual energy, it’s a mortal sin (divination). If what you’re doing can be explained physiologically, such as a mental exercise for relaxation and increasing your attentiveness to the world around you, it is fine."
Noun: The practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means.
Where did I mention I was trying to attain knowledge of the future?
Also, no, I’m not trying to harness any sort of spiritual power so I think I’m alright as well.
**"Thanks for the clarifications.
It sounds like a way of achieving supernatural powers, but instead of justifying them with magic it uses pseudoscience (and I don’t mean that label as an insult BTW). I can’t speak authoritatively about this, but it almost sounds like this practice is trying to fill a spiritual void in your life and could prove to be an obstacle.
Would you mind if we do an experiment though?
Can I come up with a sequence of 5 numbers each 1-500 (ex: 98 313 53 221 411) and see how close you get to the sequence, or even how many numbers out of the set of 5 you guess? I’ll generate the sequence with a random number generator.
I can encrypt the sequence (with a message appended to it to make sure to you that there’s no trickery), post the encrypted sequence here and then after you guess share the key with you and the decrypted string?"**
You are very welcome. Now that I know you’re taking me seriously, don’t worry about insulting me. I understand that almost everything I say strikes most people as irrational and completely false.
I agree it can be an obstacle in my spiritual life as I have a problem with balancing faith/reason and objectifying the faith. However, I did recently clear out many of the conceptual issues with the faith which almost pushed me to leaving completely (Person-hood of God, Incarnation, Infallibility, etc.). They’re not completely cleared up (obviously haha), but I have made reasonable progress and no longer consider leaving the Church to be a reasonable choice. I understand that people might jump on me for this, saying that anything that endangers my faith should be dropped immediately, but I am at a point where dropping Psionics without a complete explanation could pull me away from The Church.
I wouldn’t mind some sort of experiment. However, you should know that I can’t pull rabbits out of a hat. I.e., I’m no pro at Psionics and I can not guarantee many (if any) results. My focuses are in empathy (emotion reading/projection), “energy” manipulation, and some telepathy (in that order).
I foresee a few problems with that experiment from my side. First of all, how am I supposed to “find” them? When I did the experiment with my friend, he either concentrated/focused on each number (one at a time and he moved on to the next after I stated my guess) or held the number of fingers up behind his back. (I used a blindfold or looked away so I couldn’t potentially figure it out from the muscles that would be flexed in his upper arm.) Also, the range of numbers is large enough to be slightly hard to conceptualize. (E.g. 123 might be easily projected or made into a concept, but what about 257?)
There are a few things that might be easier/better and still reasonably effective. For example, if we could chat on some sort of IM or maybe IRC and do something live through that, I think it would be best. Also, I am moderately good at reading emotions wrapped up in posts. For example, someone would post something like “what is this” (while concentrating on and feeling a certain emotion) and I would get it most of the time.
I’ll be happy to try your idea, but I’m not really sure If I can pull it off.
Maybe we can try both? We’ll try your experiment and if your interested, PM me and we can arrange some sort of live chat.