why does a teachers union have a political staff and are going into schools campaigning for pro-abortion politicians ? isnt it bad enough that these teachers teach kids to use condoms and have sex ?
**Public Schools … your tax dollars at work to promote **abortion and gay marriage
The nation’s largest teachers’ union overwhelmingly Monday endorsed Kerry’s presidential bid, giving the Massachusetts Democrat more than 86 percent of the vote of the nearly 9,000 delegates attending the union’s annual meeting in Washington
The 2.7-million member union’s endorsement generates considerable resources for Kerry. The NEA said its political staff will be put to work in 15 target states over the course of the general election, going into schools to rally members and sponsoring house parties emphasizing the importance of education as a political issue.
**Public Schools … your tax dollars at work to promote **abortion and gay marriage
The nation’s largest teachers’ union overwhelmingly Monday endorsed Kerry’s presidential bid, giving the Massachusetts Democrat more than 86 percent of the vote of the nearly 9,000 delegates attending the union’s annual meeting in Washington
The 2.7-million member union’s endorsement generates considerable resources for Kerry. The NEA said its political staff will be put to work in 15 target states over the course of the general election, going into schools to rally members and sponsoring house parties emphasizing the importance of education as a political issue.