Public schools and teachers being used to campaign for the abortion

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why does a teachers union have a political staff and are going into schools campaigning for pro-abortion politicians ? isnt it bad enough that these teachers teach kids to use condoms and have sex ?

**Public Schools … your tax dollars at work to promote **abortion and gay marriage

The nation’s largest teachers’ union overwhelmingly Monday endorsed Kerry’s presidential bid, giving the Massachusetts Democrat more than 86 percent of the vote of the nearly 9,000 delegates attending the union’s annual meeting in Washington

The 2.7-million member union’s endorsement generates considerable resources for Kerry. The NEA said its political staff will be put to work in 15 target states over the course of the general election, going into schools to rally members and sponsoring house parties emphasizing the importance of education as a political issue.

The 2.7-million member union’s endorsement generates considerable resources for Kerry. The NEA said its political staff will be put to work in 15 target states over the course of the general election, going into schools to rally members and sponsoring house parties emphasizing the importance of education as a political issue.

First of all…it’s not your public school dollars at work to promote Kerry – the union is talking about having its union leaders visit members at their place of work – schools.

You didn’t really give me the option I wanted in your poll, which was that teachers in public schools should not be teaching Christian values, as public schools should not be religious. In fact, they should be absent of moral teaching and focused strictly on academic subjects.

Moral education belongs firmly in the camp of the family, as no two of us would agree on appropriate morals for our families down to the letter.
Greetings all!

I taught four years in a fifth grade classroom at a public school. Our school was a public charter school (becoming more common, though i know charters aren’t in all states). Our school taught a moral education program that infused every part of our curriculum and behavior at the school. The program was a Core Knowledge curriculum, in which we used the cardinal virtues- Prudence, Temperance, Justice, Fortitude. These main categories break down into ideas like honesty, responsibility, friendship, etc. These core values are shared by basically every human society, including Catholic culture and teaching.

In this framework, I was able ot express much of the truth to students, though still held back on important specific Christian teaching. For example, I could talk to a student about the importance of honesty, but not that he offends Jesus through lies.

FOr abortion, I again could not teach or impose specific doctrines, so I used other prolife techniques. I would let the kids debate the issues, since kids naturally have a respect for all life. When pregant, it was an excellent opportunitiy. My students would say “Good Morning Mrs. Fickel, Good morning baby Fickel” from the time I was 10 weeks along. I would bring in my ultrasound, and each week, give an update on my baby. My kids would all have little conversations wiht my baby, give her little pats and make her cards.

By our example, we as teachers, must fully live all of our Christain values, and in that way, we will teach the kids them, too!

The NEA had represenetives at the recent “Womens March for Lives.” Sickening…
another comment-- I joined a Charter school because it was non-union. I did not want to be a part of the NEA
IMO, I do not think that Public school teachers should be openly supporting abortion, pro-choice politicians, or homosexual unions in the classroom. However, I think that birth control should be taught in public high schools in sex ed.
I must disagree with birth control being taught in public schools. I think those issues should be covered by the family. I, for one, was submitted to my health teacher stretching condoms over his head and going into terribly immodest detail about sexual issues.

Even if taught in a beter way than my teacher handled it, I saw such practices do nothing but encourage sexual relations between teens. Not only that, but for the rare teen who was more innocent on these matters, innocence is shattered. It creates an improper atmosphere in an instution that should be academic.

Parents, if they agree with birth control, can tell their kids about it. what could happen if they are not told? Well, they could get pregnant or get sexually transmitted diseases. The truth is, they still do, at a HIGHER rate, when educated about birth control and barrier methods.

Public teachers need to be non-partisan. Or at least offer a non-partisan education to their students. It was very disturbing to read that the NEA is openly endorsing a candidate of EITHER party. I do hope that teachers will not let their personal opinions enter the classroom, or if they do, I hope that they present in a non-biased way the views of the other side of the coin. This is just wrong…
It was very disturbing to read that the NEA is openly endorsing a candidate of EITHER party…
The NEA is a teacher’s UNION – it’s no different than any other union endorsing a candidate, from the UAW to air traffic controllers. The union always throws its weight behind a candidate. Whether that translates to membership votes is fuzzy, but I’m sure many people believe that their union looks out for their best interests in terms of workplace issues.
:mad: Public schools are nothing more than government indoctrination centers.

This issue is more about unions tho. I despise unions, I’m forced to be a member AFSCME, the most friggin’ liberal of them all, but it’s be a member or find another job. They steal money out of my check, without my permission, and give it to Howard Dean :crying:

All unions should be dissolved immeadiately, they have outlived their usefulness and become bastions of socialism corrupting our society.
How ironic this post is. I am going to be doing a presentation/discussion on morality and values for my education course. I am in my senior year for my education program. I really do wonder how people feel about teachers promoting certain values and morals on their students.

Personally, I am going to show through how I act and what I say that I am a proud Cathoic. I will not be overly forceful, but my students will know what I am about and what I stand for. You must be true to what you believe in and you have to believe that you can make a difference.
Every teacher needs to be aware that there are alternatives:

The Association for American Educators is a superlative alternative to the national and state teachers’ organizations that are promoting political agendas and letting education go to pot. Check 'em out!
some teachers who are conservative are forced into the union and have to pay the union fees which goes to fund democrat and pro-abortion politicians.
kjvail said:
:mad: Public schools are nothing more than government indoctrination centers.

This issue is more about unions tho. I despise unions, I’m forced to be a member AFSCME, the most friggin’ liberal of them all, but it’s be a member or find another job. They steal money out of my check, without my permission, and give it to Howard Dean :crying:

All unions should be dissolved immeadiately, they have outlived their usefulness and become bastions of socialism corrupting our society.

Is there a way to lessen the power of these unions ?

I was watching A&E last night, and they were showing when John Edwards was running for President…some old goat of a woman approached his wife and asked if he was for abortion…his wife BEAMED and said…not only is he pro choice he has a 100% rating from NARAL…sickening…
Our local public high school had Planned Parenthood come and speak to the students. Even after many locals complained and threatened to protest, they were still able to talk.
I can’t agree the NEA is no different than any other union endorsing a candidate. Their members are responsible for educating, and potentially shaping the minds and opinions of the youth of America. It just doesn’t sit well with me if they endorse a candidate who is pro-choose the right to end the life of an innocent (please make sure to finish what the choice in pro-choice really is).
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